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  • Linux カーネル開発のやり方 — The Linux Kernel documentation

    NOTE: This is a version of HOWTO do Linux kernel development translated into Japanese. This document is maintained by Tsugikazu Shibata <tshibata@ab.jp.nec.com> If you find any difference between this document and the original file or a problem with the translation, please contact the maintainer of this file. Please also note that the purpose of this file is to be easier to read for non English (r

    • Relation queries (Concepts) | Prisma Documentation

      A key feature of Prisma Client is the ability to query relations between two or more models. Relation queries include: Nested reads (sometimes referred to as eager loading) via select and include Nested writes with transactional guarantees Filtering on related records Prisma Client also has a fluent API for traversing relations. Nested reads​ Nested reads allow you to read related data from multip

        Relation queries (Concepts) | Prisma Documentation
      • DoWhy | An end-to-end library for causal inference — DoWhy | An end-to-end library for causal inference documentation

        Introducing DoWhy DoWhy | An end-to-end library for causal inference Graphical Models and Potential Outcomes: Best of both worlds Four steps of causal inference Citing this package Roadmap Contributing Quick-Start Tutorial Tutorial on Causal Inference and its Connections to Machine Learning (Using DoWhy+EconML) Starter Notebooks Getting started with DoWhy: A simple example Confounding Example: Fin

        • Customize authorization rules - JavaScript - AWS Amplify Documentation

          JavaScript, Android, Swift, and Flutter client code generation

            Customize authorization rules - JavaScript - AWS Amplify Documentation
          • Documentation - TypeScript 2.8

            Conditional Types TypeScript 2.8 introduces conditional types which add the ability to express non-uniform type mappings. A conditional type selects one of two possible types based on a condition expressed as a type relationship test: The type above means when T is assignable to U the type is X, otherwise the type is Y. A conditional type T extends U ? X : Y is either resolved to X or Y, or deferr

            • Welcome to Kedro’s award-winning documentation! — kedro 0.19.5 documentation

              Learn about Kedro Introduction to Kedro First steps Set up Kedro Installation prerequisites Python version support policy Create a virtual environment for your Kedro project How to create a new virtual environment using venv How to create a new virtual environment using conda How to install Kedro using pip How to verify your Kedro installation How to upgrade Kedro Summary Create a new Kedro projec

              • pdoc – Generate API Documentation for Python Projects

                """ A small `pdoc` example. """ class Dog: """🐕""" name: str """The name of our dog.""" friends: list["Dog"] """The friends of our dog.""" def __init__(self, name: str): """Make a Dog without any friends (yet).""" self.name = name self.friends = [] def bark(self, loud: bool = True): """*woof*""" pdoc auto-generates API documentation that follows your project's Python module hierarchy. It requires

                • Documentation · ReadMe

                  One place to learn about your APIGive developers everything they need in a unified hub: your API reference, help guides, sample code tutorials, and more. Simple for your team to manageIt’s easy for engineers, PMs, and technical writers to publish content or make changes — no code required. A jumpstart for your API usersDevelopers can try out your API right from your docs and see what’s working (or

                    Documentation · ReadMe
                  • QGIS User Guide — QGIS Documentation documentation

                    © Copyright 2002-now, QGIS project. Last updated on 2024 May 29, 13:00 +0000.

                    • Installing from source - Mastodon documentation

                      Pre-requisites A machine running Ubuntu 20.04 or Debian 11 that you have root access toA domain name (or a subdomain) for the Mastodon server, e.g. example.comAn e-mail delivery service or other SMTP serverYou will be running the commands as root. If you aren’t already root, switch to root: sudo su - System repositories Make sure curl, wget, gnupg, apt-transport-https, lsb-release and ca-certifica

                      • yq documentation

                        yq: Command-line YAML/XML/TOML processor - jq wrapper for YAML, XML, TOML documents# Installation# Before using yq, you also have to install its dependency, jq. See the jq installation instructions for details and directions specific to your platform. On macOS, yq is also available on Homebrew: use brew install python-yq. Synopsis# yq takes YAML input, converts it to JSON, and pipes it to jq:

