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361 - 400 件 / 668件

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1980sの検索結果361 - 400 件 / 668件

  • ‘At first I thought, this is crazy’: the real-life plan to use novels to predict the next war

    As the car with the blacked-out windows came to a halt in a sidestreet near Tübingen’s botanical gardens, keen-eyed passersby may have noticed something unusual about its numberplate. In Germany, the first few letters usually denote the municipality where a vehicle is registered. The letter Y, however, is reserved for members of the armed forces. Military men are a rare, not to say unwelcome, sigh

      ‘At first I thought, this is crazy’: the real-life plan to use novels to predict the next war
    • Segelflygetkarlstad - Diskussionsforum

      Europeiskt Apotek stesolid online pharmacy Klicka här - http://url-qr.tk/pharmacy - Gå till Apotek - 70% rabatt på kvalitetsmedicin. - Snabb leverans och fullständig anonymitet. - Bonuspiller och stora rabatter för varje beställning - Vi återbetalar om du inte är nöjd med produkten. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Inköp Använda Visa Generisk o

      • A Lisp REPL as my main shell

        If you enjoy this article and would like to help me keep writing, consider chipping in, every little bit helps to keep me going :) Thank you! Update: As of 2021-02-07, not all the code and configurations used in this presentation have been published. Should happen in the coming days, stay tuned! Introduction video The concepts I’m going to present in this article were featured in a presentation at

        • 過剰貯蓄と双子の赤字:開放経済での財政刺激策の伝播 - himaginary’s diary

          というNBER論文をMatthew Rognlieらが上げている。原題は「Excess Savings and Twin Deficits: The Transmission of Fiscal Stimulus in Open Economies」で、著者はRishabh Aggarwal(スタンフォード大)、Adrien Auclert(同)、Matthew Rognlie(ノースウエスタン大)、Ludwig Straub(ハーバード大)。 以下はその要旨。 We study the effects of debt-financed fiscal transfers in a general equilibrium, heterogeneous-agent model of the world economy. In the long run, increases in governm

            過剰貯蓄と双子の赤字:開放経済での財政刺激策の伝播 - himaginary’s diary
          • Foldable Words | bit-player

            Packing up the household for a recent move, I was delving into shoeboxes, photo albums, and file folders that had not been opened in decades. One of my discoveries, found in an envelope at the back of a file drawer, was the paper sleeve from a drinking straw, imprinted with a saccharine message: This flimsy slip of paper seems like an odd scrap to preserve for the ages, but when I pulled it out of

            • HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face


                HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face
              • The Surprising Roots of Japan's Indian Curry

                It's been a while since our last post - life got in the way. A big thanks to everyone who reached out! We are now restarting our articles, though we might not always write once a week. If we don't think it's interesting, we won't send it to your inbox :) And we have a request too. It would encourage us greatly, if you could think of one friend who would enjoy our articles, and ask them to sign up

                  The Surprising Roots of Japan's Indian Curry
                • Building a BASIC Interpreter, '80s style

                  It’s funny the rabbit holes one ends up. One of my personal projects for several years has been the creation (exploration, really) of a “fake emulator” — that is, an emulator for a computer that never existed all written in JavaScript. Instead, the machine would pay homage to the eight and sixteen bit machines of the 1980s and ‘90s. I like to do things the hard way, though: this machine would also

                  • dbs-002.dvi

                    Foundations and Trends R � in Databases Vol. 1, No. 2 (2007) 141–259 c � 2007 J. M. Hellerstein, M. Stonebraker and J. Hamilton DOI: 10.1561/1900000002 Architecture of a Database System Joseph M. Hellerstein1 , Michael Stonebraker2 and James Hamilton3 1 University of California, Berkeley, USA, hellerstein@cs.berkeley.edu 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 3 Microsoft Research, USA Abstra

                    • Bringing Virtualization to the x86 Architecture with the Original VMware Workstation

