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81 - 120 件 / 141件

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github-actionsの検索結果81 - 120 件 / 141件

  • GitHub Actions: Dynamic names for workflow runs

    September 26, 2022 GitHub Actions customers can now dynamically name their workflow runs. The new run-name feature will accept expressions and be displayed on the list of workflow runs. For more information on how to use run-name, visit the documentation. For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community. To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap. We've made some improvements to aud

      GitHub Actions: Dynamic names for workflow runs
    • GitHub Actions と GitHub Packages で Docker image を配布する - Qiita

      Docker Hub から GitHub Packages へ Git tag やブランチをトリガーに Docker image を自動でビルドして Docker registry で公開・配布したいとなると、まず Docker Hub の利用が候補として考えられます。 あれだけの機能を無料で提供してくれている Docker Hub 開発チームには本当に感謝しているのですが、一点だけ不満があります。実行時間です。Docker Hub はビルドの開始が遅く、実行時間も結構かかりがちです。 これの解決策として外部サービスで Docker image をビルドして、そこから Registry に image を Push することが考えられます。外部サービスには色々な選択肢がありますが、今回は GitHub Actions を選びました。ビルド行程を GitHub Actions で行えば Do

        GitHub Actions と GitHub Packages で Docker image を配布する - Qiita
      • GitHub - philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner: Terraform module for scalable GitHub action runners on AWS

        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

          GitHub - philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner: Terraform module for scalable GitHub action runners on AWS
        • actions/virtual-environments を我が手に!セルフビルドしてみた | CyberAgent Developers Blog

          この記事はCyberAgent Developers Advent Calendar 2021 10日目の記事です。 昨日はみーとみさんの「待機児童問題にマーケットデザインで挑む」でした。 はじめに CIU (CyberAgent group Infrastructure Unit) の中西 (@whywaita) です。 普段はプライベートクラウドであるCycloudのIaaSから上のレイヤーを中心に開発運用を担当しています。 直近ではGitHubからリリースされているGitHub ActionsというCIサービスに関連したmyshoesというソフトウェアを開発しています。 myshoesはOSSで公開されており、直近でもいくつかmyshoesについて登壇させていただいたので興味のある方はぜひこちらをご覧ください。 CyberAgent における OSS の CI/CD 基盤開発 mys

            actions/virtual-environments を我が手に!セルフビルドしてみた | CyberAgent Developers Blog
          • GithubActionsでのDocker BuildでCacheを効かせる方法メモ - Qiita

            はじめに GitHub ActionsでDockerのコンテナをBuildするとデフォルトだとLayerのCache?がされないため、毎回Dockerfileの先頭から実行することになります(何も工夫をしないと)。 「LocalでBuildするときは(Cacheが効いて)速いんだけど、GitHub Actionsだと遅い」というのは、Buildに時間がかかる場合結構しんどいです(Twitterなどが捗ってしまう)。 色々方法があるようですが、Dockerのマルチステージビルドを使っていないなら、割と簡単にCacheを効かせられるようなので、そのメモです(主に自分用)。 ポイントは docker buildコマンドの --cache-from と --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 になります。また、このOptionを指定するには、BuildKitを有効に

              GithubActionsでのDocker BuildでCacheを効かせる方法メモ - Qiita
            • GitHub Actions: GitHub-hosted runners now run Node.js 16 by default

              GitHub Actions: GitHub-hosted runners now run Node.js 16 by default actions December 10, 2021 In the latest update to our GitHub-hosted runners virtual environments, Node.js 16 has become the default version of node and npm 8 has become the default version of npm. To select the version of Node.js that you use for your projects, we encourage you to use the setup-node action. For questions, visit th

                GitHub Actions: GitHub-hosted runners now run Node.js 16 by default
              • GitHub Actions: Environments, environment protection rules and environment secrets (beta)

                GitHub Actions: Environments, environment protection rules and environment secrets (beta) actions December 15, 2020 Today we are releasing an open beta for the new continuous delivery capabilities in GitHub Actions. In this open beta there is no need to sign up, all existing GitHub organizations and accounts can use the new capabilities in their public repositories and GitHub Enterprise Cloud orga