                        • Technical documentation for everyone

                          I have tweeted a few times about the web documentation we built at N26 and how I think this is one of the things we have truly nailed over the last few years. In this article, I would like to share my experience more in details, and give suggestions on how to write helpful documentation. Documentation 101 Fighting obsolescence Keeping it real Publishing documentation Promoting documentation Wrappi

                            Technical documentation for everyone
                          • Template Designer Documentation — Jinja Documentation (3.0.x)

                            Template Designer Documentation¶ This document describes the syntax and semantics of the template engine and will be most useful as reference to those creating Jinja templates. As the template engine is very flexible, the configuration from the application can be slightly different from the code presented here in terms of delimiters and behavior of undefined values. Synopsis¶ A Jinja template is s

                            • pandera documentation

                              • App Clips | Apple Developer Documentation

                                Provide people a shortcut to selected content and features of your app.

                                  App Clips | Apple Developer Documentation
                                • Documentation - TypeScriptを活用したJSプロジェクト

                                  TypeScriptの型システムがコードベースを扱う際には、様々な厳密さのレベルがあります: JavaScriptのコードを使った推論のみに基づく型システム JSDocによるJavaScriptの段階的な型付け JavaScriptファイルにおける// @ts-checkの使用 TypeScriptコード strictを有効にしたTypeScript それぞれのステップはより安全な型システムへの動きを表していますが、すべてのプロジェクトがそのレベルでの検証を必要としているわけではありません。 JavaScriptと併用するTypeScript こちらは、オートコンプリートやシンボルへのジャンプといった機能や、リネームなどのリファクタリングツールを提供するためにTypeScriptを使用しているエディタを使う場合です。 homepageでは、TypeScriptプラグインを備えているエディタ

                                  • Machine learning | Apple Developer Documentation

                                    Machine learning is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you improve existing experiences and create new ones that people love.

                                      Machine learning | Apple Developer Documentation
                                    • Guide on how to write documentation for a Rust crate

                                      I have received (a lot of) requests about writing a guide on how to write documentation in Rust lately. I'm quite happy that people finally gets interested into this area so let's not let it rest and let's go! Basics Before explaining how to write nice documentation and everything, we need to cover the basics on how to actually write documentation with Rust. First thing to note, you can generate i

                                      • Microsoft Edge に対するサイトの互換性に影響を与える変更 - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation

                                        この記事では、Microsoft Edge と Chromium プロジェクトの変更スケジュールを示します。 また、Microsoft Edge チームが特に密接に追跡している違いと影響の大きい変更についても説明します。 Web プラットフォームは、HTML、CSS、JavaScript、およびその他の多くのオープン標準を含む Web ページの構築に使用されるテクノロジのコレクションです。 Web プラットフォームは、ユーザー エクスペリエンス、セキュリティ、プライバシーを向上させるために絶えず進化しています。 場合によっては、これらの変更が既存の Web ページの機能に影響を与える可能性があります。 機能と互換性の理由から、Microsoft Edge では、Chromium プロジェクトの Web プラットフォームへの変更のほとんどすべてを採用しています。 ただし、Microsoft

                                          Microsoft Edge に対するサイトの互換性に影響を与える変更 - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation
                                        • Get started with GPT for Sheets | GPT for Work Documentation

                                          Get started by discovering two example use cases: translating text and extracting email addresses directly in your Google spreadsheet. You can follow along by copying our example template. Prerequisites Get ready to use the example template: Open the example template. Click USE TEMPLATE. The spreadsheet is copied to your Google Drive and opens in your browser. You can now edit it. Select Extension

                                          • Introduction | MetaMask developer documentation

                                            Integrate your dapp with the MetaMask walletIntegrate your dapp with MetaMask using the Wallet API. You can interact with your users' Ethereum accounts, performing tasks such as the following: ↔️ Connect to MetaMaskConnect to MetaMask and other wallets in your users' browsers. 🖊️ Sign dataRequest signatures from users, and allow them to sign in with Ethereum. 📄 Display in MetaMaskDisplay tokens,

                                            • Introduction | Documentation | Poetry - Python dependency management and packaging made easy

                                              Introduction Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. Basic usage For the basic usage introduction we will be installing pendulum, a datetime library. Libraries This chapter will tell you how to make your library installable through Poetry. Versioning Poetry requires PEP 440-compliant versions for all projects. While Poetry does not enforce any release convention, it use

                                              • Capturing Body Motion in 3D | Apple Developer Documentation

                                                Track a person in the physical environment and visualize their motion by applying the same body movements to a virtual character.