                      12 Bringing Virtualization to the x86 Architecture with the Original VMware Workstation EDOUARD BUGNION, Stanford University SCOTT DEVINE, VMware Inc. MENDEL ROSENBLUM, Stanford University JEREMY SUGERMAN, Talaria Technologies, Inc. EDWARD Y. WANG, Cumulus Networks, Inc. This article describes the historical context, technical challenges, and main implementation techniques used by VMware Workstati

                      • Ryuichi Sakamoto, Oscar-Winning Composer, Dies at 71 (Published 2023)

                        Ryuichi Sakamoto, one of Japan’s most prominent composers, who scored the films “The Last Emperor,” “The Sheltering Sky” and “The Revenant” and was a founder of the influential Yellow Magic Orchestra techno-pop band, died on Tuesday. He was 71. His Instagram page announced the date of his death, but it did not provide further details. Mr. Sakamoto said in 2021 that he had received a diagnosis of r

                          Ryuichi Sakamoto, Oscar-Winning Composer, Dies at 71 (Published 2023)
                        • 1980年代日本映画――試行と新生 | 国立映画アーカイブ

                          2021.2.16 - 2021.5.5→2021.4.24 ●臨時休館に伴い、4月25日(日)からの上映を中止いたします。上映中止となった4月25(日)~5月5日(水・祝)の上映につきまして全席払い戻しを行います。 ●4月24日(土)までの上映実施回につきましても、定員の変更、または新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を受け、ご鑑賞をおやめになった方、体調不良の方、また来館時の検温の結果、37.5℃以上の発熱が確認された方を対象にを行います。 ●上映の感染症予防の対策およびご来館の皆様へのお願いにつきましては、当該ページ「新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大防止策」をご覧ください。 上映企画 会 期 ※4/24(土)更新 (変更後)2021年2月16日(火)-4月24日(土) 会期中の休館日:月曜日、3月29日(月)-4月7日(水) (変更前)2021年2月16日(火)-5月5日(水・祝) 会期中の休館日

                          • 河村たかしと高須克弥の「点と線」(20) 佐賀不正署名アルバイトさん向け「誓約書」「秘密保持契約書」に関する一考察 - illegal function call in 1980s

                            河村たかしと高須克弥の「点と線」第20回ご報告です。 [:contents] 佐賀の不正署名アルバイトさんが「誓約書」にサインをさせられたという報道がありました。 担当者は大村知事を「悪い人」と説明…署名偽造に従事したアルバイトが証言 愛知・リコール不正問題:東京新聞 TOKYO Web またこれに関し、留保は付くものの(後述)、関連性がないとはいえない書類の画像がツイッターにアップされていました。 https://twitter.com/vanillove/status/1358093627025596418 一見、一読して当方のセンサーに引っかかるものがありました。実は僕も実務法律家の資格持ちです(小声)。このようなケースで案外「読む」と「書く」とでは大違い、内在的に理解するには写経が有効と先輩に教えられたことがあります。やってみました。なお写経に当たって4点、僕が編集を行っています。

                              河村たかしと高須克弥の「点と線」(20) 佐賀不正署名アルバイトさん向け「誓約書」「秘密保持契約書」に関する一考察 - illegal function call in 1980s
                            • The Big Tuna Sandwich Mystery (Published 2021)

                              Canned tuna is high in protein, low in fat and by far the most popular shelf-stable seafood in the United States. It can also be mysterious, questionable and scandalous. As The Washington Post reported in late January, Subway — the world’s largest sandwich chain — is currently facing a class-action lawsuit in the state of California that claims its tuna sandwiches “are completely bereft of tuna as

                                The Big Tuna Sandwich Mystery (Published 2021)
                              • 今週のはてなブログランキング〔2021年2月第4週〕 - 週刊はてなブログ

