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  • </> htmx ~ Documentation

    #htmx in a Nutshell htmx is a library that allows you to access modern browser features directly from HTML, rather than using javascript. To understand htmx, first lets take a look at an anchor tag: <a href="/blog">Blog</a> This anchor tag tells a browser: “When a user clicks on this link, issue an HTTP GET request to ‘/blog’ and load the response content into the browser window”. With that in min

    • Microsoft Edge WebView2 の概要 - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation

      Microsoft Edge WebView2 を使用すると、Web テクノロジ (HTML、CSS、JavaScript) をユーザーのネイティブ アプリに埋め込みできます。 WebView2 コントロールは、Microsoft Edge をレンダリング エンジンとして使用して、ネイティブ アプリに Web コンテンツを表示します。 WebView2 を使用すると、ネイティブ アプリのさまざまな部分に Web コードを埋め込んだり、1 つの WebView2 インスタンス内にすべてのネイティブ アプリをビルドしたりできます。 WebView2 アプリの構築を開始するには、「WebView2 の使用を開始する」を参照してください。 ハイブリッド アプリのアプローチ 開発者はひんぱんに、Web アプリを使用するか、またはネイティブ アプリを作成するかの選択をすることが必要になります。 この決

        Microsoft Edge WebView2 の概要 - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation
      • Playwright を使用してMicrosoft Edgeで自動化とテストを行う - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation

        Playwright ライブラリは、1 つの API を介してブラウザー間の自動化を提供します。 Playwright は、Chromium 、Firefox、WebKit を 1 つの API で自動化するためのNode.jsライブラリです。 Playwright は、常緑、対応、信頼性、高速のクロスブラウザー Web オートメーションを可能にするために構築されています。 Microsoft Edge はオープンソースのChromium Web プラットフォーム上に構築されているため、Playwright は Microsoft Edge を自動化することもできます。 Playwright は既定で ヘッドレス ブラウザー を起動します。 ヘッドレス ブラウザーでは UI が表示されないため、代わりにコマンド ラインを使用する必要があります。 また、完全 (ヘッドレスではない) Micr

          Playwright を使用してMicrosoft Edgeで自動化とテストを行う - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation
        • NestedText — A Human Friendly Data Format — NestedText 3.7 documentation

          Please post all questions, suggestions, and bug reports to GitHub. NestedText is a file format for holding structured data. It is similar in concept to JSON, except that NestedText is designed to make it easy for people to enter, edit, or view the data directly. It organizes the data into a nested collection of name-value pairs, lists, and strings. The syntax is intended to be very simple and intu

          • Virtualization | Apple Developer Documentation

            Create virtual machines and run macOS and Linux-based operating systems.

              Virtualization | Apple Developer Documentation
            • Retiring the AWS Documentation on GitHub | Amazon Web Services

              AWS News Blog Retiring the AWS Documentation on GitHub About five years ago I announced that AWS Documentation is Now Open Source and on GitHub. After a prolonged period of experimentation we will archive most of the repos starting the week of June 5th, and will devote all of our resources to directly improving the AWS documentation and website. The primary source for most of the AWS documentation

                Retiring the AWS Documentation on GitHub | Amazon Web Services
              • guidde・Magically create video documentation with AI

                guidde is the generative AI platform for business that helps your team create video documentation 11x faster.

                  guidde・Magically create video documentation with AI
                • Chrome Enterprise Policy List & Management | Documentation

                  農業 教育 エネルギー、公共事業 金融サービス 政府機関 ヘルスケア、ライフ サイエンス 工業用品、製造 メディア、エンターテイメント 非営利団体 プロフェッショナル サービス、ビジネス サービス 小売、卸売 ソフトウェア、インターネット 運送、物流 その他 アフガニスタン アルバニア アルジェリア 米領サモア アンドラ アンゴラ アングイラ 南極大陸 アンティグア バーブーダ アルゼンチン アルメニア アルバ アセンション島 オーストラリア オーストリア アゼルバイジャン バハマ バーレーン バングラデシュ バルバドス ベラルーシ ベルギー ベリーズ ベナン バミューダ ブータン ボリビア ボスニア ヘルツェゴビナ ボツワナ ブーベ島 ブラジル 英領インド洋地域 英領バージン諸島 ブルネイ ブルガリア ブルキナファソ ブルンジ カンボジア カメルーン カナダ カーボヴェルデ ケイマン諸島

