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  • Effects Showroom - TerminalTextEffects Docs

    Intro to TTE ChangeBlog How to install & use TTE Effects Showroom Effects Showroom Library Cookbook Reference Effects Showroom The effects shown below represent the built-in library of effects and their default configuration. Beams Creates beams which travel over the canvas illuminating the characters. Reference Config Beams Command Line Arguments --beam-row-symbols (ASCII/UTF-8 character) [(ASCII

    • leah blogs: What autoconf got right

      Thanks to the xz backdoor, many people are now talking about the state of Linux packaging tools, and in particular build systems. As a maintainer of Void Linux and packager of many things, I have my five cents to add, so today I’ll be the contrarian and argue what autoconf got right. This is not an apology for GNU autotools; we are all well familiar with the issues they bring—yet some prospective

      • TTE: Terminal Text Effects | Hacker News

        I freaking love this library! It reminds me of a time that I don't even know happened when computers seemed like a scifi possibility come true. So happy to see it on the front page.One of the coolest things is not just the ability to pipe cat outputs into it, but that it doubles up as a python library- next time you're making a throw away CLI with print outs and prompts, why not make it insanely j

        • Linuxでテキストファイルの重複行を抽出・削除する方法(uniqコマンド) - Qiita

          Linuxではuniqコマンドとsortコマンドを使用して、テキストファイルの重複行を抽出・削除することができます。 ここではそのやり方を紹介します。 環境 OS:CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 [root@centos8 work]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core) [root@centos8 work]#

            Linuxでテキストファイルの重複行を抽出・削除する方法(uniqコマンド) - Qiita