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  • 機械学習を「社会実装」するということ 2024年版 / Social Implementation of Machine Learning 2024

    機械学習を「社会実装」する際に待ち受けている罠と、その解決方法の考察 (2024年版) です。今回は、生成AI時代とも呼ばれる昨今において、我々は機械学習プロジェクトをどのように捉え、どのように向き合えばよいか?の羅針盤になる内容を盛り込みました。 ※この資料は、東京大学メタバース工学部リスキリング講座プログラム グローバル消費インテリジェンス寄付講座 (GCI) 2023 Winterの講義で使用したものです。 https://gci2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/archives/course/gci-2023-winter ※過去に同テーマで講義した際に使用した資料はこちら。 https://speakerdeck.com/moepy_stats/social-implementation-of-machine-learning-july-2023-version https:/

      機械学習を「社会実装」するということ 2024年版 / Social Implementation of Machine Learning 2024
    • Professional Machine Learning Engineer試験対策マニュアル - G-gen Tech Blog

      G-gen の佐々木です。当記事では Google Cloud(旧称 GCP)の認定資格の一つである、Professional Machine Learning Engineer 試験の対策や出題傾向について解説します。 基本的な情報 Professional Machine Learning Engineer とは 難易度 試験対策 機械学習の一般的な知識 代表的な機械学習アルゴリズム 評価指標 回帰問題における評価指標 分類問題における評価指標 ヒューリスティック 機械学習モデルの開発、運用における課題の解決 データの前処理 欠損値の処理 カテゴリカル変数の扱い 不均衡データの対策 過学習の対策 正則化 早期停止 トレーニングの改善 ハイパーパラメータの調整 トレーニング時間の改善 交差検証 モデルのモニタリングと改善 スキューとドリフト モデルの軽量化手法 Google Cloud

        Professional Machine Learning Engineer試験対策マニュアル - G-gen Tech Blog
      • 機械学習を「社会実装」するということ 2023年7月版 / Social Implementation of Machine Learning July 2023 Version

        機械学習を「社会実装」する際に待ち受けている罠と、その解決方法の考察 (2023年7月版) です。今回は、LLM等の生成AIの進化が加速し実用化フェーズを迎えた激動の時代において、機械学習プロジェクトに取り組む私たちに何ができるか?といった内容を盛り込みました。 ※この資料は、東京大学メタバース工学部リスキリング講座プログラム グローバル消費インテリジェンス寄付講座 (GCI) 2023 Summerの講義で使用したものです。 https://gci2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/archives/course/gci-2023-summer ※過去に同テーマで講義した際に使用した資料はこちら。 https://speakerdeck.com/moepy_stats/social-implementation-of-machine-learning-2023 https://speak

          機械学習を「社会実装」するということ 2023年7月版 / Social Implementation of Machine Learning July 2023 Version
        • Double/Debiased Machine Learning による因果効果推定(1) - Qiita

          はじめに 東北大学/株式会社Nospareの石原です.本記事では,機械学習を用いた平均処置効果 (average treatment effect; ATE) の推定方法を紹介します.以前の記事で紹介したように,条件付き独立の仮定の下では条件付き期待値関数と傾向スコアを推定することができれば ATE を推定することができます.Chernozhukov et al. (2017) は,条件付き期待値関数と傾向スコアを機械学習手法で推定することで ATE を推定するという方法を提案しています.彼らの提案した方法は "Double/Debiased Machine Learning" と呼ばれています.本記事では,通常のノンパラメトリック推定方法を用いた場合の既存の理論結果を紹介し,機械学習手法を用いる場合の理論的な問題点を解説します.そして,次回の記事で,Chernozhukov et al.

            Double/Debiased Machine Learning による因果効果推定(1) - Qiita
          • Do Machine Learning Models Memorize or Generalize?

            By Adam Pearce, Asma Ghandeharioun, Nada Hussein, Nithum Thain, Martin Wattenberg and Lucas Dixon In 2021, researchers made a striking discovery while training a series of tiny models on toy tasks . They found a set of models that suddenly flipped from memorizing their training data to correctly generalizing on unseen inputs after training for much longer. This phenomenon – where generalization se

              Do Machine Learning Models Memorize or Generalize?
            • CI/CD for Machine Learning in 2024: Best Practices & Tips | Qwak

              CI/CD for Machine Learning in 2024: Best Practices to Build, Train, and Deploy Explore best practices for CI/CD in Machine Learning in 2024. Learn to build, train, and deploy ML models efficiently with expert strategies. Building and deploying code to production environments is a fundamental aspect of software development. This process is equally pivotal in the realm of production-grade Machine Le

