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"Saved For Later"の検索結果1 - 9 件 / 9件

  • New in Chrome 85  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

    Chrome 85 is starting to roll out to stable now. Here's what you need to know: You can improve rendering performance with content-visibility: auto. CSS properties can now be set… in CSS. You can now check if your Windows app or PWA is installed with getInstalledRelatedApps(). App icon shortcuts work on Windows too (for real this time). An origin trial for fetch upload streaming has started. And mo

    • New in Chrome 84  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

      Chrome 84 is starting to roll out to stable now. Here's what you need to know: Users can start common tasks within your app, with App Icon Shortcuts. The Web Animations API adds support for a slew of previously unsupported features. Wake lock can prevent the screen from dimming or locking. The Content Indexing API helps surface content that is available offline. There are new origin trials for idl

      • Writing Good Design Documents | Mercari Engineering

        The first day’s post of Mercari Advent Calendar 2020 is brought to you by Ann Kilzer from the Mercari Web Platform team. As developers, we’re known for writing code, but often, there is a lot of planning and preparation to ensure we write the right code. Design Documents are a helpful tool in this planning. When should I write a design document? Design documents are best for projects of significan

          Writing Good Design Documents | Mercari Engineering
        • A brief history of LLaMA models - AGI Sphere

          LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI) is a language model released by Meta (Facebook). It is Meta’s answer to OpenAI’s GPT models. The LLaMA base model was released in February 2023. Now we have seen a handful of new fine-tuned LLaMA models released. It is literally a brief history, but a lot has happened for sure. So let’s do a brief review. I will cover some developments in models and briefly tou

            A brief history of LLaMA models - AGI Sphere
          • PWAにアプリショートカットを導入する(長押しオプション) - Qiita

            Apple系がまだ非対応ですね。 導入方法 導入はとてもかんたんでmanifest.jsonにshortcuts配列を追加するだけです。ServiceWorkerの変更とかも不要です。 { "name": "Player FM", "start_url": "https://hoge.com", "shortcuts": [ { "name": "Open Play Later", "short_name": "Play Later", "description": "View the list of podcasts you saved for later", "url": "/play-later", "icons": [{ "src": "/icons/play-later.png", "sizes": "192x192" }] }, { "name": "View Subscrip

              PWAにアプリショートカットを導入する(長押しオプション) - Qiita
            • リダイレクトと代入と展開だけのBashコマンド - Ryoto's Blog

              この記事はシェル芸 Advent Calendar 2019の10日目の記事です。 問題のコマンド {x}<"$x" _=${x=<(echo moo)} <&0$(cat <&"$x" >&2) これはどういうコマンドでしょうか? ちなみにこれはwiki-dev.bash-hackers.orgに記載されているもので、Simple Command(単純なコマンド)の一つとして挙げられています。 All of the following are simple commands. Bash Hackers Wiki – Basic Grammar Rules of Bash お、おう… まぁ確かにCompound Command(複合コマンド: if ...; then ..; else ..; fi など改行やセミコロンによって構成されるコマンド群)ではないのでSimple Command

              • IFTTTとGASを連携させると夢が広がる!今すぐ連携させるぞ - ポンコツエンジニアのごじゃっぺ開発日記。

                Webサービス同士を連携できるサービスIFTTTですが、その連携先にGoogle Apps Script(以降、GAS)と連携させることができれば、よりあらゆることができるようになると思っています。 なので、今回はそれを実現させてみましたので紹介したいなと思います。 はじめに IFTTTとは Google Apps Scriptとは IFTTTからGASへ GASの設定 ログ確認用のスプレッドシート GASのスクリプト GASをAPIとして公開 IFTTTの設定 if that 動作確認 今後の展望 はじめに はじめに、IFTTTとGASのそれぞれの簡単な説明をしたいなと思います。 IFTTTとは 「if this then that」の略。 IFTTTは、「レシピ」と呼ばれる個人作成もしくは公に共有しているプロフィールを使って数あるWebサービス同士で連携することができるWebサービスで

                  IFTTTとGASを連携させると夢が広がる!今すぐ連携させるぞ - ポンコツエンジニアのごじゃっぺ開発日記。
                • Get things done quickly with app shortcuts  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                  Get things done quickly with app shortcuts Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. App shortcuts give quick access to a handful of common actions that users need frequently. To improve users' productivity and facilitate reengagement with key tasks, the web platform now supports app shortcuts. They allow web developers to provide quick access to a hand

                  • What's Inside a Linux Kernel Core Dump

                    Linux kernel core dumps are often critical for diagnosing and fixing problems with the OS. We’ve published several blogs related to kernel core dumps, including how to generate them, how to estimate their size, how to analyze them with Drgn, and even how to manually extract stack function arguments from them. But have you ever wondered what’s really in a core dump? In this blog, we’ll answer that

                      What's Inside a Linux Kernel Core Dump