                                はてなブログ独自の集計による人気記事のランキング。2月21日(日)から2月27日(土)〔2021年2月第4週〕のトップ30です*1。 # タイトル/著者とブックマーク 1 オッパイは尻の代替品という解像度の低い説 - 本しゃぶり by id:honeshabri 2 文系パパエンジニアが放送大学等でコンピュータサイエンス・数学を学んで理系学士を取りに行く話 - とあるCS学徒のブログ by id:wbspr 3 日本で活動する中国公安関係者 - 黒色中国BLOG by id:blackchinainfo 4 従業員の給与が上がらなかったのは「株主への配当より大事ではなかった」だけ - 銀行員のための教科書 by id:naoto0211 5 【レシピ】春キャベツとしらすの湯通しサラダ - しにゃごはん blog by id:shinya_gohan 6 セキュアにGoを書くための「ガードレ

                                  今週のはてなブログランキング〔2021年2月第4週〕 - 週刊はてなブログ
                                • 高須克弥の入院先と病棟について「点と線」第67回 - illegal function call in 1980s

                                  記事公開後の追記(6/9, 4:00am) 隠すようになりました。小賢しい。こういうことをしない「あけっぴろげ」さが、県政転覆会(100万人リコールの会)の犯した黒くて重い行いの中にあって、数少ない明るさの発光源だったのに。 https://twitter.com/katsuyatakasu/status/1402373766043213825 要塞は1つだけなのでしょう。別の要塞に(N16内で)移ることは難しくての小細工かと。今後のベッドからのセルフィーに注目したいと思います。 以下は初出時のまま ツイ廃のみなさん気を付けましょうというお話です。「点と線」第67回。高須克弥の入院先と病棟について。 記事公開後の追記(6/9, 4:00am) 以下は初出時のまま 品川旗の台か豊洲か 高須には関係のない話 逮捕はよ またあっけらかんと大胆な写真ツイートを上げてきました。暇で暇でどうしようもな

                                    高須克弥の入院先と病棟について「点と線」第67回 - illegal function call in 1980s
                                  • Tobira Records

                                    Quickview {"id":8414068048122,"title":"Flord \u0026 Weirdvin \/\/ Oyster EP 12\"","handle":"flord-weirdvin-oyster-ep-12","description":"\u003cp\u003eスウェーデン・ストックホルムのテクノ作家FlordとWeirdvinが、2024年4月にFlord主宰レーベルLyssna Recordsからリリースした共作12\"です。\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eミニマルファンク〜ミニマル・テックハウス〜アンビエント・テクノ4曲を収録。\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ciframe src=\"https:\/\/w.soundcloud.com\/player\/?url=https%3A

                                      Tobira Records
                                    • RDBMS_Genealogy_V6

                                      BAY AREA PARK CODD RIVER RELATIONAL CREEK CODD RIVER BAY AREA PARK 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s DABA (Robotron, TU Dresden) v1, 1992 v1.0, 1987 v4.0, 1990 v10, 1993 v1, 1987 v2, 1989 v3, 2011 v11.5, 1996 v11.9, 1998 v12.0, 1999 v12.5, 2001 v12.5.1, 2003 v15.0, 2005 v16.0, 2012 v1, 1989 v2, 1993 v1.0, 1980s v5.x, 1970s v6.0, 1986 OpenIngres 2.0, 1997 vR3, 2004 v1, 1995 v6, 1997 v7, 2000 v8, 2005 v

                                      • Extralife Instruments ER-99 Web Drum Synthesizer

                                        What Is ER-99? ER-99 is a web-based instrument 🎛️ based on a famous Japanese drum machine from the 1980s. It was built to celebrate 9/09 day 2022 🎉! All of the drums are synthesized using the WebAudio API. The hi-hats, crash, and ride cymbals are produced from sampled audio. The complete source code is available on Github. How do I play? You can play the drums by pressing the number buttons on y

                                          Extralife Instruments ER-99 Web Drum Synthesizer
                                        • She was a notorious hacker in the ’80s — then she disappeared