              • GoogleのMLOps実践ホワイトペーパー Practitioners Guide to Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) 要点まとめ - 肉球でキーボード

                Googleが公開した、MLOps実践のためのホワイトペーパー GoogleがMLOps実践のためのホワイトペーパーを公開しています。 Practitioners Guide to Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) 2021年5月に公開されたものですが、2024年現在に読んでも色褪せない内容だったので、各章の要点をまとめました。 TL;DR Googleが2021年5月に公開したMLOpsの実践のためのホワイトペーパー MLOpsライフサイクルの全体像・コア機能を解説 コア機能: 実験、データ処理、モデル学習、モデル評価、モデルサービング、オンライン実験、モデル監視、MLパイプライン、モデルレジストリ、データセット・特徴量レポジトリ、MLメタデータ・アーティファクトトラッキング MLOpsのコアプロセスの詳細を解説 コアプロセス: ML開発、学習の運用

                  GoogleのMLOps実践ホワイトペーパー Practitioners Guide to Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) 要点まとめ - 肉球でキーボード
                • 「AWS Cloud Quest日本語版」に、機械学習を実践的に学べる「Machine Learning(機械学習)」が追加

                  Amazon Web Service(AWS)は、ゲームを通じてAWSを学べる「AWS Cloud Quest日本語版」に、新たに「Machine Learning(機械学習)」の教材が追加されたことを明らかにしました。 「AWS Cloud Quest」は、クラウド技術者となったプレイヤーがクエスト内の街の住人から出題される課題やクイズなどを、AWSを使って解決しつつ、クラウドの技術を学んでいくオンラインロールプレイングゲームです。 実際にAWSのサービスを組み合わせてソリューションを構築するため、非常に実践的な内容となっています。 2022年3月に英語版が登場し、その後に日本語版で、入門編としてプレイヤーがクラウドプラクティショナー(クラウドを実践する人)となってプレイする「クラウドプラクティショナー」ロールと、ソリューションアーキテクトとしてゲームをプレイする「ソリューションアーキテ

                    「AWS Cloud Quest日本語版」に、機械学習を実践的に学べる「Machine Learning(機械学習)」が追加
                  • AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty(MLS-C01)に合格できました。 - APC 技術ブログ

                    はじめに こんにちは、あるいはこんばんは、クラウド事業部の原田です。 今回はAWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialtyに合格しましたので情報や所感等を共有させていただこうと思います。 Specialtyは月初に受けたDASに続いて5つ目になります。 DAS / DBS / ANS / SCS 点数 859/1000 いつもは800~850の間で落ち着くことが多いですが、今回はしっかり理解できた...のではなく、 2択まで絞った上でたまたま正解拾ってたパターンが多い(上振れした)印象です。 勉強時間 約3週間、平日は30分~1時間+休日3~4時間 合計40時間程 AWSでは(毎度のことながら)未経験。SageMaker触ったことないです。 Azure Machine Learningは業務で使ったことがあり、プライベート化やデータレイクとの接続の経験

                      AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty(MLS-C01)に合格できました。 - APC 技術ブログ
                    • Azure Machine Learning Prompt flow 評価メトリクス解説

                      Front-end application development, Symfony-style(s)

                        Azure Machine Learning Prompt flow 評価メトリクス解説
                      • LayerX Machine Learning勉強会


                          LayerX Machine Learning勉強会
                        • GitHub - stas00/ml-engineering: Machine Learning Engineering Open Book

                          This is an open collection of methodologies, tools and step by step instructions to help with successful training of large language models and multi-modal models. This is a technical material suitable for LLM/VLM training engineers and operators. That is the content here contains lots of scripts and copy-n-paste commands to enable you to quickly address your needs. This repo is an ongoing brain du

                            GitHub - stas00/ml-engineering: Machine Learning Engineering Open Book
                          • From Python to Elixir Machine Learning

                            As Elixir's Machine Learning (ML) ecosystem grows, many Elixir enthusiasts who wish to adopt the new machine learning libraries in their projects are stuck at a crossroads of wanting to move away from their existing ML stack (typically Python) while not having a clear path of how to do so. I would like to take some time to talk to WHY I believe now is a good time to start porting over Machine Lear

                              From Python to Elixir Machine Learning
                            • Financial Machine Learning

                              Yale SOM; AQR Capital Management, LLC; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

                              • K-Means Clustering for Unsupervised Machine Learning

                                K-means clustering is a type of unsupervised learning when we have unlabeled data (i.e., data without defined categories or groups). Clustering refers to a collection of data points based on specific similarities. K-Means Algorithm K-means aims to find groups in the data, with the number of groups represented by the variable K. Based on the provided features, the algorithm works iteratively to ass