                  GitHub Actions: Environments, environment protection rules and environment secrets (beta)
                • GitHub Actions Importer is now generally available

                  EnterpriseProductGitHub Actions Importer is now generally availableWe’re excited to announce the general availability of GitHub Actions Importer. GitHub Actions Importer helps you plan, forecast, and automate migrations from Azure DevOps, CircleCI, GitLab, Jenkins, and Travis CI… We’re excited to announce the general availability of GitHub Actions Importer. GitHub Actions Importer helps you plan,

                    GitHub Actions Importer is now generally available
                  • GitHub - google-github-actions/setup-gcloud: A GitHub Action for installing and configuring the gcloud CLI.

                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                      GitHub - google-github-actions/setup-gcloud: A GitHub Action for installing and configuring the gcloud CLI.
                    • GitHub - github/command: IssueOps commands in GitHub Actions

                      IssueOps commands in GitHub Actions! Like ChatOps but for GitHub Issues and Pull Requests 🤩 This project is based off the github/branch-deploy Action. There are many similarities between the two, but there is a key difference. The github/branch-deploy Action is designed specifically for deployments via IssueOps where this project (command) can be used for any IssueOps command. This Action allows

                        GitHub - github/command: IssueOps commands in GitHub Actions
                      • Managing GitHub Actions settings for a repository - GitHub Docs

                        You can disable or configure GitHub Actions for a specific repository.

                          Managing GitHub Actions settings for a repository - GitHub Docs
                        • GitHub Actions: Introducing faster GitHub-hosted x64 macOS runners

                          EngineeringProductGitHub Actions: Introducing faster GitHub-hosted x64 macOS runnersSpeed up your GitHub Actions jobs on macOS with all new, faster GitHub-hosted macOS runners for x64. Today, GitHub is releasing a public beta for all new, more powerful hosted macOS runners for GitHub Actions. Teams who are looking to speed up their macOS jobs now have new options to meet their needs. Faster GitHub

                            GitHub Actions: Introducing faster GitHub-hosted x64 macOS runners
                          • GitHub Actions: DRY your GitHub Actions configuration by reusing workflows

                            GitHub Actions: DRY your GitHub Actions configuration by reusing workflows actions October 5, 2021 Now available in public beta, you can reuse entire workflows as if they were an action. Instead of copying and pasting workflow definitions across repositories, you can now reference an existing workflow with a single line of configuration. Reusing workflows are great for reducing configuration. Here

                              GitHub Actions: DRY your GitHub Actions configuration by reusing workflows
                            • GitHub - cross-platform-actions/action: Cross-platform GitHub action

                              This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Use this GitHub Action with your project Add this Action to an existing workflow or create a new one.

                                GitHub - cross-platform-actions/action: Cross-platform GitHub action
                              • GitHub Actions で Rails のテストを実行する | Basicinc Enjoy Hacking!

                                この手の記事が世界の至る所で書かれている気がしますが、シークレットキーを渡す方法を含めて最新の GitHub Actions 情報に対応したものを見つけることができなかったので書きます。 やりたいこと Rspec や Rubocop を GitHub Actions で動かしたい Rails の Environment Credentials を使っているので RAILS_MASTER_KEY を渡したい Dependabot が作成するプルリクにもシークレット RAILS_MASTER_KEY を渡したい 前提 Private repository YAML ファイル まずは GitHub Actions の設定 YAML ファイルです。PostgreSQL と Redis をサービスコンテナとして用意しています。Ruby の実行には ruby/setup-ruby を使っています。ここ

                                  GitHub Actions で Rails のテストを実行する | Basicinc Enjoy Hacking!
                                • GitHub - Cicada-Software/cicada: A FOSS, cross-platform version of GitHub Actions and Gitlab CI

                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

                                    GitHub - Cicada-Software/cicada: A FOSS, cross-platform version of GitHub Actions and Gitlab CI
                                  • Announcing the Stale Repos Action

