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  • [JavaScript] URLを文字列結合で組み立てないために、url-cheatsheetを作った

    [JavaScript] URLを文字列結合で組み立てないために、url-cheatsheetを作った URLを文字列結合で組み立てると色々問題が起きやすいので、それを避けるためにURL APIやURLSearchParams APIでURLを組み立てるパターンをまとめたチートシートを作りました。 azu/url-cheatsheet: URL manipulation cheatsheet for JavaScript URLにユーザーが入力した文字列を含めるときはencodeURIComponentでエスケープする URLはプレーンな文字列ではなく構造化された文字列(文字の並びに意味がある文字列)として扱わないと、さまざまな問題を抱えやすいです。 たとえば、次のように文字列結合でURLを組み立てるとパストラバーサルの問題があります。 name に ../../adminのような文字列が

      [JavaScript] URLを文字列結合で組み立てないために、url-cheatsheetを作った
    • GitHub - kettanaito/naming-cheatsheet: Comprehensive language-agnostic guidelines on variables naming. Home of the A/HC/LC pattern.

      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

        GitHub - kettanaito/naming-cheatsheet: Comprehensive language-agnostic guidelines on variables naming. Home of the A/HC/LC pattern.
      • React with TypeScript Cheatsheet

        Table of Contents:· Table of Contents: · How to type React props ∘ Creating a type alias for the props ∘ Typing optional props ∘ List of types for React component props · How to type React function components · How to type React hooks ∘ Typing useState hook ∘ Typing useEffect and useLayoutEffect hooks ∘ Typing useContext hook ∘ Typing useRef hook ∘ Typing useMemo hook ∘ Typing useCallback hook ∘ T

          React with TypeScript Cheatsheet
        • かなり便利!VS CodeでCSSを書きながらFlexboxのチートシートを利用できる -CSS Flexbox Cheatsheet

          Visual Studio CodeでCSSを書きながら、CSS Flexboxのチートシートを利用できる機能拡張を紹介します。 justify-contentやalign-itemsはどう使うんだっけ? justify-contentの値は? など、Flexboxの各プロパティや値がどのように配置されるか、一目で分かります。 CSSを書きながらFlexboxのチートシートをVS Codeに表示中 CSS Flexboxのチートシートは、当ブログで翻訳したチートシートなどを参考にしているとのことで、Flexboxの各プロパティや値の挙動が簡単に分かります。 参考: CSS Flexbox の基礎知識と使い方を詳しく解説 機能拡張のダウンロードは、下記ページから。

            かなり便利!VS CodeでCSSを書きながらFlexboxのチートシートを利用できる -CSS Flexbox Cheatsheet
          • pandas/doc/cheatsheet at main · pandas-dev/pandas

            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

              pandas/doc/cheatsheet at main · pandas-dev/pandas
            • GitHub - azu/url-cheatsheet: URL manipulation cheatsheet for JavaScript

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                GitHub - azu/url-cheatsheet: URL manipulation cheatsheet for JavaScript
              • Web Performance Metrics Cheatsheet | bitsofcode

                I recently gave a talk on “Making Sense of Performance Metrics” at the Web Unleashed Conference, and it was suggested that I turn the breakdown of all the performance metrics into a cheatsheet; so here it is! The full cheatsheet, including a downloadable PDF version, are at the bottom of the page so feel free to skip to that. Four Questions # In a web.dev article on "User-centric Performance Metri

                  Web Performance Metrics Cheatsheet | bitsofcode
                • BlueTeam CheatSheet * Log4Shell* | Last updated: 2021-12-20 2238 UTC

                  20211210-TLP-WHITE_LOG4J.md Security Advisories / Bulletins / vendors Responses linked to Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228) Errors, typos, something to say ? If you want to add a link, comment or send it to me Feel free to report any mistake directly below in the comment or in DM on Twitter @SwitHak Other great resources Royce Williams list sorted by vendors responses Royce List Very detailed list NCSC-N

                    BlueTeam CheatSheet * Log4Shell* | Last updated: 2021-12-20 2238 UTC
                  • Cheatsheet: XSS that works in 2021

