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  • Next.jsから学ぶWebレンダリング ~React誕生以前からApp Router with RSCまでの流れ~

    最近話題のReact Server ComponentsやIslands Architectureが何を解決しようとしてるか知るまでの簡単なWebレンダリングの流れを記載しました。 社内勉強会のために作成した資料となるため箇条書きになっておりますが、なるべくHowやWhatではなくWhyやトレードオフを記述するようにしています。(読みにくい or 誤った記載あったらFB頂けたら幸いです) React 誕生までの Web iPhone と Ajax がリードした Web 2.0 時代 Webにおいて Ajax という技術が注目され始める 2005~ Google mapsやGmailといったサービスがリード jQueryの誕生が 2006~ iPhone登場 2007~ スマホアプリの登場によりソフトウェアのUXに求められる質的変化 mobile safariが時代のリードをした Flash

      Next.jsから学ぶWebレンダリング ~React誕生以前からApp Router with RSCまでの流れ~
    • Twitter/Blueskyの自己ポストの全文検索サービスをNext.js App Router(RSC)で書きなおした方法/設計/感想

      mytweetsという自分の Twitter/Bluesky の自己ポストの全部検索サービスをNext.js App Router(RSC)で書きなおしました。 mytweets は Twitter のアーカイブや Bluesky の API を使って自分のポストを S3 に保存しておき、 S3 Selectを使って全文検索ができる自分専用の Twilog のようなサービスです。 自分の Tweets をインクリメンタル検索できるサービス作成キット と Tweets をまとめて削除するツールを書いた | Web Scratch 過去の Tweets を全文検索できる mytweets を Bluesky に対応した。自分用 Twilog みたいなもの | Web Scratch 最初は CloudFront + Lambda@Edge + Next.js Pages Router で動かし

        Twitter/Blueskyの自己ポストの全文検索サービスをNext.js App Router(RSC)で書きなおした方法/設計/感想
      • research!rsc: Coroutines for Go

        This post is about why we need a coroutine package for Go, and what it would look like. But first, what are coroutines? Every programmer today is familiar with function calls (subroutines): F calls G, which stops F and runs G. G does its work, potentially calling and waiting for other functions, and eventually returns. When G returns, G is gone and F continues running. In this pattern, only one fu

        • research!rsc: Go += Package Versioning (Go & Versioning, Part 1)

          We need to add package versioning to Go. More precisely, we need to add the concept of package versions to the working vocabulary of both Go developers and our tools, so that they can all be precise when talking to each other about exactly which program should be built, run, or analyzed. The go command needs to be able to tell developers exactly which versions of which packages are in a particular

          • research!rsc: Go & Versioning

            These are the posts in the February 2018 “Go & Versioning” series: “Go += Package Versioning” [PDF]. “A Tour of Versioned Go (vgo)” [PDF]. “Semantic Import Versioning” [PDF]. “Minimal Version Selection” [PDF]. “Reproducible, Verifiable, Verified Builds” [PDF]. “Defining Go Modules” [PDF]. “Versioned Go Commands” [PDF]. The official Go proposal is at https://golang.org/issue/24301, filed on March 2

            • research!rsc: Timeline of the xz open source attack

              Posted on Monday, April 1, 2024. Updated Wednesday, April 3, 2024. Over a period of over two years, an attacker using the name “Jia Tan” worked as a diligent, effective contributor to the xz compression library, eventually being granted commit access and maintainership. Using that access, they installed a very subtle, carefully hidden backdoor into liblzma, a part of xz that also happens to be a d

              • RSC From Scratch. Part 1: Server Components · reactwg/server-components · Discussion #5

                RSC From Scratch. Part 1: Server Components In this technical deep dive, we'll implement a very simplified version of React Server Components (RSC) from scratch. This deep dive will be published in several parts: Part 1: Server Components (this page) Part 2: Client Components (not written yet) Part 3: TBD (not written yet) Seriously, this is a deep dive! This deep dive doesn't explain the benefits

                  RSC From Scratch. Part 1: Server Components · reactwg/server-components · Discussion #5
                • research!rsc: Our Software Dependency Problem

                  For decades, discussion of software reuse was far more common than actual software reuse. Today, the situation is reversed: developers reuse software written by others every day, in the form of software dependencies, and the situation goes mostly unexamined. My own background includes a decade of working with Google’s internal source code system, which treats software dependencies as a first-class

                  • GitHub - rsc/2fa: Two-factor authentication on the command line

                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

                      GitHub - rsc/2fa: Two-factor authentication on the command line
                    • 自然放射線の量 - 放射線科学センター(RSC)