                    Chrome Enterprise Policy List & Management | Documentation
                  • Raspberry Pi Documentation - Microcontrollers

                    You can view and edit the Raspberry Pi documentation source on Github. Please read our usage and contributions policy before you make a Pull Request. Raspberry Pi documentation is copyright © 2012-2022 Raspberry Pi Ltd and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA) licence. Some content originates from the eLinux wiki, and is licensed under a Creative

                      Raspberry Pi Documentation - Microcontrollers
                    • Mintlify - The modern standard for documentation

                      Meet the modern standard for public facing documentation. Beautiful out of the box, easy to maintain, and optimized for user engagement.

                        Mintlify - The modern standard for documentation
                      • Microsoft Cybersecurity リファレンス アーキテクチャ - Security documentation

                        Microsoft Cybersecurity Reference Architectures (MCRA) は、Microsoft のサイバーセキュリティ機能について説明しています。 この図では、Microsoft セキュリティ機能と Microsoft プラットフォーム、Microsoft 365、Microsoft Azure、ServiceNow や salesforce などのサード パーティ アプリ、Amazon Web Services (AWS) や Google Cloud Platform (GCP) などのサード パーティ プラットフォームと統合する方法について説明します。 ここでファイルをダウンロードする 参照アーキテクチャは、主に、Microsoft サイバーセキュリティ機能、ゼロ トラスト ユーザー アクセス、セキュリティ運用、運用テクノロジ (OT)、マルチク

                          Microsoft Cybersecurity リファレンス アーキテクチャ - Security documentation
                        • Creating a macOS app | Apple Developer Documentation

                          After creating a version of the Landmarks app for watchOS, it’s time to set your sights on something bigger: bringing Landmarks to the Mac. You’ll build upon everything you’ve learned so far, to round out the experience of building a SwiftUI app for iOS, watchOS, and macOS.

                            Creating a macOS app | Apple Developer Documentation
                          • Temporal documentation

                            This Stage 3 proposal is experimental. Do try it and report bugs; don't use it in production! Temporal Table of Contents Introduction Cookbook API Documentation Temporal.Now Temporal.Instant Temporal.ZonedDateTime Temporal.PlainDate Temporal.PlainTime Temporal.PlainDateTime Temporal.PlainYearMonth Temporal.PlainMonthDay Temporal.Duration Balancing Temporal.TimeZone Temporal.Calendar Object relatio

                            • Welcome to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to PlantUML! — The Hitchhiker's Guide to PlantUML documentation

                              Imagine being able to share a model or diagram between all members of the team that they can all understand and contribute to and edit draw diagrams like below automatically from a text description. describe a system before you build it, when you’re building it, and as you maintain it into the future - keeping the description and the system current, and in sync. maintain that text version in a sou

                              • Introduction - mdBook Documentation

                                Introduction mdBook is a command line tool to create books with Markdown. It is ideal for creating product or API documentation, tutorials, course materials or anything that requires a clean, easily navigable and customizable presentation. Lightweight Markdown syntax helps you focus more on your content Integrated search support Color syntax highlighting for code blocks for many different language

                                • Running Intel Binaries in Linux VMs with Rosetta - Apple Developer Documentation

                                  Run x86_64 Linux binaries under ARM Linux on Apple silicon.

                                    Running Intel Binaries in Linux VMs with Rosetta - Apple Developer Documentation
                                  • Writing Documentation for Your House

                                    Have you considered writing technical documentation for your house? As a first time homeowner, there have been numerous times where I wish I had some documentation to reference for a whole slew of scenarios. As an engineer, I write documentation all the time to answer these questions and build up a knowledge base other team members can refer to. I think this should apply to housing. Motivation As

                                    • Microdot — Microdot documentation

                                      Microdot¶ “The impossibly small web framework for Python and MicroPython” Microdot is a minimalistic Python web framework inspired by Flask, and designed to run on systems with limited resources such as microcontrollers. It runs on standard Python and on MicroPython.