                    It’s been a year since my last XSS cheatsheet, and a year of developments in XSS exploitology. Here’s a new and updated version jam-packed full of goodies that I use myself! Note: This cheat-sheet focuses on up to date and relevant items only. Would you take a cheat sheet with you to an exam that has a bunch of irrelevant stuff? No, of course not. I hate cheat sheets that waste space on methods th

                    • GitHub - denisidoro/navi: An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line

                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

                        GitHub - denisidoro/navi: An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
                      • How to Yubikey: a configuration cheatsheet

                        This post shows different use cases for a Yubikey. There are also command line examples in a cheatsheet like manner. I’m using a Yubikey 5C on Arch Linux. If you run into issues, try to use a newer version of ykman (part of yubikey-manager package on Arch). Some features depend on the firmware version of the Yubikey. The tooling (like the wording) around the Yubikey is sometimes a bit confusing. I

                        • GitHub - peijin94/matlabPlotCheatsheet: A cheatsheet for those who plot with MATLAB

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                            GitHub - peijin94/matlabPlotCheatsheet: A cheatsheet for those who plot with MATLAB
                          • ruby/debug cheatsheet

                            This cheatsheet can help you get started with ruby/debug as well as use it in your daily development. It's not an exhausting list of its features or commands, so please go through its document as well. If you're migrating from byebug, I also recommend checking my byebug to ruby/debug migration guide. I also shared how to build a powerful debugging workflow with it in my talk: ruby/debug - The best

                              ruby/debug cheatsheet
                            • Windows Notes / Cheatsheet

                              Windows CheatsheetActive DirectoryExploitationPriv EscPost ExploitFile TransferLateral Movement A place for me to store my notes/tricks for Windows Based Systems. Note: These notes are heavily based off other articles, cheat sheets and guides etc. I just wanted a central place to store the best ones. The best Active Directory resource out there -> https://zer1t0.gitlab.io/posts/attacking_ad/ Table

                                Windows Notes / Cheatsheet
                              • The React Cheatsheet for 2020 (+ real-world examples)

                                I've put together for you an entire visual cheatsheet of all of the concepts and skills you need to master React in 2020. But don't let the label 'cheatsheet' fool you. This is more than a mere summary of React's features. My aim here was to clearly and concisely put forth the knowledge and patterns I've gained through working with React as a professional developer. Each part is designed to be imm

                                  The React Cheatsheet for 2020 (+ real-world examples)
                                • GitHub - CombineCommunity/rxswift-to-combine-cheatsheet: RxSwift to Apple’s Combine Cheat Sheet

                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                    GitHub - CombineCommunity/rxswift-to-combine-cheatsheet: RxSwift to Apple’s Combine Cheat Sheet
                                  • React Typescript Cheatsheet

                                    Here are a few patterns I find useful when building a project in React + Typescript. When starting out I didn't find the JSX and React types obvious or particularly well documented, so I'd like to maintain a list of what types to use in different situations. This is just a start, so I'd love to know what patterns you all find useful and what I should add to the list. Also, if there is anything her

                                      React Typescript Cheatsheet
                                    • Incident Response- Linux Cheatsheet - Hacking Articles

                                      Detecting any intrusion in your system is a very important step towards Incident response. Incident response is quite vast, but it is always better to start small. While performing incident response, you should always focus on suspected systems and the areas where it seems there could be a breach. Making use of Incident Response, you could detect a large amount of attacks at the primary level. The

                                        Incident Response- Linux Cheatsheet - Hacking Articles
                                      • window.location Cheatsheet | SamanthaMing.com

                                        # window.location Cheatsheet Looking for a site's URL information, then the window.location object is for you! Use its properties to get information on the current page address or use its methods to do some page redirect or refresh 💫 https://www.samanthaming.com/tidbits/?filter=JS#2 window.location.origin → 'https://www.samanthaming.com' .protocol → 'https:' .host → 'www.samanthaming.com' .hostna

                                          window.location Cheatsheet | SamanthaMing.com
                                        • window.location Cheatsheet

