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deskの検索結果1 - 14 件 / 14件

  • Otoboke Beaver: Tiny Desk Concert

    Mannie Fresh bum rushed the crowd and mugged for the camera. Soul Glo's Pierce Jordan stunted on office furniture. Moses Sumney played our window-side piano. Some moments were staged and others spontaneous, but sometimes an artist just needs to "break the frame" of Tiny Desk. Case in point: Our puny shelves and cluttered junk could not contain Otoboke Beaver's Yoyoyoshie, who literally lept out fr

      Otoboke Beaver: Tiny Desk Concert
    • Hiromi: Tiny Desk Concert

      Suraya Mohamed | September 8, 2023 Hiromi arrived at NPR wearing comfortable sweats, her chic hair already styled and perfectly coiffed for the performance. A keyboard gig bag was strapped on her back with her Nord Lead A1 analog modeling synthesizer, a versatile instrument loaded with her programmed patches. Its buzzy, modular sound started the show with a funky melodic line that sets up this hig

        Hiromi: Tiny Desk Concert
      • Fujii Kaze: Tiny Desk Concerts JAPAN

        Suraya Mohamed | April 12, 2024 In the corner of a busy office at the NHK Broadcasting Center in Shibuya, Tokyo, a staffer rearranged books, vinyl records and tchotchkes on a bright red shelving unit. The production crew double-checked equipment settings and made small adjustments to the lighting. Another worker added a few more posters to the tall white file cabinets. Cameras were set and microph

          Fujii Kaze: Tiny Desk Concerts JAPAN
        • 日本版「tiny desk concerts」レギュラー放送決定、まずはKIRINJI登場

          日本版「tiny desk concerts」レギュラー放送決定、まずはKIRINJI登場 2024年5月20日 17:54 2153 109 音楽ナタリー編集部 × 2153 この記事に関するナタリー公式アカウントの投稿が、SNS上でシェア / いいねされた数の合計です。 399 1550 204 シェア

            日本版「tiny desk concerts」レギュラー放送決定、まずはKIRINJI登場
          • (追記あり) 藤井風が初回に登場する日本版tiny desk concerts、YouTubeでの公開を希望する - イマオト - 今の音楽を追うブログ -

            (※追記(3月22日4時38分):表記に一部誤りがありました。『エンベット(埋め込み)』と記載していましたが、正しくは『エンベッド(埋め込み)』でした。訂正の上、心よりお詫び申し上げます。) 本日、NHK総合にて新たな音楽番組、『tiny desk concerts JAPAN』がスタートします。 アメリカの公共放送NPR(National Public Radio)がネット展開し、全世界にブームを巻き起こした音楽コンテンツ「tiny desk concerts」の日本版をNHKで制作/放送します。「小さな机のコンサート」というタイトルの音楽プラットフォームは、NPRが2008年にインターネットでスタートさせました。アーティストたちは文字通り「NPRオフィスの小さな机」でパフォーマンスし、斬新なコンセプトから生まれたオーガニックなサウンドと親密なライブの雰囲気で、瞬く間に全米の人気コンテン

              (追記あり) 藤井風が初回に登場する日本版tiny desk concerts、YouTubeでの公開を希望する - イマオト - 今の音楽を追うブログ -
            • KIRINJI "killer tune kills me" (feat. YonYon) - tiny desk concerts JAPAN

              Watch KIRINJI's full set here! https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/3025078/?cid=wohk-yt-2405-tdcjKirinji-hp [Set List] Rainy Runway The Heel "Akudama" crepuscular "Hakumei" (feat. Maika Loubté) killer tune kills me (feat. YonYon) No Time Left "Jikan ga Nai" Runner’s High Watch more tiny desk concerts on NHK WORLD-JAPAN! https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/tinydeskconcerts/?cid=wohk-yt-

                KIRINJI "killer tune kills me" (feat. YonYon) - tiny desk concerts JAPAN
              • Otoboke Beaver: Tiny Desk Concert

                Lars Gotrich | May 10, 2024 Mannie Fresh bum rushed the crowd and mugged for the camera. Soul Glo's Pierce Jordan stunted on office furniture. Moses Sumney played our window-side piano. Some moments were staged and others spontaneous, but sometimes an artist just needs to "break the frame" of Tiny Desk. Case in point: Our puny shelves and cluttered junk could not contain Otoboke Beaver's Yoyoyoshi