                                      • GitHub - zag/js-pod6: Pod6 is an easy-to-use markup language. It can be used for writing language documentation, for documenting programs and modules, as well as for other types of document composition

                                        Pod6 is an easy-to-use markup language. It can be used for writing language documentation, for documenting programs and modules, as well as for other types of document composition

                                          GitHub - zag/js-pod6: Pod6 is an easy-to-use markup language. It can be used for writing language documentation, for documenting programs and modules, as well as for other types of document composition
                                        • AR.js Documentation

                                          AR.js - Augmented Reality on the Web AR.js is a lightweight library for Augmented Reality on the Web, which includes features like Image Tracking, Location based AR and Marker tracking. Location Based documentation updated and enhanced for AR.js 3.4 What Web AR means (Augmented Reality on the Web) Augmented Reality is the technology that makes possible to overlay content on the real world. It can

                                          • beautiful-react-hooks - documentation

                                            • The Documentation has Moved | Midjourney Documentation

                                              For the most recent documentation, visit https://docs.midjourney.com Last updated 1 year ago

                                                The Documentation has Moved | Midjourney Documentation
                                              • Home | Fastly Documentation

                                                Quick startGo from zero to Fastly with these step-by-step guides and tutorials.

                                                  Home | Fastly Documentation
                                                • Welcome to PhpSpreadsheet's documentation - PhpSpreadsheet Documentation

                                                  Getting started Software requirements PHP version 8.0 or newer to develop using PhpSpreadsheet. Other requirements, such as PHP extensions, are enforced by composer. See the require section of the composer.json file for details. PHP version support LTS: Support for PHP versions will only be maintained for a period of six months beyond the end of life of that PHP version. Currently, the required PH

                                                  • Storage options  |  Compute Engine Documentation  |  Google Cloud

                                                    Send feedback Storage options Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Compute Engine offers several storage options for your VMs. Each of the following storage options has unique price and performance characteristics: Hyperdisk Storage Pools enable you to purchase storage capacity and performance in aggregate then create disks for your VMs from this p

                                                      Storage options  |  Compute Engine Documentation  |  Google Cloud
                                                    • PostgREST Documentation

                                                      PostgREST is a standalone web server that turns your PostgreSQL database directly into a RESTful API. The structural constraints and permissions in the database determine the API endpoints and operations. Sponsors Database as Single Source of Truth Using PostgREST is an alternative to manual CRUD programming. Custom API servers suffer problems. Writing business logic often duplicates, ignores or

                                                        PostgREST Documentation
                                                      • Flaskへようこそ — Flask Documentation (2.2.x)

                                                        Flaskへようこそ Welcome to Flask¶ Flaskのドキュメントへようこそ。インストールから始めて、それからクイックスタートで概要をつかみましょう。より詳細なチュートリアルでは、小さいけれども完成しているFlaskアプリケーションをどのように作成するか示しています。Flaskのパターンセクションでは一般的なパターンを記述しています。この文書のその他の部分ではFlaskの各コンポーネントについて詳細を記述しており、その完全なリファレンスはAPIセクションにあります。 Welcome to Flask's documentation. Get started with :doc:`installation` and then get an overview with the :doc:`quickstart`. There is also a more detailed :d

                                                        • macOS Catalina 10.15 Release Notes | Apple Developer Documentation

                                                          Update your apps to use new features, and test your apps against API changes.

                                                            macOS Catalina 10.15 Release Notes | Apple Developer Documentation
                                                          • WPDS Documentation & Resources

                                                            The Washington Post Design System (WPDS) is a growing library of design tokens and interactive components purpose-built for washingtonpost.com. WPDS enables designers and developers at the Post to ship reader-facing digital products that are modular, elegant and accessible while maintaining visual consistency at scale.