                                    Open SourceAnnouncing the Stale Repos ActionA tool to help you keep your open source catalog organized and up to date. At GitHub, we believe in the power of collaboration and the importance of maintaining active and thriving projects. As an organization expands and projects evolve, repositories can easily become stale and inactive. It’s important to identify these repositories and take appropriate

                                      Announcing the Stale Repos Action
                                    • Building a Rails CI pipeline with GitHub Actions

                                      GitHub Actions is an automation platform that you run directly from inside a GitHub repository. Using GitHub Actions, you build workflows that are triggered by any kind of event. These workflows run arbitrary code as Jobs and you can piece together multiple Steps to achieve pretty much whatever you want. Aside from automatically posting GIFs on every pull request, the most obvious use-case for thi

                                        Building a Rails CI pipeline with GitHub Actions
                                      • GitHub Actions: reusable workflows is generally available

                                        EnterpriseProductGitHub Actions: reusable workflows is generally availableDRY your Actions configuration with reusable workflows (and more!) GitHub Actions keeps getting better and better for teams of all shapes and sizes. Over the past month, thousands of repositories have used the beta of reusable workflows to reduce duplication and increase consistency, including many large enterprises. We’ve r

                                          GitHub Actions: reusable workflows is generally available
                                        • GitHubコメントを実行してあらゆることを自動化するGitHub Actions - Qiita

                                          やりたいこと GitHubのissueやプルリクエストのコメントに任意のスクリプトを書いてGitHub Actionsで実行したいです。 これができると色々と自動化できます。 例えば、 プルリクをマージした時のプレビュー npmのパッケージをアップデートして自動でプルリク SSHでGitHub Actions内に入ってデバッグ Python/Ruby/Go/Deno/Scala .... 任意言語の実行 LGTMの画像をコメント ... などなどアイデア次第でGitHubコメントする手軽さであらゆることを自動化できます。 npmでもaptでもpipでもgitでも色々コメントからGitHub完結で実行できます。 できたもの comment-runと呼んでます。 GitHub: https://github.com/nwtgck/actions-comment-run 上記のREADMEにここ

                                            GitHubコメントを実行してあらゆることを自動化するGitHub Actions - Qiita
                                          • GitHub Actions for security and compliance

                                            ProductSecurityGitHub Actions for security and complianceGitHub Actions can automate several common security and compliance tasks, even if your CI/CD pipeline is managed by another tool. When thinking about automating developer workflows, the first things that come to mind for most are traditional CI/CD tasks: build, test, and deploy. However, many other common tasks can benefit from automation ou

                                              GitHub Actions for security and compliance
                                            • 2021年に入ってやめた3つの開発に関わる仕組み | Money Forward Kessai TECH BLOG

                                              久しぶりの登場となりましたマネーフォワードケッサイ(以降MFK)CTOの篠原です。 事業が成長し続ける事で、情報管理、GCPリソース等のアクセス権限や、そしてオペレーションやセキュリティ観点でのリスクコントロールなどを意識する場面が増えてきます。 今回、MFKとして正しいと思う形で正しく運用できているかを保証する為に導入していた仕組みなどを、0から再設計しなおしたお話ができればと思います。 まず今回のテーマである正しいとは何かを書き出したいと思います。 GCPリソースに対するメンバーの権限は必要最低限に留める事 本番環境にデプロイされるソースコードが社内で定める条件を満たしている事 社内ツールで読み書き可能なメンバーが必要最低限である事 またそれぞれで意図通り運用されたことを保証できる事 一部ではありますが開発組織によって定義される正しさは異なると思いますので、ここではMFKの考える 正し

                                                2021年に入ってやめた3つの開発に関わる仕組み | Money Forward Kessai TECH BLOG
                                              • [GitHub Actions]actions/cache&pipenv&pytestの組み合わせを正常動作するまで検証&修正した記録 | DevelopersIO