                  Otoboke Beaver: Tiny Desk Concert
                • KIRINJI - tiny desk concerts JAPAN | NHK WORLD-JAPAN

                  The tiny desk welcomes KIRINJI, Horigome Takaki's solo project he originally formed in 1996 with his brother Yasuyuki. In recent years, the world has fallen in love with Japanese city pop, and KIRINJI is riding that wave with its complex and unique urban sounds. Watch as KIRINJI breathes new life into its highly acclaimed music with an enticing performance. MUSICIANS Horigome Takaki (Vocals/Guitar

                    KIRINJI - tiny desk concerts JAPAN | NHK WORLD-JAPAN
                  • The Japanese House: Tiny Desk Concert

                    Stephen Thompson | January 18, 2024 The Japanese House, a.k.a. the recording project of U.K. singer-songwriter Amber Bain, put out my favorite album of 2023: In the End It Always Does is an irresistible electro-pop record full of warmly relatable songs about desire, regret and the fear that no one will ever love you as much as the dog nestled in your lap. It's a wonderful record that's buoyed by i

                      The Japanese House: Tiny Desk Concert
                    • tiny desk concerts JAPAN 放送決定のお知らせ

                      アメリカの公共放送NPR(National Public Radio)がネット展開し、全世界にブームを巻き起こした音楽コンテンツ「tiny desk concerts」の日本版をNHKで制作/放送します。「小さな机のコンサート」というタイトルの音楽プラットフォームは、NPRが2008年にインターネットでスタートさせました。アーティストたちは文字通り「NPRオフィスの小さな机」でパフォーマンスし、斬新なコンセプトから生まれたオーガニックなサウンドと親密なライブの雰囲気で、瞬く間に全米の人気コンテンツになりました。そしてパンデミックを経て人気は全世界に飛び火、今やそのラインナップはテイラー・スイフト、BTSを筆頭に世界のビッグネームの多数を網羅、日本のアーティストたちにとっても憧れのプラットフォームとなっています。 2024年春、NHKがNPRよりプラットフォームのライセンス供与を受け、日本の

                        tiny desk concerts JAPAN 放送決定のお知らせ
                      • 好きな曲をそっと置いていく🎧⑩ I love "Tiny Desk Concert" cuz 親密であったかくて生の声を感じることができるから - Thoughts and Healing

                        人生って・・・世の中って・・・人間て・・・自分て・・・なんなん、とか考えたりしてさ。テンションあがらずやる気もでないっす。そんな日もあるよね。うん、けっこうあるよね。 考えるとさらにはまるから Stop thinking!  I know, but I can't stop thinking. That's why I need musics & stories beyond my tiny poor brain world. Take me away somewhere brand new unruled opened world. Set me free from my own. It is weird but sometimes English more fits me what I am and how I feel. BTS  防弾少年団 Taylor Swift テイラースイフ

                          好きな曲をそっと置いていく🎧⑩ I love "Tiny Desk Concert" cuz 親密であったかくて生の声を感じることができるから - Thoughts and Healing
                        • Babyface: Tiny Desk Concert

                          NPR Music is celebrating Black Music Month with an array of brand new Tiny Desk concerts. Together, these artists represent the past, present and future of Black music. This month of carefully curated shows is a celebration of Black artists expressing themselves in ways we've never seen before, and of the Tiny Desk's unique way of showcasing that talent. Nikki Birch | June 9, 2023 I was working l

                            Babyface: Tiny Desk Concert
                          • Nile Rodgers & CHIC: Tiny Desk Concert

                            Sheldon Pearce | October 25, 2023 Before Nile Rodgers & CHIC set the Tiny Desk off, the icon established a sort of mission statement for the group's sound: "If we can funk in this, you know we can funk." They surely can. In stints since 1972, CHIC has assured its position as funk ambassadors — a position its members clearly relish — and no space is resistant to their grooves. When Rodgers asks sin

                              Nile Rodgers & CHIC: Tiny Desk Concert
                            • Noname: Tiny Desk Concert

                              Ashley Pointer | November 10, 2023 Out of the thousand and some Tiny Desk concerts to date, it’s seldom an artist returns to the Desk. But when they do, there are a couple requirements: come in a new iteration or present something completely different. In this case, the Chicago-bred, emcee-activist Noname does both when she performs some revolutionary raps from her third album, Sundial, and premie

                                Noname: Tiny Desk Concert