                                                  Capturing Body Motion in 3D | Apple Developer Documentation
                                                • Tortoise ORM — Tortoise ORM v0.17.3 Documentation

                                                  Tortoise ORM¶ Tortoise ORM is an easy-to-use asyncio ORM (Object Relational Mapper) inspired by Django. Tortoise ORM was build with relations in mind and admiration for the excellent and popular Django ORM. It’s engraved in it’s design that you are working not with just tables, you work with relational data. Note Tortoise ORM is young project and breaking changes are to be expected. We keep a Chan

                                                  • NEWS - Documentation for Ruby 3.4

                                                    NEWS for Ruby 3.4.0¶ ↑ This document is a list of user-visible feature changes since the 3.3.0 release, except for bug fixes. Note that each entry is kept to a minimum, see links for details. Language changes¶ ↑ String literals in files without a frozen_string_literal comment now behave as if they were frozen. If they are mutated a deprecation warning is emitted. These warnings can be enabled with

                                                    • Tenacity — Tenacity documentation

                                                      Tenacity¶ Please refer to the tenacity documentation for a better experience. Tenacity is an Apache 2.0 licensed general-purpose retrying library, written in Python, to simplify the task of adding retry behavior to just about anything. It originates from a fork of retrying which is sadly no longer maintained. Tenacity isn’t api compatible with retrying but adds significant new functionality and fi

                                                      • OCRmyPDF documentation — ocrmypdf 16.0.5.dev4+g2005f62 documentation

                                                        OCRmyPDF documentation¶ OCRmyPDF adds an optical character recognition (OCR) text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched. PDF is the best format for storing and exchanging scanned documents. Unfortunately, PDFs can be difficult to modify. OCRmyPDF makes it easy to apply image processing and OCR (recognized, searchable text) to existing PDFs.

                                                        • アプリと WebView2 ランタイムを配布する - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation

                                                          このブラウザーはサポートされなくなりました。 Microsoft Edge にアップグレードすると、最新の機能、セキュリティ更新プログラム、およびテクニカル サポートを利用できます。 Microsoft Edge WebView2 を使用するアプリをリリースする場合は、自動的に更新された エバーグリーン ランタイムを配布するか、 固定バージョン のランタイムを配布することによって、WebView2 ランタイムを配布する必要があります。 WebView2 アプリは、クライアント コンピューター上の WebView2 ランタイムに依存します。 WebView2 アプリを配布する場合は、クライアント コンピューターに WebView2 ランタイムを配布して更新する方法を考慮する必要があります。 WebView2 ランタイム WebView2 ランタイムは再頒布可能ランタイムであり、WebView

                                                            アプリと WebView2 ランタイムを配布する - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation
                                                          • Laravel API Documentation Generator 導入手順

                                                            目次 インストール APIドキュメント作成 まとめ インストール ※ PHP 7 and Laravel 5.5 以上。今回はLumenで動作確認しました。 composer require mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator Laravel php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mpociot\ApiDoc\ApiDocGeneratorServiceProvider" --tag=apidoc-config これで、configフォルダの中にapidoc.phpが作成されます。 Lumen bootstrap/app.php で 以下のコードを登録します。 /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

                                                              Laravel API Documentation Generator 導入手順
                                                            • Technologies | Apple Developer Documentation

                                                              There's never been a better time to develop for Apple platforms.