                                          Samantha Ming Posted on Apr 22, 2020 • Updated on May 4, 2020 • Originally published at samanthaming.com Looking for a site's URL information, then the window.location object is for you! Use its properties to get information on the current page address or use its methods to do some page redirect or refresh 💫 https://www.samanthaming.com/tidbits/?filter=JS#2 window.location.origin → 'https://www.s

                                            window.location Cheatsheet
                                          • The React Cheatsheet for 2022

                                            Do you want to get up to speed with React as quickly as possible? I’ve put together a super helpful cheatsheet to give you a complete overview of all of the React concepts you need to know in 2022. Click here to download the cheatsheet in PDF format. It includes all of the essential information in this article as a convenient PDF guide. Let’s get started! Table of ContentsReact ElementsReact Eleme

                                              The React Cheatsheet for 2022
                                            • Ultimate ChatGPT cheatsheet for UX UI Designers

                                              AI won’t replace designers, but designers who use AI will replace those who don’t. Similar to how calculators were once thought to replace mathematicians, many fear that AI will replace designers. However, this is a misconception. Just as calculators didn’t replace mathematicians, AI won’t replace designers either. Instead, AI will offer you — designers, new tools and capabilities to increase thei

                                                Ultimate ChatGPT cheatsheet for UX UI Designers
                                              • One XSS cheatsheet to rule them all

                                                Published: 26 September 2019 at 15:00 UTC Updated: 04 September 2020 at 14:33 UTC PortSwigger are proud to launch our brand new XSS cheatsheet. Our objective was to build the most comprehensive bank of information on bypassing HTML filters and WAFs to achieve XSS, and to present this information in an accessible way. Each vector includes a hosted proof of concept and which browser it successfully

                                                  One XSS cheatsheet to rule them all
                                                • Grid Cheatsheet

                                                  All text content belongs to W3C CSS Grid Specification, I only added interactive demos

                                                    Grid Cheatsheet
                                                  • Framer Web CheatSheetを制作しました|Shintaro Nakajima

                                                    FramerWeb先日本リリースとなり、これまでのFramerシリーズの集大成になりそうなFramer Web. ・Figmaのようにweb上で同時編集できる ・Figmaのデザインを直接インポートとして動かせる ・旧Framer(classic)の柔軟さと、Framer Xのコンポーネント部品の使いまわしやすさが融合など良い点はたくさんあるのはわかってたんですが、CoffeeScriptからReactベースになり、いまいちキャッチアップできてなかったので、連休中のお勉強も兼ねて、CheatSheetを作成しました。この記事ではこのCheatSheetを作ったいとについて触れたいと思います。 👇CheatSheetのファイルはこちらから。 ⚠️注意: このプロジェクトでは古い記法を用いています。 最新の記法との違いをご確認のうえ、お使いください基本コンセプト:デザインをちょっと動かしたい

                                                      Framer Web CheatSheetを制作しました|Shintaro Nakajima
                                                    • The React Cheatsheet for 2020 📄 (+ Real-World Examples)

                                                      I've put together for you an entire visual cheatsheet of all of the concepts and skills you need to master React in 2020. But don't let the label 'cheatsheet' fool you. This is more than a mere summary of React's features. My aim here was to clearly and concisely put forth the knowledge and patterns I've gained through working with React as a professional developer. Each part is designed to be imm

                                                        The React Cheatsheet for 2020 📄 (+ Real-World Examples)
                                                      • GitHub Search Cheatsheet

                                                        Using this CheatsheetThis cheat sheet is meant to be easy to skim and find what you're looking for. If you want more detailed descriptions and examples, please refer to GitHub's official documentation. Terms written in ALL CAPS are custom variables that you will need to type yourself.Search Syntax (Other sections depend on understanding this)

                                                          GitHub Search Cheatsheet
                                                        •  iPadのように⌘キーでMacのショートカット一覧を表示するフリーソフトCheatSheet - T’s blog