                      41 43 44

                      • research!rsc: My Go Resolutions for 2017

                        ’Tis the season for resolutions, and I thought it would make sense to write a little about what I hope to work on this year as far as Go is concerned. My goal every year is to help Go developers. I want to make sure that the work we do on the Go team has a significant, positive impact on Go developers. That may sound obvious, but there are a variety of common ways to fail to achieve that: for exam

                        • research!rsc: Go Data Structures: Interfaces

                          Go's interfaces—static, checked at compile time, dynamic when asked for—are, for me, the most exciting part of Go from a language design point of view. If I could export one feature of Go into other languages, it would be interfaces. This post is my take on the implementation of interface values in the “gc” compilers: 6g, 8g, and 5g. Over at Airs, Ian Lance Taylor has written two posts about the i

                          • research!rsc: Version SAT

                            Dependency hell is NP-complete. But maybe we can climb out. The package version selection problem is to find a set of dependencies that can be used to build a top-level package P that is complete (all dependencies satisfied) and compatible (no two incompatible packages are selected). There may be no such set, because of the diamond dependency problem: perhaps A needs B and C; B needs D version 1,

                            • research!rsc: The xz attack shell script

                              Posted on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. Updated Wednesday, April 3, 2024. Introduction Andres Freund published the existence of the xz attack on 2024-03-29 to the public oss-security@openwall mailing list. The day before, he alerted Debian security and the (private) distros@openwall list. In his mail, he says that he dug into this after “observing a few odd symptoms around liblzma (part of the xz packag

                              • research!rsc: Storing Data in Control Flow

                                A decision that arises over and over when designing concurrent programs is whether to represent program state in control flow or as data. This post is about what that decision means and how to approach it. Done well, taking program state stored in data and storing it instead in control flow can make programs much clearer and more maintainable than they otherwise would be. Before saying much more,

                                • GitHub - rsc/c2go: C to Go translation tool supporting Go toolchain migration

                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                    GitHub - rsc/c2go: C to Go translation tool supporting Go toolchain migration
                                  • GitHub - alvarlagerlof/rsc-parser: A parser for the React Server components when sent over the network

                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                      GitHub - alvarlagerlof/rsc-parser: A parser for the React Server components when sent over the network
                                    • RIZAPグループは遂にS安地獄を脱出! やまねメディカル、RSC、WASHハウスなどが久々に市場を賑わすS高! - いきなり無職!

                                      こんばんは、ふくろう主です。 ちょっと驚くニュースが入ってきました。 あの日産自動車のカルロス・ゴーン会長が 自分の報酬を過少申告していたとして 東京地検特捜部に任意同行されたとか。 過少申告の金額は億単位になるそうです。 これだけの大物ですから、おそらく確たる証拠があるのでしょう。 容疑が固まれば逮捕という事になります。 経営危機に陥った日産をその辣腕で立て直したのは見事でしたが まさかこの様な事態になるとは。 報酬額もハンパなものでは無いでしょうから 何か申告のミスでもあったのではないかな、と思わなくもないですが・・ 明日は日産の株は下がっちゃいそうですね。 それでは、本日の相場を見ていきましょう。 日経平均21821.16円、前日比は+140.82円! 直近IPO成績 S高は10銘柄、大引けまでは7銘柄。S安は1。 日経平均21821.16円、前日比は+140.82円! さすがに日経

                                        RIZAPグループは遂にS安地獄を脱出! やまねメディカル、RSC、WASHハウスなどが久々に市場を賑わすS高! - いきなり無職!
                                      • RSC~不動産情報サイト事業者連絡協議会

                                        不動産情報を「適正」かつ「公正」に不動産会社から一般消費者に伝達するために、不動産情報サイト事業者自らがルールを策定し、遵守しています 不動産情報サイト事業者連絡協議会 -Real estate Site Consortium-(略称RSC)について インターネットサイト上での不動産広告は、不動産会社にとっては、効率的かつ効果的な成約促進手段として活用されており、また一般消費者にとっては、自らが希望する不動産を効率的かつ効果的に探索する手段として支持されています。 ところが、インターネットサイト上で広告されている内容に虚偽等の不当なものが混在していたり、不動産公正取引協議会が定める「不動産の表示に関する公正競争規約」に反する表示が行われていては、広告主である不動産会社の信用が失われてしまうばかりか、その不動産情報サイト自体はもちろん、不動産情報を発信しているすべてのサイトの信用失墜にまで発

                                        • research!rsc: The Principles of Versioning in Go (Go & Versioning, Part 11)

                                          This blog post is about how we added package versioning to Go, in the form of Go modules, and the reasons we made the choices we did. It is adapted and updated from a talk I gave at GopherCon Singapore in 2018. Why Versions? To start, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page, by taking a look at the ways the GOPATH-based go get breaks. Suppose we have a fresh Go installation and we want to write