                                          In the ’80s, Susan Headley ran with the best of them—phone phreakers, social engineers, and the most notorious computer hackers of the era. Then she disappeared. She was known, back then, as Susan Thunder. For someone in the business of deception, she stood out: she was unusually tall, wide-hipped, with a mane of light blonde hair and a wardrobe of jackets embroidered with band logos, spoils from

                                            She was a notorious hacker in the ’80s — then she disappeared
                                          • Good Developer Experience | Developer Experience Knowledge Base

                                            Do not forget to make your developers happy, and keep them happy! What Is a Good Developer Experience The Developer Experience (DX) describes the experience developers have while using or working on your product. It is a package of positive and also negative feelings. In many companies, dealing with DX is often secondary to trying to make a User Experience (UX) as good as possible. This approach i

                                              Good Developer Experience | Developer Experience Knowledge Base
                                            • Order Low Price Belfil 120mg Online - Where to Purchase Sildenafil Citrate in Approved Pharmacy - Cars and Car Parts Answers

                                              Order Low Price Belfil 120mg Online - Where to Purchase Sildenafil Citrate in Approved Pharmacy Buy Belfil Cheap, Where Can I Buy Belfil Tablets In The Uk Belfil Medstore chosen by thousands! BUY Belfil ONLINE! - CLICK HERE! cheap belfil supplies, pharmacy sildenafil citrate cheap, order sildenafil citrate cape town sale, belfil cheap 2019 online, buy iv belfil, buy belfil with sildenafil citrate

                                              • (Raspberry) Pi Commander | The MagPi 95 - Raspberry Pi

                                                Adrien Castel’s idea of converting an old electronic toy into a retro games machine was no flight of fancy, as David Crookes discovers The 1980s was a golden era for imaginative electronic toys. Children would pester their parents for a Tomytronic 3D or a Nintendo Game & Watch. And they would enviously eye anyone who had a Tomy Turnin’ Turbo Dashboard with its promise of replicating the thrill of

                                                  (Raspberry) Pi Commander | The MagPi 95 - Raspberry Pi
                                                • Static TypeScript

                                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Static TypeScript An Implementation of a Static Compiler for the Typ

                                                  • Arctic Adventure: A Lost 1981 TRS-80 Adventure Game

                                                    A LOST 1981 TRS-80 ADVENTURE GAME (SLIGHTLY REMASTERED FOR THIS CENTURY) NEW! Along with ARCTIC ADVENTURE, this site now also includes Charles Forsythe's remastered LOST SHIP ADVENTURE (1980) and my same-as-it-ever-was SLOT MACHINE (1979-ish), both playable in your browser. No TRS-80 required! The image below is not a screenshot. It's a playable version of ARCTIC ADVENTURE that works right in your

                                                      Arctic Adventure: A Lost 1981 TRS-80 Adventure Game
                                                    • Plan 9 from Bell Labs in Cyberspace!

                                                      Everyone who is anyone in tech is familiar with UNIX, the Bell Labs operating system that revolutionized computing systems by becoming the dominant OS on mainframes, workstations and web servers, and, as the progenitor of Linux, formed the foundation for the internet and cloud infrastructure we know today. But what many don’t know is the team that created UNIX also developed another operating syst

                                                        Plan 9 from Bell Labs in Cyberspace!
                                                      • Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System?