                                                          iPadのハードキーボードを使うとMacと同じように使えるショートカットもあります。しかし使うアプリ毎に設定が異なる場合もありその度にWebで検索するのも能率的ではありません。そのためにiPadにはアプリ使用中に⌘キーを長押しすると使用可能なショートカットキーを表示してくれる機能があります。もし忘れてしまったらすぐに確認出来ます。 これはiPadでは使える機能ですがMacでは同じように⌘キーを押してもショートカットキーの一覧は表示されません。そこでMacにCheatSheetアプリをインストールすると⌘キーでiPadのようにショートカット一覧を表示出来るようになります。CheatSheetの⌘キー機能もiPadと同じように使用中のアプリに対応したショートカットを表示するのでアプリ毎に切り替わります。 CheatSheetのインストール CheatSheetアプリはAppStoreにはないた

                                                             iPadのように⌘キーでMacのショートカット一覧を表示するフリーソフトCheatSheet - T’s blog
                                                          •  Apple WatchでEvernoteが使えないので買い物メモAppを探した[Cheatsheetノート]  - T’s blog

                                                            Evernoteの大幅なアップデートが9月にありました。UIもガラッと変わって使いにくくなったと言う声が大きいですがそれ程ヘビーユーザーでも無いので気にはならずに使い続けています。しかしとんでもない事にApple WatchのコンプリケーションからEvernoteが消えているのです。アップデート当初はEvernoteのApple Watchへのインストールの方法が書いてありましたが(注: この機能はまだ新しい Evernote for iOS ではご利用いただけません)と注意書きが添えられていました。承知しているのならすぐにもアップデートで修正されるだろうと思っていました。しかし一月たっても改善されずそろそろ代替えアプリを探さなければと思っていました。 先日このブログでMacのアプリCheatsheetを紹介しました。その時にAppStoreにもCheatsheetがあるかどうか検索しまし

                                                               Apple WatchでEvernoteが使えないので買い物メモAppを探した[Cheatsheetノート]  - T’s blog
                                                            • Nulls in GraphQL: Cheatsheet

                                                              Nullability in GraphQL is a controversial topic. Some say constant null checks are a nuisance, while others err on the side of paranoia. I say, UFO's are real. But, that's not the point. In this post, you'll hear both sides of the discussion, find a cheatsheet you can refer to later, and read about different approaches to nulls and errors by Apollo and Relay. Nullability and error handling in Grap

                                                                Nulls in GraphQL: Cheatsheet
                                                              • Bootstrap 5 CheatSheet 🚀 By ThemeSelection | Classes

                                                                Bootstrap 5 CheatSheet 🚀 An interactive list of Bootstrap 5 classes, variables, and mixins. 🎁 The only Bootstrap 5 CheatSheet you will ever need. 🎊

                                                                  Bootstrap 5 CheatSheet 🚀 By ThemeSelection | Classes
                                                                • CSS Flexbox Cheatsheet - Visual Studio Marketplace

                                                                  CSS Flexbox Cheatsheet (link) VS Code extension that lets you open a flexbox cheatsheet directly in the editor. Features The cheatsheet can be opened in a few ways: Press Ctrl + Shift + P (Win, Linux) / Cmd + Shift + P (Mac) and search for the Open CSS Flexbox Cheatsheet command. Press Ctrl + K K (Win, Linux) / Cmd + K K (Mac) keyboard shortcut. Hover any display: flex declaration and click the Op

                                                                    CSS Flexbox Cheatsheet - Visual Studio Marketplace
                                                                  • 2024 Social Media Image Sizes for All Networks [CHEATSHEET]

                                                                    Quick social media image sizes We go into more detail for every single network below, but this image includes the social media image sizes you probably look up most often. Basic Instagram image sizes Profile photo: 320 x 320 px Landscape: 1080 x 566 px Portrait: 1080 x 1350 px Square: 1080 x 1080 Stories and Reels: 1080 x 1920 Basic Facebook image sizes Profile photo: 170 x 170 px Landscape: 1200

                                                                      2024 Social Media Image Sizes for All Networks [CHEATSHEET]
                                                                    • Mac アプリ「CheatSheet」 - ショートカットキーのリストを表示する方法