                                          • research!rsc: Go Data Structures: Interfaces

                                            Go's interfaces—static, checked at compile time, dynamic when asked for—are, for me, the most exciting part of Go from a language design point of view. If I could export one feature of Go into other languages, it would be interfaces. This post is my take on the implementation of interface values in the “gc” compilers: 6g, 8g, and 5g. Over at Airs, Ian Lance Taylor has written two posts about the i

                                            • research!rsc: A Tour of Versioned Go (vgo) (Go & Versioning, Part 2)

                                              For me, design means building, tearing down, and building again, over and over. To write the new versioning proposal, I built an prototype, vgo, to work through many subtle details. This post shows what it's like to use vgo. You can download and try vgo today by running go get golang.org/x/vgo. Vgo is a drop-in replacement for (and a forked copy of) the go command. You run vgo instead of go, and t

                                              • research!rsc: Go Data Structures

                                                When explaining Go to new programmers, I've found that it often helps to explain what Go values look like in memory, to build the right intuition about which operations are expensive and which are not. This post is about basic types, structs, arrays, and slices. Basic types Let's start with some simple examples: The variable i has type int, represented in memory as a single 32-bit word. (All these

                                                  research!rsc: Go Data Structures
                                                • research!rsc: Semantic Import Versioning (Go & Versioning, Part 3)

                                                  How do you deploy an incompatible change to an existing package? This is the fundamental challenge, the fundamental decision, in any package management system. The answer decides the complexity of the resulting system It decides how easy or difficult package management will be to use. (It also decides how easy or difficult package management will be to implement, but the user experience is more im

                                                  • GitHub - twitter/rsc: Experimental Scala compiler focused on compilation speed

                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                      GitHub - twitter/rsc: Experimental Scala compiler focused on compilation speed
                                                    • [弦潤滑剤] Rock house RSC-1 ストリングケア ってFINGER EASEみたいに使えるの? | ギターいじリストのおうち


                                                        [弦潤滑剤] Rock house RSC-1 ストリングケア ってFINGER EASEみたいに使えるの? | ギターいじリストのおうち
                                                      • research!rsc: Glob Matching Can Be Simple And Fast Too

                                                        Here's a straightforward benchmark. Time how long it takes to run ls (a*)nb in a directory with a single file named a100, compared to running ls | grep (a.*)nb. Superscripts denote string repetition and parentheses are for grouping only, so that when n is 3, we're running ls a*a*a*b in a directory containing the single file aaa...aaa (100 a's), compared against ls | grep a.*a.*a.*b in the same dir

                                                        • research!rsc: Hardware Memory Models (Memory Models, Part 1)

                                                          Introduction: A Fairy Tale, Ending A long time ago, when everyone wrote single-threaded programs, one of the most effective ways to make a program run faster was to sit back and do nothing. Optimizations in the next generation of hardware and the next generation of compilers would make the program run exactly as before, just faster. During this fairy-tale period, there was an easy test for whether

                                                          • RSC株価上昇!セコムとの業務提携を締結し今後と見通しも明るい?

                                                            HOME » 最近の投稿‼ » 本日の注目銘柄 » 1月31日の注目銘柄 RSC株価上昇!セコムとの業務提携を締結し今後と見通しも明るい? 【<4664> RSC】 31日終値850円 【好材料内容は?】 <9735>セコムと業務提携を締結すると発表しました。 詳しい提携の内容は下の【まとめ】に記載します‼ この発表が好感され30日と本日31日と連続でストップ高を記録しました❗ 【どんな会社?】 警備事業の中堅的存在であり、警備や清掃、設備管理などの総合管理サービスに寄っています。 現在は人材派遣や介護なども展開しています。 【チャートで見た株価の流れは?】 『半年間のチャート』 半年間のチャートで見てみると 半年前までは540円付近だった株価ですが、10月末に一時800円を超えるところにまで急騰します。 しかし株価の上昇は続かずすぐに500円台に逆戻りしてしまいますが、今回の発表で再び8

                                                            • research!rsc: What is Software Engineering? (Go & Versioning, Part 9)

                                                              Nearly all of Go’s distinctive design decisions were aimed at making software engineering simpler and easier. We've said this often. The canonical reference is Rob Pike's 2012 article, “Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering.” But what is software engineering? Software engineering is what happens to programming when you add time and other programmers. Programming mean

                                                              • Thread by @_rsc: "@mattfarina @Crell @sdboyer This is an absolutely fair criticism - we have not handled the community process around dependency management we […]"

