
日本とcultureに関するfujikumoのブックマーク (3)

  • BBC News - Whaling peace plan to go forward this year

    A proposal aimed at bridging the split between whaling nations and their opponents will almost certainly come to governments for decision this year. Sources say it could involve Japan accepting quotas below current levels; but Iceland is opposing proposed catch limits and an international trade ban. Some anti-whaling countries see such a "peace package" as the only way to constrain whale hunting.

    fujikumo 2010/04/17
  • "Cove" Movie Assails Dolphin Hunt, Gets Oscar Boost

    With The Cove movie winning the 2010 Oscar for best documentary Sunday night, residents of the fishing village made famous in the movie are voicing their disappointment, calling the film inaccurate and intolerant of other cultures. The Cove's makers and distributors counter that the movie won the Oscar because it was well made and worth seeing, and that the Oscar nod highlights people's concerns a

    "Cove" Movie Assails Dolphin Hunt, Gets Oscar Boost
    fujikumo 2010/03/10
  • iza:イザ!

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