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NYTimesに関するエントリは40件あります。 訃報医療性犯罪 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『伊藤穣一氏がMITメディアラボ所長を辞職したのは嘘がばれたから』などがあります。
  • 伊藤穣一氏がMITメディアラボ所長を辞職したのは嘘がばれたから

    2014年9月 大学が不適格とした犯罪者から資金を得るための偽装工作(匿名化) 2019年8月 少女虐待の罪を犯した犯罪者だとは知らなかったと嘘の釈明 2019年9月4日 公民権運動の指導者などに相談した結果、メディアラボの再建を支援するために所長継続を明言 2019年9月6日 元職員が偽装工作を告発、メールのやりとりが記事に掲載される 2019年9月7日 数週間の熟慮の末、メディアラボ所長やMITの教授職を即刻辞めることが最善だと判断(メディア取材はすべて答えなかった) MIT伊藤教授、辞任へ 少女虐待の米富豪から資金 今回の辞任劇は米誌ニューヨーカー(電子版)による6日の報道がきっかけだった。伊藤氏とメディアラボの同僚が、エプスタイン氏を寄付提供者として不適格な人物と認識し、記録上は匿名とするなど、交友関係を意図的に隠す行為をしていたと報じた。MIT側は米誌の報道を受けて調査を始めてい

    • TechCrunch

      Hiya, folks, and welcome to Week in Review (WiR), TechCrunch’s digest of the past week in tech news. It’s TC’s column that highlights the major stories over the past few days, and &#

      • In the U.S., His Site Has Been Linked to Massacres. In Japan, He’s a Star. (Published 2022)

        He has amassed millions of followers on social media, where he opines on the failures of Japanese society. He has appeared both on the catwalk at one of Japan’s biggest fashion shows and in a government video urging people to watch their finances. In a national poll, high school students said he was their top pick for prime minister. By endearing himself to young Japanese who feel oppressed by the

          In the U.S., His Site Has Been Linked to Massacres. In Japan, He’s a Star. (Published 2022)
        • 松浦 正浩 on Twitter: "メディアラボ所長辞任の件、日本の報道だと、少女売春のエプスタインの寄付を貰ったことが理由のように書いてあるが、本質はそこじゃない。MITでは受領禁止だったエプスタイン資金を匿名化し隠蔽して受領した不正疑惑が問題。東大教授が反社のカネを偽って研究助成として受け取ってたみたいな話。"


            松浦 正浩 on Twitter: "メディアラボ所長辞任の件、日本の報道だと、少女売春のエプスタインの寄付を貰ったことが理由のように書いてあるが、本質はそこじゃない。MITでは受領禁止だったエプスタイン資金を匿名化し隠蔽して受領した不正疑惑が問題。東大教授が反社のカネを偽って研究助成として受け取ってたみたいな話。"
          • クルーズ船の日本政府対応、米メディアが批判 TBS NEWS

            新型コロナウイルスの感染が拡大する中、集団感染が起きたクルーズ船「ダイヤモンド・プリンセス」を巡る日本政府の対応について、アメリカメディアから批判が出ています。 アメリカの有力紙ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は専門家の見方として、「公衆の衛生に関わる危機について、『こうしてはいけない』と教科書に載る見本だ」と伝えました。 ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は、日本政府の広報の仕方について「信頼を低下させた」とした上で、「すでに汚染されたクルーズ船にこれほど多くの人を閉じ込めておく以外に他の手段があったのではないかと思わせる」と批判しています。

              クルーズ船の日本政府対応、米メディアが批判 TBS NEWS
            • Hayao Miyazaki Prepares to Cast One Last Spell (Published 2021)

              No artist has explored the contradictions of humanity as sympathetically and critically as the Japanese animation legend. Now, at 80, he’s coming out of retirement with another movie. THE SCREEN IS black, and then comes the first frame: Hayao Miyazaki, the greatest animated filmmaker since the advent of the form in the early 20th century and one of the greatest filmmakers of any genre, is seated i

                Hayao Miyazaki Prepares to Cast One Last Spell (Published 2021)
              • How the Virus Got Out (Published 2020)