                                                                Technologies | Apple Developer Documentation
                                                              • NetBox Documentation

                                                                Introduction Features Installation & Upgrade Getting Started Configuration Customization Integrations Plugins Administration Data Model Reference Development Release Notes The Premier Network Source of Truth NetBox is the leading solution for modeling and documenting modern networks. By combining the traditional disciplines of IP address management (IPAM) and datacenter infrastructure management (

                                                                • Product Documentation for Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time 8 | Red Hat Customer Portal

                                                                  Product Documentation for Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time 8

                                                                    Product Documentation for Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real Time 8 | Red Hat Customer Portal
                                                                  • Getting Started - Upstash Documentation

                                                                    Create a Database Once you logged in, you can create a database by clicking on the plus sign at the top right corner. Database Name: Type a name for your database. Region: Choose the region for your database. For optimal performance, select the region closest to your applications. We have plans to expand support to additional regions and cloud providers. Feel free to send your requests to feedback

                                                                      Getting Started - Upstash Documentation
                                                                    • Server-Side Rendering - AWS Amplify Gen 2 Documentation

                                                                      Amplify has re-imagined the way frontend developers build fullstack applications. Develop and deploy without the hassle. Fullstack TypeScriptWrite your app's data model, auth, storage, and functions in TypeScript; Amplify will do the rest.

                                                                        Server-Side Rendering - AWS Amplify Gen 2 Documentation
                                                                      • Xdebug: Documentation » Xdebug 2 から 3 へのアップグレード

                                                                        このアップグレードガイドは、Xdebug 2から3への変更点と、同様のことを行うようにセットアップを再構成する方法を詳しく説明します。 新しいコンセプト # 各機能の有効化設定があったXdebug 2とは異なり、Xdebug 3では、Xdebugを特定の モード にします。これは xdebug.mode で設定できます。 この設定と xdebug.start_with_request を組み合わせる方法が、Xdebugの機能を有効にし、 機能をアクティブにするタイミングを設定する新しい方法になります。 この背景には、Xdebugが実際に必要な機能のオーバーヘッドのみを持つことが重要であると考えているからです。 たとえば、Profiling と Step Debugging の両方を同時にアクティブにすることは意味がありません。 xdebug.mode を使用してモードを設定する以外に、 X

                                                                        • poliastro - Astrodynamics in Python — poliastro 0.17.0 documentation

                                                                          Tutorials Installation Quickstart How-to guides & Examples Gallery Contributing Reference API reference Bibliography What’s new Background History Related software Background Links Blog Source code Issue tracker Mailing list Chat Citation poliastro - Astrodynamics in Python¶ poliastro is an open source (MIT) pure Python library for interactive Astrodynamics and Orbital Mechanics, with a focus on e

                                                                          • Flaskへようこそ — Flask Documentation (2.2.x)

                                                                            Flaskへようこそ Welcome to Flask¶ Flaskのドキュメントへようこそ。インストールから始めて、それからクイックスタートで概要をつかみましょう。より詳細なチュートリアルでは、小さいけれども完成しているFlaskアプリケーションをどのように作成するか示しています。Flaskのパターンセクションでは一般的なパターンを記述しています。この文書のその他の部分ではFlaskの各コンポーネントについて詳細を記述しており、その完全なリファレンスはAPIセクションにあります。 Welcome to Flask's documentation. Get started with :doc:`installation` and then get an overview with the :doc:`quickstart`. There is also a more detailed :d

                                                                            • Overview | Introduction 📚 Qwik Documentation

                                                                              OverviewGetting StartedProject structureFAQComponentOverviewStateEventsTasks & LifecycleContextSlotsRenderingStylingQwik CityOverviewRoutingPagesLayoutsLoadersActionsValidatorsEndpointsMiddlewareserver$CachingHTML attributesEnv variablesAPI referenceCookbookOverviewAlgolia SearchCombine HandlersDebouncerFontsGlob ImportMedia ControllerNavLinkNode Docker deployPortalsRe-exporting loadersStreaming l

                                                                                Overview | Introduction 📚 Qwik Documentation
                                                                              • SUMO Documentation

                                                                                Languages Translations are generated automatically by Google Translate: Deutsch Español Français Italiano Magyar Türkçe SUMO User Documentation "Simulation of Urban MObility" (SUMO) is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous traffic simulation package designed to handle large networks. It allows for intermodal simulation including pedestrians and comes with a large set of tools

                                                                                • This Is Why Most Software Engineers Don’t Write Documentation

                                                                                  Photo by Sigmund on UnsplashNo matter whether you work in a small startup or a big corporate company, the odds are that when it comes to good, valuable documentation of your services or projects, there will be a huge gap and need for it.

                                                                                    This Is Why Most Software Engineers Don’t Write Documentation