                                                はじめに GitHub ActionsのWorkflowにて、pipenvを使いつつcache化させて効率よく動かす、ということをされている方は多いと思われます。私自身、担当プロジェクトにて効率よく動かしている、と思っていました。一応キャッシュはしていたものの、キャッシュを無視して毎回インストールするフローになっていたのは不覚の極みでした。 正常にキャッシュされているかどうかの見極めと、pipenvとactions/cacheを併用したpytestの動作例をまとめました。 正常にキャッシュされているかどうかを見極める セルフホストしていない限りは、ActionsのWorkflowログが確認の全てです。 キャッシュキーが意図した通りになっているか確認する actions/cacheにて生成を想定するキーは恐らく次のような構成でしょう。 Linux-pipenv-8772fa24c3defb2

                                                  [GitHub Actions]actions/cache&pipenv&pytestの組み合わせを正常動作するまで検証&修正した記録 | DevelopersIO
                                                • How GitHub uses GitHub Actions and Actions larger runners to build and test GitHub.com

                                                  EngineeringHow GitHub uses GitHub Actions and Actions larger runners to build and test GitHub.comRecently, we’ve been working to make our CI experience better by leveraging the newly released GitHub feature, Actions larger runners, to run our CI. The Developer Experience (DX) team at GitHub collaborated with a number of other teams to work on moving our continuous integration (CI) system to GitHub

                                                    How GitHub uses GitHub Actions and Actions larger runners to build and test GitHub.com
                                                  • GitHub - github/codeql: CodeQL: the libraries and queries that power security researchers around the world, as well as code scanning in GitHub Advanced Security

                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                      GitHub - github/codeql: CodeQL: the libraries and queries that power security researchers around the world, as well as code scanning in GitHub Advanced Security
                                                    • GitHub - kawamataryo/resume: My resume, curriculum-vitae.

                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                        GitHub - kawamataryo/resume: My resume, curriculum-vitae.
                                                      • Dependabot Updates on Actions for GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Free, Pro, and Teams Users

                                                        Dependabot Updates on Actions for GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Free, Pro, and Teams Users actionsadvanced-securitydependabotsecuritysecurity-and-compliance April 22, 2024 Starting today, developers using GitHub Enterprise Cloud (GHEC) and Free, Pro, and Teams accounts can enable their repositories and/or organizations to run Dependabot updates as an Actions workflow. With this change, the job that

                                                        • Visual Regression Testingで安心できるフロントエンド環境を作る - Sansan Tech Blog

                                                          こんにちは。Eight事業部で主にフロントエンドを担当している青山です。 今回はEightのWebフロントエンドコンポーネント集にVisual Regression Testingを導入した事例を紹介します。 他社さんの事例や勉強会を見るに敷居も下がってきているようで、遅ればせながらDX(開発者体験)向上を見据えて環境を構築していきました。 Visual Regression Testing とは Visual Regression Testing (以下、VRT) は日本語で画像回帰テストと呼ばれています。対象の修正前後の画像を比較し、差分がないこと、もしくは差分が正しいことをチェックします。 GUIアプリケーションの場合、最終的にユーザーが触れるのは画面であり、この状態をスナップショットでチェックできるのはとても安心できるものだと思います。 Eightのコンポーネント集 今回導入対象と

                                                            Visual Regression Testingで安心できるフロントエンド環境を作る - Sansan Tech Blog
                                                          • GitHub - bridgecrewio/yor: Extensible auto-tagger for your IaC files. The ultimate way to link entities in the cloud back to the codified resource which created it.

                                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                              GitHub - bridgecrewio/yor: Extensible auto-tagger for your IaC files. The ultimate way to link entities in the cloud back to the codified resource which created it.
                                                            • Requiring workflows with Repository Rules is generally available

                                                              Requiring workflows with Repository Rules is generally available actionspullrequestsrepositoriesrules October 11, 2023 Requiring Actions workflows with Repository Rules is now generally available on GitHub.com! Through Repository Rules, GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can now set up organization-wide rules to enforce their CI/CD workflows, ensuring workflows pass before pull requests can be merg

                                                              • GitHub Actions:OpenID Connect support enhanced to enable secure cloud deployments at scale