                                  K-Means Clustering for Unsupervised Machine Learning
                                • Using Linear and Logistic Regression in Machine Learning

                                  Logistic Regression and Linear Regression are two fundamental statistical methods used for predictive modeling within the supervised machine learning framework. Before discussing these two concepts, let’s discuss what regression is and the use of regression analysis in machine learning. What is Regression Regression in statistics refers to a type of predictive modeling technique that analyzes the

                                    Using Linear and Logistic Regression in Machine Learning
                                  • A Guide to Clustering in Machine Learning

                                    When we cluster things, we put them into groups. In Machine Learning, Clustering is the process of dividing data points into particular groups. One group will have similar data points and differentiate from those with other data points. It is purely based on the patterns, relationships, and correlations in the data. Clustering is a form of Unsupervised Learning. Let’s quickly recap the definition

                                      A Guide to Clustering in Machine Learning
                                    • Hierarchical Clustering in Machine Learning

                                      If you read the “An Introduction to Clustering” article, you will know that Hierarchical Clustering is a type of Connectivity model in Machine Learning. To recap, Connectivity Models are based on the fact that data points in the same data place have similarities. What is Hierarchical Clustering? Hierarchical Clustering is an algorithm that groups similar data points into clusters. Hierarchical Clu

                                        Hierarchical Clustering in Machine Learning
                                      • Performance Metrics for Regression Problems in Machine Learning

                                        All the absolute percentage errors are added together, and then the total is divided by the number of observations to get the MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error. Formula for MAPE MAPE is calculated as the average of the absolute percentage errors between predicted and actual values. The formula for MAPE is as follows: Interpretation of MAPE: The MAPE expresses error as a percentage, making it ea

                                          Performance Metrics for Regression Problems in Machine Learning
                                        • Three Types of Machine Learning

                                          Machine learning is the heart of AI. Similar to any species, AI needs continuous learning. So, let’s see how we make AI learn and what types of machine learning are there. In this article, we will understand the three different types of Machine Learning; however, we must first understand Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a computer-controlled rob

                                            Three Types of Machine Learning
                                          • Slack has been using data from your chats to train its machine learning models

                                            Slack trains machine-learning models on user messages, files and other content without explicit permission. The training is opt-out, meaning your private data will be leeched by default. Making matters worse, you’ll have to ask your organization’s Slack admin (human resources, IT, etc.) to email the company to ask it to stop. (You can’t do it yourself.) Welcome to the dark side of the new AI train

                                              Slack has been using data from your chats to train its machine learning models
                                            • Azure Machine Learning の Prompt flow で Azure Cognitive Search をベクトルストアとして RAG を実行する - Qiita

                                              Azure Machine Learning の Prompt flow で Azure Cognitive Search をベクトルストアとして RAG を実行するAzureAzureMachineLearningCognitiveSearchChatGPTGPT-4 Azure Machine Learning に Prompt flow が搭載され、パブリックプレビューが開始されました。Prompt flow は大規模言語モデル (LLM) を利用した AI アプリケーションの開発サイクル全体を合理化するように設計された新時代の開発ツールです。 Azure AI Studio Azure AI Studio は Azure OpenAI Studio の Chat Playground や Azure Machine Learning の Prompt flow を包含するサービスと

                                                Azure Machine Learning の Prompt flow で Azure Cognitive Search をベクトルストアとして RAG を実行する - Qiita
                                              • How to Avoid Overfitting in Machine Learning Model?

                                                Overfitting is a typical mistake that many machine learning engineers make, typically beginners. Unfortunately, this mistake can completely ruin your machine learning model, producing incorrect outputs and leading to making the wrong decision. What is Overfitting in Machine Learning? Overfitting in Data Science occurs when a statistical model fits precisely against its training data. It is a model

                                                  How to Avoid Overfitting in Machine Learning Model?
                                                • Introduction to Machine Learning

                                                  Machine Learning is making a buzz in the industry. And it’s the right time to get familiar with it. Let’s get the basics right. Let’s get started. What is Machine Learning What the heck is machine learning? If I had to quote it in a single sentence, I would say, ‘Machine Learning is a way to find a pattern in data to predict the future. The above is not the only definition of machine learning. The

                                                    Introduction to Machine Learning
                                                  • Causal Machine Learning: A Survey and Open Problems