                                                        Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System? Andrew Crotty Carnegie Mellon University andrewcr@cs.cmu.edu Viktor Leis University of Erlangen-Nuremberg viktor.leis@fau.de Andrew Pavlo Carnegie Mellon University pavlo@cs.cmu.edu ABSTRACT Memory-mapped (mmap) file I/O is an OS-provided feature that maps the contents of a file on secondary storage into a program’s address spac

                                                        • 認知症の父親が自ら作曲した音楽を覚えていた!ピアノで演奏する姿が感動的

                                                          自身が作曲した音楽を演奏し始める その男性とはイースト・サセックスのCrowboroughに住む、Nick Harveyさん。 彼によれば父親のPaulさんは認知症を患い、時折記憶をなくして、全く別の世界を彷徨っているように見えるという。 その度にNickさんは、父親を失ったような悲しみに襲われてきたそうだ。 しかし先日、父親が訪ねてきた時、ピアノの前に座り、以前自身が作曲した曲を弾き始めたそうだ。 Nickさんはこの時の様子を撮影し、その後ツイッターに動画を投稿。すると多くの反響が寄せられた。 We’ve just found this. With lyrics by Pete Talman, ‘Where’s The Sunshine?’ was written for an original Imberhorne School (East Grinstead) production

                                                          • Inside Hiragino: Hiragino Shock and Apple Publishing Glyph Set

                                                            The Hiragino fonts in OS X The transition to Mac OS X [macOS X] was a very interesting time for the Japanese publishing industry. In his first official appearance in Japan after returning to Apple, Steve Jobs turned the publishing industry on its head when he announced at MacWorld Tokyo 2000 that Apple would bundle professional Japanese fonts licensed from Dainippon Screen with extended character

                                                            • kelquartier.com • Consulter le sujet - Zonder recept Malegra. Koop korting.

                                                              Europese apotheek Zonder recept Malegra -- http://url-qr.tk/Malegra -- Klik hier -- ga naar de apotheek - Snelle levering en volledige privacy - Lage prijs voor kwaliteitsgeneesmiddelen - 100% legale producten. - Uw volledige tevredenheid is gegarandeerd of uw geld wordt geretourneerd - Bonuspillen en grote kortingen voor elke bestelling - Kwaliteit en farmaceutische dosering. - Verschillende beta

                                                              • ナムコの知られざる天才スーパーハッカーが仕込んだ隠しメッセージの謎とそれを廻る都市伝説|妖怪道中記

                                                                PCエンジン用ソフト『妖怪道中記』。 このゲームにはある裏技が存在する。 タイトル画面で特定のボタンを押すと隠し画面に移動するのだ。 そこでパスワードを入れると… 発売から34年を経ても判明していなかったこの隠し要素を廻る謎が今、解き明かされる!? 初めて『隠しメッセージ』動画を作った一年半前からいつか作りたいと思っていた企画の動画です。 ようやくできました! -------------------- フリーチャット -------------------- この動画いいな!お金払う価値ある!4STの動画制作応援したい! と思ってくださった方はこちらからいつでもスパチャできますのでよろしくお願いします(・∀・) 全て制作費に使わせていただきます。 https://youtu.be/X6abfQNL5P0 -------------------- 未判明のパスワードを一緒に解析しま

                                                                • The Premature Obituary of Programming – Communications of the ACM

                                                                  Deep learning (DL) has arrived, not only for natural language, speech, and image processing but also for coding, which I refer to as deep programming (DP). DP is used to detect similar programs, find relevant code, translate programs from one language to another, discover software defects, and to synthesize programs from a natural language description. The advent of large transformer language mode

                                                                  • Silicon Valley Bank - Wikipedia

                                                                    Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is a commercial bank division of First Citizens BancShares. The bank was previously the primary subsidiary of SVB Financial Group, a publicly traded bank holding company that had offices in 15 U.S. states and over a dozen international jurisdictions.[7][8][9] As a regional bank in the San Francisco Bay Area, SVB offers services specifically designed to meet the needs of t

                                                                      Silicon Valley Bank - Wikipedia
                                                                    • Judith Butler: ‘We need to rethink the category of woman’

                                                                      It’s been 31 years since the release of Gender Trouble. What were you aiming to achieve with the book? It was meant to be a critique of heterosexual assumptions within feminism, but it turned out to be more about gender categories. For instance, what it means to be a woman does not remain the same from decade to decade. The category of woman can and does change, and we need it to be that way. Poli