                                                                @mattfarina @Crell @sdboyer This is an absolutely fair criticism - we have not handled the community process around dependency management well. The core Go team was not involved early or often enough for that process to lead to a smooth landing. As tech lead for Go, that was my fault, and I apologize. @mattfarina @Crell @sdboyer Ever since I wrote “go get,” we on the core Go team hoped the communi

                                                                  Thread by @_rsc: "@mattfarina @Crell @sdboyer This is an absolutely fair criticism - we have not handled the community process around dependency management we […]"
                                                                • research!rsc: Go Testing By Example

                                                                  I opened GopherCon Australia in early November with the talk “Go Testing By Example”. Being the first talk, there were some A/V issues, so I re-recorded it at home and have posted it here: Here are the 20 tips from the talk: Make it easy to add new test cases. Use test coverage to find untested code. Coverage is no substitute for thought. Write exhaustive tests. Separate test cases from test logic

                                                                  • research!rsc: The Generic Dilemma

                                                                    Generic data structures (vectors, queues, maps, trees, and so on) seem to be the hot topic if you are evaluating a new language. One of the most frequent questions we've had about Go is where the generics are. It seems like there are three basic approaches to generics: (The C approach.) Leave them out. This slows programmers. But it adds no complexity to the language. (The C++ approach.) Compile-t

                                                                    • research!rsc: Names

                                                                      Every programmer has a variable naming philosophy. This is mine: A name's length should not exceed its information content. For a local variable, the name i conveys as much information as index or idx and is quicker to read. Similarly, i and j are a better pair of names for index variables than i1 and i2 (or, worse, index1 and index2), because they are easier to tell apart when skimming the progra

                                                                      • research!rsc: Updating the Go Memory Model (Memory Models, Part 3)

                                                                        The current Go language memory model was written in 2009, with minor updates since. It is clear that there are at least a few details that we should add to the current memory model, among them an explicit endorsement of race detectors and a clear statement of how the APIs in sync/atomic synchronize programs. This post restates Go's overall philosophy and the current memory model and then outlines

                                                                        • research!rsc: The vgo proposal is accepted. Now what? (Go & Versioning, Part 8)

                                                                          Last week, the proposal review committee accepted the “vgo approach” elaborated on this blog in February and then summarized as proposal #24301. There has been some confusion about exactly what that means and what happens next. In general, a Go proposal is a discussion about whether to adopt a particular approach and move on to writing, reviewing, and releasing a production implementation. Accepti

                                                                          • research!rsc: The Generic Dilemma

                                                                            Generic data structures (vectors, queues, maps, trees, and so on) seem to be the hot topic if you are evaluating a new language. One of the most frequent questions we've had about Go is where the generics are. It seems like there are three basic approaches to generics: (The C approach.) Leave them out. This slows programmers. But it adds no complexity to the language. (The C++ approach.) Compile-t

                                                                            • RSCによるTwitter劇場「ロミオとジュリエット」の楽しみ方

                                                                              さて、13日に書いたロイヤル・シェイクスピア・カンパニーによるTwitter上での「ロミオとジュリエット現代版」の件、もう少し。この「お芝居」は、今後5週間にわたってネット上で「上演」されます。 Such Tweet Sorrow http://suchtweetsorrow.com/ まず、キャスト&クルーのページで、今回のこの「お芝居」の登場人物と演者が一覧できます。それぞれのキャストのTwitterへのリンクもついてます。 で、Aboutのページには "Twitter-stream by six actors (俳優6人によるtweets)"とあるのだけど、キャスト&クルーのページでTwitterを使って物語を進めているキャストとして明示されているのは、ジュリエット(主人公)、ジュリエットの姉のジェシー(原作では乳母)、ジュリエットの兄のティボルト(原作ではお母さんの甥)、ローレンス

                                                                              • research!rsc: Using Uninitialized Memory for Fun and Profit

                                                                                This is the story of a clever trick that's been around for at least 35 years, in which array values can be left uninitialized and then read during normal operations, yet the code behaves correctly no matter what garbage is sitting in the array. Like the best programming tricks, this one is the right tool for the job in certain situations. The sleaziness of uninitialized data access is offset by pe

                                                                                • research!rsc: What NPM Should Do Today To Stop A New Colors Attack Tomorrow

                                                                                  What NPM Should Do Today To Stop A New Colors Attack Tomorrow Over the weekend, a developer named Marak Squires intentionally sabotaged his popular NPM package colors and his less popular package faker. As I write this, NPM claims 18,971 direct dependents for colors and 2,751 for faker. Open Source Insights counts at least 42,000 more indirect dependents for colors. Many popular NPM packages depen