                The most extensive travel restrictions to stop an outbreak in human history haven’t been enough. We analyzed the movements of hundreds of millions of people to show why. It seems simple: Stop travel, stop the virus from spreading around the world. Here’s why that didn’t work. Many of the first known cases clustered around a seafood market in Wuhan, China, a city of 11 million and a transportation

                  How the Virus Got Out (Published 2020)
                • How Bad Will the Coronavirus Outbreak Get? Here Are 6 Key Factors (Published 2020)

                  A few drugs are being tested in clinical trials, but a vaccine is still at least a year away. While the virus is a serious public health concern, you are very unlikely to get infected outside of areas where it is spreading widely, including China, Italy, Iran and South Korea. To avoid any viral illness, experts advise washing your hands frequently and avoiding your office or school when you’re sic

                    How Bad Will the Coronavirus Outbreak Get? Here Are 6 Key Factors (Published 2020)
                  • Remembering the 100,000 Lives Lost to Coronavirus in America (Published 2020)

                    The comments section is closed. To submit a letter to the editor for publication, write to letters@nytimes.com. By Dan Barry, Larry Buchanan, Clinton Cargill, Annie Daniel, Alain Delaquérière, Lazaro Gamio, Gabriel Gianordoli, Richard Harris, Barbara Harvey, John Haskins, Jon Huang, Simone Landon, Juliette Love, Grace Maalouf, Alex Matthews, Farah Mohamed, Steven Moity, Destinée-Charisse Royal, Ma

                      Remembering the 100,000 Lives Lost to Coronavirus in America (Published 2020)
                    • ‘He Showed Us Life’: Japanese Doctor Who Brought Water to Afghans Is Killed (Published 2019)

                      A window of the vehicle that was attacked while carrying Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, a Japanese medic and honorary Afghan citizen, in Jalalabad on Wednesday.Credit...Parwiz Parwiz/Reuters JALALABAD, Afghanistan — The people he helped called him “Uncle Murad.” Dr. Tetsu Nakamura left his home in Japan in the 1980s to treat leprosy patients in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He later found, however, that severe d

                        ‘He Showed Us Life’: Japanese Doctor Who Brought Water to Afghans Is Killed (Published 2019)
                      • Mysterious Ailments Are Said to Be More Widespread Among U.S. Personnel (Published 2021)

                        WASHINGTON — Mysterious episodes that caused brain injuries in spies, diplomats, soldiers and other U.S. personnel overseas starting five years ago now number more than 130 people, far more than previously known, according to current and former officials. The number of cases within the C.I.A., the State Department, the Defense Department and elsewhere spurred broad concern in the Biden administrat

                          Mysterious Ailments Are Said to Be More Widespread Among U.S. Personnel (Published 2021)
                        • The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does the Virus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others? (Published 2020)

                          The coronavirus has killed so many people in Iran that the country has resorted to mass burials, but in neighboring Iraq, the body count is fewer than 100. The Dominican Republic has reported nearly 7,600 cases of the virus. Just across the border, Haiti has recorded about 85. In Indonesia, thousands are believed to have died of the coronavirus. In nearby Malaysia, a strict lockdown has kept fatal

                            The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does the Virus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others? (Published 2020)
                          • This Drug May Cause Birth Defects. Japan’s Pushing It for Coronavirus. (Published 2020)

                            A Fujifilm subsidiary developed the antiviral drug Avigan. Japan’s prime minister has said it could be a crucial coronavirus treatment.Credit...Kazuhiro Nogi/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images TOKYO — As President Trump was extolling the promise of a malaria drug in the desperate hunt for coronavirus treatments, one of his top global allies was selling the world on his own “trump card,” a pale ye

                              This Drug May Cause Birth Defects. Japan’s Pushing It for Coronavirus. (Published 2020)
                            • As Tensions With Iran Escalated, Trump Opted for Most Extreme Measure (Published 2020)

                              michael barbaroFrom The New York Times, I’m Michael Barbaro. This is “The Daily.” Today: From Iraq to Washington, consequences are mounting after the United States assassinated Iranian General Qassim Suleimani. Helene Cooper on why President Trump chose to do it. It’s Monday, January 6. Helene, what do we know about what led up to this extraordinary decision by the U.S. to take out General Suleima

                                As Tensions With Iran Escalated, Trump Opted for Most Extreme Measure (Published 2020)
                              • Biden Wins Presidency, Ending Four Tumultuous Years Under Trump (Published 2020)