                                                                        Judith Butler: ‘We need to rethink the category of woman’
                                                                      • “War Rugs” by Afghanistan’s Women Weavers Bring Modern Conflict to an Ancient Tradition | Artsy

                                                                        Lessons from the Afghan Women Who Weave Modern War into an Ancient Tradition Women of Central Asia have been weaving hand-made rugs of intricate design for thousands of years. But in 1979, the carpets began to change radically. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan displaced more than a million citizens and devastated the region. Its effects impacted everyday life so deeply that women in Afghanistan

                                                                          “War Rugs” by Afghanistan’s Women Weavers Bring Modern Conflict to an Ancient Tradition | Artsy
                                                                        • Databases in 2023: A Year in Review | OtterTune

                                                                          I am starting this new year the same way I ended the last: taking antibiotics because my biological daughter brought home a nasty sinus bug from Carnegie Mellon’s preschool. This was after my first wife betrayed me and gave me COVID. Nevertheless, it is time for my annual screed on last year’s major database happenings and trends since a lot has happened. My goal is to keep my trenchant opinions f

                                                                            Databases in 2023: A Year in Review | OtterTune
                                                                          • ホマレ姉さんにご相談です - illegal function call in 1980s

                                                                            ホマレ姉さん(id:homare-temujin)にご相談です。すみません、遅い時間帯に。ちなみに「ご相談」の「ご」は、相談を持ち掛けるのが自分でも、授受を伴う際に、動詞に敬語を添えると、相手方への敬意になるという用法です。案外、知られていない。説明にも困ることがあります。「お願いします」なんて、ありふれた常套句なんですが、この「お」がそうです。願うのは自分ですが、敬意は、願われる相手方に伴う。 本題(ご相談)に戻ります。 これの冷蔵庫部分に、付箋ないし、白板(ホワイトボード)的なものを備え付けたい。鯵に包丁を入れて、白髭のねぎで包んで、生姜の薄切り少々を乗せて、上の、大同電鍋で、明日朝の出番を待っているんですが、(そうこうしていると)ちょっとひらめくじゃないですか。例えば、キャベツとじゃがいもが残っていた、ソーセージもあった、お見せするようなポトフじゃないけれど、もう1品、即席(人参なし

                                                                              ホマレ姉さんにご相談です - illegal function call in 1980s
                                                                            • Gianni Bernardinello, Baker Who Fed Neighbors Amid Pandemic, Dies at 76 (Published 2020)

                                                                              “He said he was putting out leftovers at night, but I also saw him putting out fresh bread in the middle of the day,” said Alessandra De Luca, 56, a client and a friend. “He was really worried.” Mr. Bernardinello died of the coronavirus on Nov. 9 at a hospital in Milan, his daughter, Samuela Bernardinello, said. He was 76. Until he fell ill, he went to his bakery every day, even though his daughte

                                                                                Gianni Bernardinello, Baker Who Fed Neighbors Amid Pandemic, Dies at 76 (Published 2020)
                                                                              • A Short History of Objective-C

                                                                                To date, users have downloaded over 140 billion apps to their iPhones.¹ The iPhone’s success is tied to its ecosystem of third-party apps. When the App Store debuted in 2008, all apps were written in a programming language that few outside the Apple community had ever used: Objective-C. Since then, Objective-C’s usage has exploded in a gold rush of developers making apps. Although Apple introduced

                                                                                  A Short History of Objective-C
                                                                                • Stagflation revisited

                                                                                  Hello, world. I’m back. OK, I never went away. You can read me at the New York Times and on Twitter, and you might think I don’t need another outlet. But I’ve been feeling for a while that I needed to resume blogging, at least to a limited extent, and neither Twitter nor The Times filled the need. True, I used to blog at The Times, and I’m still free to post whatever I want, whenever I want. Howev

                                                                                    Stagflation revisited