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disasterの検索結果41 - 44 件 / 44件

  • Fukushima disaster: What happened at the nuclear plant?

    A tsunami struck the Japanese plant in 2011, leading to the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.

      Fukushima disaster: What happened at the nuclear plant?
    • Scalable, Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery in the Cloud | Amazon Web Services

      AWS News Blog Scalable, Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery in the Cloud Should disaster strike, business continuity can require more than just periodic data backups. A full recovery that meets the business’s recovery time objectives (RTOs) must also include the infrastructure, operating systems, applications, and configurations used to process their data. The growing threats of ransomware highlight

        Scalable, Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery in the Cloud | Amazon Web Services
      • AWS Elastic Disaster RecoveryでAzure仮想マシンをリカバリしてみた | DevelopersIO

        いわさです。 先日 AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery(AWS DRS)がGAになりましたね。 ドキュメントを斜め読みした感じ、DRに使える何かということがわかりましたが、ちゃんと見ていくと結構機能が多くて、フワッとした印象を受けやすいなと感じたので、実際に動かしてみてポイントをまとめてみました。 ただ、シンプルにAWS->AWSなどで最初は試せばいいものを、最初からAzure->AWSに挑戦してしまって苦しみました。 最初にElastic Disaster Recoveryの概念とポイント、気になる点 Network diagrams - AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery より引用 ソースサーバーにエージェントインストールが必要で、AWS上のレプリケーションサーバーへ非同期レプリケーション通信を行います。 レプリケーションサーバーはアタッ

          AWS Elastic Disaster RecoveryでAzure仮想マシンをリカバリしてみた | DevelopersIO
        • Kanji for Disaster, Calamity, Misfortune: 災 (Wazawa-i)

          The Japanese kanji for “disaster” or “calamity” is 災. The onyomi (Chinese reading) of 災 is さい (sai). The kunyomi (Japanese reading) of 災 is わざわ-い (wazawa-i). Origin of 災 (Kanji for Disaster): Fire Plus River The kanji 災 is believed to have its origin in two elements of nature responsible for many natural disasters, namely Fire and Water. In case you wish to check, please read about the following f

            Kanji for Disaster, Calamity, Misfortune: 災 (Wazawa-i)