                                transcript Biden Wins, and the Nation ReactsA victory in Pennsylvania secured the electoral college vote for the Democratic nominee, Joseph R. Biden Jr. Across the nation, Biden supporters celebrated as Trump supporters gathered in protest. President Trump has vowed to continue to challenge the results in key states. “And it is now my great honor to introduce the president-elect of the United Stat

                                  Biden Wins Presidency, Ending Four Tumultuous Years Under Trump (Published 2020)
                                • In Race for a Coronavirus Vaccine, an Oxford Group Leaps Ahead (Published 2020)

                                  OXFORD, England — In the worldwide race for a vaccine to stop the coronavirus, the laboratory sprinting fastest is at Oxford University. Most other teams have had to start with small clinical trials of a few hundred participants to demonstrate safety. But scientists at the university’s Jenner Institute had a head start on a vaccine, having proved in previous trials that similar inoculations — incl

                                    In Race for a Coronavirus Vaccine, an Oxford Group Leaps Ahead (Published 2020)
                                  • ‘We Take the Dead From Morning Till Night’ (Published 2020)

                                    The comments section is closed. To submit a letter to the editor for publication, write to letters@nytimes.com.

                                      ‘We Take the Dead From Morning Till Night’ (Published 2020)
                                    • Kenzaburo Oe, Nobel Laureate and Critic of Postwar Japan, Dies at 88 (Published 2023)

                                      Kenzaburo Oe, a Nobel laureate whose intense novels and defiant politics challenged a modern Japanese culture that he found morally vacant and dangerously tilted toward the same mind-set that led to catastrophe in World War II, died on March 3. He was 88. His publisher, Kodansha, announced the death on Monday. It did not specify a cause or say where he had died. Mr. Oe (pronounced OH-ay) was award

                                        Kenzaburo Oe, Nobel Laureate and Critic of Postwar Japan, Dies at 88 (Published 2023)
                                      • ‘Shut the Site Down,’ Says the Creator of 8chan, a Megaphone for Gunmen (Published 2019)

                                        Fredrick Brennan started the online message board 8chan in 2013.Credit...Todd Heisler/The New York Times Fredrick Brennan was getting ready for church at his home in the Philippines when the news of a mass shooting in El Paso arrived. His response was immediate and instinctive. “Whenever I hear about a mass shooting, I say, ‘All right, we have to research if there’s an 8chan connection,’” he said

                                          ‘Shut the Site Down,’ Says the Creator of 8chan, a Megaphone for Gunmen (Published 2019)
                                        • As Russian Losses Mount in Ukraine, Putin Gets More Involved in War Strategy (Published 2022)

                                          As Russian Losses Mount in Ukraine, Putin Gets More Involved in War Strategy The Russian president has rejected requests from commanders in the field that they be allowed to retreat from Kherson, a vital city in Ukraine’s south. Ukrainian soldiers operate a drone near Kherson, in southern Ukraine. It was the first major city to fall to the Russians in the initial invasion, and remains the only reg

                                            As Russian Losses Mount in Ukraine, Putin Gets More Involved in War Strategy (Published 2022)
                                          • Seiji Ozawa, a Captivating, Transformative Conductor, Dies at 88

                                            Seiji Ozawa conducting the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall in 1997. He led the ensemble for 29 years.Credit...Chang W. Lee/The New York Times Seiji Ozawa, the high-spirited Japanese conductor who took the Western classical music world by storm in the 1960s and ’70s and then led the Boston Symphony Orchestra for almost 30 years, died on Tuesday at his home in Tokyo. He was 88. The cause

                                              Seiji Ozawa, a Captivating, Transformative Conductor, Dies at 88
                                            • 100 Notable Books of 2020 (Published 2020)

                                              The comments section is closed. To submit a letter to the editor for publication, write to letters@nytimes.com.