                                                              WPDS Documentation & Resources
                                                            • インターネット エクスプローラーから Microsoft Edge にユーザーを移動する - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation

                                                              多くの最新の Web サイトには、インターネット エクスプローラーと互換性のないデザインがあります。 インターネットエクスプローラーユーザーが互換性のないパブリック Web サイトにアクセスすると、Web サイトがインターネット エクスプローラーと互換性がない、およびユーザーが Web サイトを使用するためにより最新のブラウザーに切り替える必要があることを Web サイトから指示される場合があります。 中断を最小限に抑えるために、Microsoft Edge では、ユーザーを自動的にリダイレクトする新しい機能がサポートされています。 インターネット エクスプローラー ユーザーがインターネット エクスプローラーと互換性のない Web サイトにアクセスすると、Windows はユーザーを Microsoft Edge に自動的にリダイレクトできます。 [Microsoft Edge が必要]

                                                                インターネット エクスプローラーから Microsoft Edge にユーザーを移動する - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation
                                                              • Finetuning Torchvision Models — PyTorch Tutorials 2.3.0+cu121 documentation

                                                                Learn Get Started Run PyTorch locally or get started quickly with one of the supported cloud platforms Tutorials Whats new in PyTorch tutorials Learn the Basics Familiarize yourself with PyTorch concepts and modules PyTorch Recipes Bite-size, ready-to-deploy PyTorch code examples Intro to PyTorch - YouTube Series Master PyTorch basics with our engaging YouTube tutorial series

                                                                • SentenceTransformers Documentation — Sentence-Transformers documentation

                                                                  Overview Installation Quickstart Pretrained Models Pretrained Cross-Encoders Publications Hugging Face 🤗 Usage Computing Sentence Embeddings Semantic Textual Similarity Embedding Quantization Semantic Search Retrieve & Re-Rank Clustering Paraphrase Mining Translated Sentence Mining Cross-Encoders Image Search Training Training Overview Loss Overview Matryoshka Embeddings Adaptive Layers Multiling

                                                                  • This website has been moved — BrachioGraph 0.1 documentation

                                                                    Versions latest redirect Downloads pdf html epub On Read the Docs Project Home Builds Free document hosting provided by Read the Docs.

                                                                    • Documentation - Project References

                                                                      Project references are a new feature in TypeScript 3.0 that allow you to structure your TypeScript programs into smaller pieces. By doing this, you can greatly improve build times, enforce logical separation between components, and organize your code in new and better ways. We’re also introducing a new mode for tsc, the --build flag, that works hand in hand with project references to enable faster

                                                                      • Welcome to nghttp3’s documentation! — nghttp3 1.3.0-DEV documentation

                                                                        Welcome to nghttp3’s documentation! View page source Welcome to nghttp3’s documentation! Contents: The nghttp3 programmers’ guide QPACK How-To API Reference Indices and tables Index Module Index Search Page

                                                                        • Bluesky Documentation | Bluesky

                                                                          Bluesky Developer APIsExplore Bluesky's open social network.

                                                                            Bluesky Documentation | Bluesky
                                                                          • Querying GitHub Security Advisories With SQL 🛡️ | MergeStat Documentation

                                                                            Did you know that GitHub maintains a public database of known CVEs and security advisories for open-source codebases? The database is a public Git repository that holds JSON files in OSV format, partitioned by date. This is the data that's displayed on the github.com/advisories page, which also powers Dependabot alerts! Since it's just a Git repo, we wanted to take it for a spin with MergeStat to

                                                                              Querying GitHub Security Advisories With SQL 🛡️ | MergeStat Documentation
                                                                            • GitHub - microsoft/computervision-recipes: Best Practices, code samples, and documentation for Computer Vision.

                                                                              In recent years, we've see an extra-ordinary growth in Computer Vision, with applications in face recognition, image understanding, search, drones, mapping, semi-autonomous and autonomous vehicles. A key part to many of these applications are visual recognition tasks such as image classification, object detection and image similarity. This repository provides examples and best practice guidelines

                                                                                GitHub - microsoft/computervision-recipes: Best Practices, code samples, and documentation for Computer Vision.
                                                                              • Supporting Passkeys - Apple Developer Documentation

                                                                                Eliminate passwords for your users when they sign in to apps and websites.

                                                                                  Supporting Passkeys - Apple Developer Documentation
                                                                                • Background Tasks | Apple Developer Documentation

                                                                                  Request the system to launch your app in the background to run tasks.

                                                                                    Background Tasks | Apple Developer Documentation