                                                                      ショートカットキーのリストを表示するMacアプリ「CheatSheet」を紹介します。 Macアプリ「CheatSheet」を使えば、フォーカスしているアプリの ショートカットキーのリストをこんな感じで表示することができます。 普段の作業にショートカットキーを使えば、効率化がアップする!? かもしれないので、暇な時にでもこのリストをぼーっと眺める! なんて使い方もいいかもしれませんね。 Mac アプリ「CheatSheet」ショートカットキーのリストを表示する方法は? Mac アプリ「CheatSheet」で、ショートカットキーのリストを表示する方法は次の手順です。 [CheatSheet] にアクセスする まずは「CheatSheet」にアクセスし、アプリをダウンロード・インストールしていきます。 [CheatSheet] をダウンロードする アプリ [CheatSheet] のページで

                                                                        Mac アプリ「CheatSheet」 - ショートカットキーのリストを表示する方法
                                                                      • The Keywords Mapping Cheatsheet For Different Types of Sites [with a Google Sheets Included]

                                                                        The Keywords Mapping Cheatsheet For Different Types of Sites [with a Google Sheets Included] Keyword mapping is one of those key (and unfortunately sometimes overlooked) activities when developing an SEO process, as by establishing what pages should rank for which keywords, it forces us to: Connect the identified popular and relevant queries to target with the page of the right “nature” to rank at

                                                                          The Keywords Mapping Cheatsheet For Different Types of Sites [with a Google Sheets Included]
                                                                        • Accessible Target Sizes Cheatsheet — Smashing Magazine

                                                                          Practical guidelines to prevent rage taps and rage clicks with accessible tap targets for icons, links and buttons — on desktop and on mobile. With useful techniques and guidelines. Rage taps are annoying and frustrating. These wonderful occurrences in our interface when we need to tap twice or sometimes three times to continue our journeys. Of course, sometimes they happen because the website is

                                                                            Accessible Target Sizes Cheatsheet — Smashing Magazine
                                                                          • 🔥 Ultimate Cheatsheet Compilation

                                                                            Hi everyone 👋 Today I wanted to share with you the Ultimate Cheatsheet Compilation. I hope aspiring/new developers will find this compilation helpful for quick reference whenever needed. 1. Git CheatSheet Credit: Trilochan Parida 2. Git CheatSheet with more details Credit: Trilochan Parida 3. Javascript Operator Cheatsheet Credit: Proful Sadangi 4. Javascript String Cheatsheet Credit: Proful Sada

                                                                              🔥 Ultimate Cheatsheet Compilation
                                                                            • Cheatsheet · Bootstrap v5.3

                                                                              This is a lead paragraph. It stands out from regular paragraphs. You can use the mark tag to highlight text. This line of text is meant to be treated as deleted text. This line of text is meant to be treated as no longer accurate. This line of text is meant to be treated as an addition to the document. This line of text will render as underlined. This line of text is meant to be treated as fine pr

                                                                              • M1 Pro搭載MacBook Proの初期設定cheatsheet(Vim, Git, VSCode, React, Python, Node.JS) - Qiita

                                                                                M1 Pro搭載MacBook Proの初期設定cheatsheet(Vim, Git, VSCode, React, Python, Node.JS)PythonVimNode.jsM1M1Pro Apple Silicon搭載のMacBook Proを使いこなせ 手順通りの設定を行うことで1日でM1 Pro MacBook Proの生産性をフルパワーの8割まで引き出すcheatsheetです。 ★マークをつけた箇所は個人的主観が入ってる箇所です。適宜飛ばしたりコマンドを変更したりしてください。簡単な質問は受け付けてます。 前提条件 OS: Monterey MacBook Pro(16-inch, 2021) CPU: Apple M1 Pro ★US配置 コマンドラインの基本を習得してる コンセプト iMac(Intel late2017)とMacBook Air(2020 M1)の

                                                                                  M1 Pro搭載MacBook Proの初期設定cheatsheet(Vim, Git, VSCode, React, Python, Node.JS) - Qiita
                                                                                • MITM-cheatsheet/README.md at master · frostbits-security/MITM-cheatsheet

                                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                    MITM-cheatsheet/README.md at master · frostbits-security/MITM-cheatsheet