                                                100 Notable Books of 2020 (Published 2020)
                                              • Large DNA Study Traces Violent History of American Slavery (Published 2020)

                                                Scientists from the consumer genetics company 23andMe have published the largest DNA study to date of people with African ancestry in the Americas. An 1823 cross-section diagram of a ship used to carry enslaved people. The illustration, which was used in abolitionist campaigns and contains several historical inaccuracies, has become one of the most famous depictions of the trans-Atlantic slave tra

                                                  Large DNA Study Traces Violent History of American Slavery (Published 2020)
                                                • A Year Like No Other: 2020 in Pictures (Published 2020)

                                                  By Dean Baquet, executive editor Certain years are so eventful they are regarded as pivotal in history, years when wars and slavery ended and deep generational fissures burst into the open — 1865, 1945 and 1968 among them. The year 2020 will certainly join this list. It will long be remembered and studied as a time when more than 1.5 million people globally died during a pandemic, racial unrest gr

                                                    A Year Like No Other: 2020 in Pictures (Published 2020)
                                                  • Half the World Has a Clitoris. Why Don’t Doctors Study It? (Published 2022)

                                                    If there was one thing Gillian knew, it was that she did not want a hole punch anywhere near her genitals. So when, in 2018, a gynecologist recommended a vulval biopsy to check for signs of cancer, she hesitated. The doctor suspected that the whitish speck of skin that Gillian had found next to her clitoris was lichen sclerosus, a skin condition that is usually benign. To Gillian, a registered nur

                                                      Half the World Has a Clitoris. Why Don’t Doctors Study It? (Published 2022)
                                                    • 52 Places to Go in 2024 | NY Times

                                                      The comments section is closed. To submit a letter to the editor for publication, write to letters@nytimes.com.

                                                        52 Places to Go in 2024 | NY Times
                                                      • Is the Subway Risky? It May Be Safer Than You Think (Published 2020)

                                                        Five months after the coronavirus outbreak engulfed New York City, riders are still staying away from public transportation in enormous numbers, often because they are concerned that sharing enclosed places with strangers is simply too dangerous. But the picture emerging in major cities across the world suggests that public transportation may not be as risky as nervous New Yorkers believe. Those f

                                                          Is the Subway Risky? It May Be Safer Than You Think (Published 2020)
                                                        • How the Novavax Vaccine Works (Published 2022)

                                                          The Maryland-based company Novavax has developed a protein-based coronavirus vaccine called NVX-CoV2373. In March the company announced an efficacy rate of 96 percent against the original coronavirus, 86 percent against the B.1.1.7 variant and 49 percent against the B.1.351 variant. Coronavirus Proteins The SARS-CoV-2 virus is studded with proteins that it uses to enter human cells. These so-calle

                                                            How the Novavax Vaccine Works (Published 2022)
                                                          • Katsuya Nomura, 84, Enduring Star of Japanese Baseball, Dies (Published 2020)

                                                            Katsuya Nomura, the Nankai Hawks’ catcher and manager, celebrated with fans and his fellow players after the Hawks clinched the Pacific League championship in October 1973.Credit...Kyodo, via Associated Press TOKYO — Katsuya Nomura, a mainstay of the baseball world in postwar Japan who was one of the country’s greatest catchers before going on to a long second career as a manager, died on Tuesday

                                                              Katsuya Nomura, 84, Enduring Star of Japanese Baseball, Dies (Published 2020)
                                                            • The World Knows Her as ‘Disaster Girl.’ She Just Made $500,000 Off the Meme. (Published 2021)

                                                              The name Zoë Roth might not ring any bells. But chances are you’ve seen her photo. One Saturday morning in 2005, when Ms. Roth was 4 years old, her family went to look at a house on fire in their neighborhood in Mebane, N.C. Firefighters had intentionally set the blaze as a controlled fire, so it was a relaxed affair: Neighbors gathered and firefighters allowed children to take turns holding the h

                                                                The World Knows Her as ‘Disaster Girl.’ She Just Made $500,000 Off the Meme. (Published 2021)
                                                              • Biden’s 17 Executive Orders and Other Directives in Detail (Published 2021)

                                                                WASHINGTON — In 17 executive orders, memorandums and proclamations signed hours after his inauguration, President Biden moved swiftly on Wednesday to dismantle Trump administration policies his aides said have caused the “greatest damage” to the nation. Despite an inaugural address that called for unity and compromise, Mr. Biden’s first actions as president are sharply aimed at sweeping aside form

                                                                  Biden’s 17 Executive Orders and Other Directives in Detail (Published 2021)
                                                                • Sexism, Hate, Mental Illness: Why Are Men Randomly Punching Women?

