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  • Live types in a TypeScript monorepo

    Jump into the code: https://github.com/colinhacks/live-typescript-monorepo In development, your TypeScript code should feel "alive". When you update your code in one file, the effects of that change should propagate to all files that import it instantaneously, with no build step. This is true even for monorepos, where you may not be importing things from a file, but from a local package. - import

      Live types in a TypeScript monorepo
    • Codestral: Hello, World!

      Codestral: Hello, World!Empowering developers and democratising coding with Mistral AI. We introduce Codestral, our first-ever code model. Codestral is an open-weight generative AI model explicitly designed for code generation tasks. It helps developers write and interact with code through a shared instruction and completion API endpoint. As it masters code and English, it can be used to design ad

      • terraform plan -light

        TL;DR Add a terraform plan -light flag such that only resources modified in code are targeted for planning. This would reduce the scope of the pre-plan refresh down to the set of resources we know changed, which reduces overall plan times without the consistency risk of -refresh=false. In order for Terraform to know what resources were modified in code, it would store a copy of the code in state e

          terraform plan -light
        • 普段「日本の悪いところを素直に認めろ!外国も同じとか関係ない!whataboutis..

          普段「日本の悪いところを素直に認めろ!外国も同じとか関係ない!whataboutismをやめろ!」って言ってるネームドはてサたちが東京が主語になった途端この有様ですからw quick_past 人口が密集してないところや、貴殿の目に付かないところで行われてる、おぞましい行為を君は見なくて済んでるだけですよ。 segawashin そら電車内の痴漢は満員電車が無ければ成立しないからなあ。田舎は田舎で露出とかチャリですれ違いざまに体触るとかいう系統の痴漢が普通に出没するので、痴漢が東京固有のものであるはずがない。 cinefuk 田舎では、自動車を使った性犯罪が多発する。拉致・誘拐に至らなくても、声掛け事案だったり、路肩に停めたクルマの中から性器を摩擦する男に声をかけられたり。百万都市のターミナル駅から数百メートル範囲の事件 aquatofana ええと、御堂筋線事件って言うのが起きたのってど

          • The History of 18+ VTubers: Part 1

            Hello again. Obviously, this article deals with adult topics, so don’t read it if you’re under 18. I won’t have any super explicit images on screen, but I don’t recommend reading this in public nonetheless. With that out of the way, I wanna preface this piece with some thoughts. The goal of this Substack is to record parts of VTuber history that have been forgotten or aren’t well known, in a way t

              The History of 18+ VTubers: Part 1
            • Engineering for Slow Internet – brr

              Engineering for Slow Internet How to minimize user frustration in Antarctica. Hello everyone! I got partway through writing this post while I was still in Antarctica, but I departed before finishing it. I’m going through my old draft posts, and I found that this one was nearly complete. It’s a bit of a departure from the normal content you’d find on brr.fyi, but it reflects my software / IT engine

              • GitHub - panglesd/slipshow: An engine for displaying slips, the next-gen version of slides

                Slipshow is a tool specifically designed for technical presentations where traditional slides are not enough. In a slipshow presentation, the equivalent of a slide is called a slip. Each slip is like a slide, but with no bottom limit. That is, the content can be arbitrarily long! During the presentation, the camera will "scroll" down to reveal the hidden content, following a script given by the pr

                  GitHub - panglesd/slipshow: An engine for displaying slips, the next-gen version of slides
                • 『靖国神社の石柱に落書き、一連の様子を中国の動画投稿アプリに投稿 放尿のような仕草も』へのコメント


                    『靖国神社の石柱に落書き、一連の様子を中国の動画投稿アプリに投稿 放尿のような仕草も』へのコメント
                  • F# developer stories: how we've finally fixed a 9-year-old performance issue - .NET Blog

                    Programming language authors have to think about many things at once: overall language design, runtime dangers, possible feature misuse, backward compatibility, forward compatibility, and so on. All these aspects, together with communication hiccups and time constraints, might get in the way of some seemingly clear and manageable problems. The Bug The story began in the summer of 2015 with this is

                      F# developer stories: how we've finally fixed a 9-year-old performance issue - .NET Blog
                    • レッドブル、セルジオ・ペレスとの契約を2年延長「安定性はとても重要」。角田裕毅のレッドブル昇格の可能性潰える

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                      • Bliss - A constructed writing system for fast and beautiful writing

                        As a long-time fan of constructed scripts, I have always tried to find a way to create my own writing system without reinventing the wheel. Unfortunately, for my purposes at least, there are simply too many writing systems (or conscripts) to invent something new and useful at the same time. Learning from the bestsFor a while I had Utopean as my favorite conscript. In case you didn't know, and as a

                          Bliss - A constructed writing system for fast and beautiful writing
                        • 「AIを用いた漫画の大量翻訳と海外輸出の取り組み」に関する意見書

                          日本翻訳者協会(JAT)は、官民の「AIを用いた漫画の大量翻訳と海外輸出の取り組み」に対し、深刻な懸念を表明いたします。 第一に、現時点でのAIによる翻訳は、作品のニュアンスや文化的背景、登場人物の特徴を十分に反映できる品質には達していません。それにもかかわらず、大量の作品を短期間で(公式発表によると5年で5万点、1点あたり最短2日で)機械的に翻訳することは、作品の価値を大きく損なう恐れがあります。 第二に、AIへの過度な依存は、近い将来、漫画翻訳を長年支えてきた方々の雇用を奪うだけでなく、コスト削減の名目で人材を安価に使い捨てることにもつながりかねません。専門家の技能と経験が軽視される事態を深く憂慮しています。 第三に、拙速な翻訳によって質の低い翻訳版が流通すれば、海賊版の蔓延を助長しかねません。低品質な翻訳は正規版への信頼を損ない、かえって多くの海賊版を生み出す恐れがあります。 漫画は

                          • CSS Length Units | CSS-Tricks

                            Overview Many CSS properties accept numbers as values. Sometimes those are whole numbers. Sometimes they’re decimals and fractions. Other times, they’re percentages. Whatever they are, the unit that follows a number determines the number’s computed length. And by “length” we mean any sort of distance that can be described as a number, such as the physical dimensions of an element, a measure of tim

                              CSS Length Units | CSS-Tricks