                                                    Causal Machine Learning (CausalML) is an umbrella term for machine learning methods that formalize the data-generation process as a structural causal model (SCM). This perspective enables us to reason about the effects of changes to this process (interventions) and what would have happened in hindsight (counterfactuals). We categorize work in CausalML into five groups according to the problems the

                                                    • 人工知能と機械学習 / Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

                                                      🎥講義動画はこちら 人工知能と機械学習 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 本講義では人工知能と機械学習の基礎について解説する。いまの人工知能に何ができてどういう場面で活用されているのかを紹介する。また、大量のデータからルールを学習する技術である機械学習について、その仕組みを紹介する。 This is an introductory lecture on artificial intelligence and machine learning. You will learn what artificial intelligence can do and how artificial intelligence is impacting our everyday lives. Machine learning plays an impor

                                                        人工知能と機械学習 / Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
                                                      • GitHub - zwang4/awesome-machine-learning-in-compilers: Must read research papers and links to tools and datasets that are related to using machine learning for compilers and systems optimisation

                                                        SRTuner: Effective Compiler Optimization Customization by Exposing Synergistic Relations - Sunghyun Park, Salar Latifi, Yongjun Park, Armand Behroozi, Byungsoo Jeon, Scott Mahlke. CGO 2022. Iterative Compilation Optimization Based on Metric Learning and Collaborative Filtering - Hongzhi Liu, Jie Luo, Ying Li, Zhonghai Wu. ACM TACO 2022. Bayesian Optimization is Superior to Random Search for Machin

                                                          GitHub - zwang4/awesome-machine-learning-in-compilers: Must read research papers and links to tools and datasets that are related to using machine learning for compilers and systems optimisation
                                                        • Predicting and improving complex beer flavor through machine learning - Nature Communications

                                                          Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer). In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript.

                                                            Predicting and improving complex beer flavor through machine learning - Nature Communications
                                                          • An Introduction to Bayesian Network for Machine Learning

                                                            A Bayesian network is a graphical model representing probabilistic relationships among variables. Introduction Probabilistic models are based on the theory of probability. I guess that was quite self-explanatory, considering it is in the name. Probabilistic models consider the fact that randomness plays a role in predicting future outcomes. The opposite of randomness is deterministic, which tells

                                                              An Introduction to Bayesian Network for Machine Learning
                                                            • LLMOps with Azure Machine Learning prompt flow (Machine Learning 15minutes! Hybrid #86)

                                                                LLMOps with Azure Machine Learning prompt flow (Machine Learning 15minutes! Hybrid #86)
                                                              • Demystifying the Famous Buzzwords: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

                                                                Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Data Science are very common keywords that we use worldwide today. Irrespective of the profession pursued, these keywords are common across all the domains. Newspapers are covered with articles related to data science or AI on a day-to-day basis. Every day, there is news talking about the advancements in these fields. Technology is revolutio

                                                                  Demystifying the Famous Buzzwords: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
                                                                • k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbors) in Supervised Machine Learning

                                                                  K-nearest neighbors (k-NN) is a Machine Learning algorithm for supervised machine learning type. It is used for both regression and classification tasks. As we already know, a supervised machine learning algorithm depends on labeled input data, which the algorithm learns to produce accurate outputs when input unlabeled data. k-NN aims to predict the test data set by calculating the distance betwee

                                                                    k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbors) in Supervised Machine Learning
                                                                  • A Guide to Gradient Descent in Machine Learning

                                                                    In machine learning, optimizing the learning models is a critical step. This is where Gradient Descent emerges as a central optimizing algorithm. What is Gradient Descent? Machine learning hinges on creating models that predict outcomes from various inputs. However, these models don’t start perfectly; they initially operate on random parameters, which are not ideal for making accurate predictions.

                                                                      A Guide to Gradient Descent in Machine Learning
                                                                    • A Guide to Random Forest in Machine Learning

                                                                      The Random Forest algorithm is a versatile and powerful tool capable of handling various data-driven challenges for machine learning. The concept of Random Forest took birth because of the need for simplicity and ensemble learning. In Layman’s terms, Ensemble Learning is stacking together a lot of classifiers to improve performance. What is a Random Forest? Random Forests is a Supervised Learning

                                                                        A Guide to Random Forest in Machine Learning
                                                                      • Guide to Cross-validation in Machine Learning

                                                                        Cross-validation is a technique used in machine learning to assess how well a model will generalize to an independent data set. What is Cross-Validation? Imagine you’re a teacher preparing a test for your students. You want to ensure that the test accurately reflects how well your students understand the material and not just how well they memorized specific questions you used during their revisio

                                                                          Guide to Cross-validation in Machine Learning