                                                                  Before her trip to New York a few weeks ago, Lisa Pires, a South African living in Amsterdam, encountered a series of videos on TikTok in which young women had filmed themselves after getting attacked on the street in New York. Most were punched in the face — unprovoked, at random — in Manhattan south of Midtown and during the day. “I remember thinking it sounded so absurd that it couldn’t really

                                                                    Sexism, Hate, Mental Illness: Why Are Men Randomly Punching Women?
                                                                  • Shinzo Abe, Japan’s Longest-Serving Prime Minister, Dies at 67 (Published 2022)

                                                                    Shinzo Abe, the longest-serving Japanese prime minister, who made it his political mission to vanquish his country’s wartime ghosts but fell short of his ultimate goal of restoring Japan as a normalized military power, was assassinated on Friday in the city of Nara, Japan. He was 67. His death, from injuries sustained in a shooting during a speech at a campaign event, was confirmed by Dr. Hidetada

                                                                      Shinzo Abe, Japan’s Longest-Serving Prime Minister, Dies at 67 (Published 2022)
                                                                    • The 10 Best Books of 2019 (Published 2019)

                                                                      In the first chapter of this assured debut novel, two young girls vanish, sending shock waves through a town perched on the edge of the remote, brooding Kamchatka Peninsula. What follows is a novel of overlapping short stories about the various women who have been affected by their disappearance. Each richly textured tale pushes the narrative forward another month and exposes the ways in which the

                                                                        The 10 Best Books of 2019 (Published 2019)
                                                                      • Reddit, Acting Against Hate Speech, Bans ‘The_Donald’ Subreddit (Published 2020)

                                                                        “The_Donald” subreddit, now banned by Reddit, is home to more than 790,000 users who post memes, viral videos and supportive messages about President Trump.Credit...Pete Marovich for The New York Times SAN FRANCISCO — Reddit, one of the largest social networking and message board websites, on Monday banned its biggest community devoted to President Trump as part of an overhaul of its hate speech p

                                                                          Reddit, Acting Against Hate Speech, Bans ‘The_Donald’ Subreddit (Published 2020)
                                                                        • Leader of Pussy Riot Band Escapes Russia, With Help From Friends (Published 2022)

                                                                            Leader of Pussy Riot Band Escapes Russia, With Help From Friends (Published 2022)
                                                                          • Mapping the Damage From the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria (Published 2023)

                                                                            The comments section is closed. To submit a letter to the editor for publication, write to letters@nytimes.com.

                                                                              Mapping the Damage From the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria (Published 2023)
                                                                            • Opinion | The Children of Pornhub (Published 2020)

                                                                              This article contains descriptions of sexual assault. Pornhub prides itself on being the cheery, winking face of naughty, the website that buys a billboard in Times Square and provides snow plows to clear Boston streets. It donates to organizations fighting for racial equality and offers steamy content free to get people through Covid-19 shutdowns. That supposedly “wholesome Pornhub” attracts 3.5

                                                                                Opinion | The Children of Pornhub (Published 2020)
                                                                              • It’s Never Going to Be Perfect, So Just Get It Done (Published 2019)

                                                                                Welcome to the Smarter Living newsletter! Every Monday, Tim Herrera emails readers with tips and advice for living a better, more fulfilling life. Sign up here to get it in your inbox. So here’s a grand, wonderful irony: I started writing this newsletter in early June. I’d come back to my meager Google Doc every few days, reworking the same few sentences, each time thinking I was finally ready to

                                                                                  It’s Never Going to Be Perfect, So Just Get It Done (Published 2019)
                                                                                • Inside China’s Push to Turn Muslim Minorities Into an Army of Workers (Published 2019)

                                                                                  transcript Secret Video Offers Rare Look Inside Chinese Labor ProgramChina is relocating Uighurs and other Muslim minorities to urban areas as part of a contentious labor program. The Times obtained rare footage taken inside one. In a far corner of northwestern China, a car drives along a wall lined with barbed wire, heading towards what looks like a standard apartment complex. Access here is rest

                                                                                    Inside China’s Push to Turn Muslim Minorities Into an Army of Workers (Published 2019)