                                                                GitHub Actions:OpenID Connect support enhanced to enable secure cloud deployments at scale actionsoidc October 18, 2022 OpenID Connect (OIDC) support in GitHub Actions enables secure cloud deployments using short-lived tokens that are automatically rotated for each deployment. You can now use the enhanced OIDC support to configure the subject claim format within the OIDC tokens, by defining a cust

                                                                  GitHub Actions:OpenID Connect support enhanced to enable secure cloud deployments at scale
                                                                • How we tripled max concurrent jobs to boost performance of GitHub Actions

                                                                  EngineeringHow we tripled max concurrent jobs to boost performance of GitHub ActionsThe GitHub Actions team has done lots of work to improve the performance and resource consumption of Actions on GHES in the past year. GitHub Actions became generally available on GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) with the 3.0 release about two years ago. Since then, we’ve made many performance improvements to the pr

                                                                    How we tripled max concurrent jobs to boost performance of GitHub Actions
                                                                  • How to automate UI tests with Github Actions

                                                                    Developers spend 4-8 hrs a week fixing bugs. Things only get worse if a bug sneaks its way into production. It takes 5-10x longer to fix it. UI testing is integral to delivering high-quality experiences but can be a huge time sink. It's too much work to run all your tests manually after every change. Leading UI engineering teams at Twilio, Target and Adobe automate UI testing. Tests are triggered

                                                                      How to automate UI tests with Github Actions
                                                                    • GitHub Actions - Support for configuration variables in workflows | GitHub Changelog

                                                                      GitHub Actions – Support for configuration variables in workflows githubactionsworkflows January 10, 2023 Today, we are adding support for configuration variables in GitHub Actions 🎉 Previously, you needed to store this configuration data as encrypted secrets in order to reuse values in workflows. While extremely secure, this method did not allow for easy storage and retrieval of non-sensitive co

                                                                        GitHub Actions - Support for configuration variables in workflows | GitHub Changelog
                                                                      • Introducing GitHub Actions Importer

                                                                        EnterpriseProductIntroducing GitHub Actions ImporterGitHub Actions Importer helps you forecast, plan, and facilitate migrations from your current CI/CD tool to GitHub Actions. We’re excited to announce a public preview of GitHub Actions Importer, which helps you forecast, plan, and facilitate migrations from your current CI/CD tool to GitHub Actions. Doing individual migrations is relatively easy

                                                                          Introducing GitHub Actions Importer
                                                                        • GitHub ActionsでGoogle App Engineにデプロイする方法(2021-4版) - Qiita

                                                                          はじめに GitHub ActionsでGoogle App Engineにデプロイする方法は色々あったようですが、最近はよりスマートになっております。 2021/4/1にリリースされた google-github-actions/deploy-appengine@v0.3.1 を使います。 v0.2.0系でも同様な感じです。 ただ、実際に行うときにハマることがあったので現在の方法を記載しておきます。 プロジェクトの作成 (Web上で作っても良いかもしれません) $projectIDは自分のIDを設定してください。

                                                                            GitHub ActionsでGoogle App Engineにデプロイする方法(2021-4版) - Qiita
                                                                          • GitHub - tj-actions/changed-files: :octocat: Github action to retrieve all (added, copied, modified, deleted, renamed, type changed, unmerged, unknown) files and directories.

                                                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                              GitHub - tj-actions/changed-files: :octocat: Github action to retrieve all (added, copied, modified, deleted, renamed, type changed, unmerged, unknown) files and directories.
                                                                            • GitHub - ashishb/gabo: GitHub Actions Boilerplate Generator

                                                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                GitHub - ashishb/gabo: GitHub Actions Boilerplate Generator
                                                                              • GitHub Actions: OpenID Connect token now supports more claims for configuring granular cloud access | GitHub Changelog

                                                                                GitHub Actions: OpenID Connect token now supports more claims for configuring granular cloud access actionsoidc January 10, 2023 OpenID Connect (OIDC) support in GitHub Actions enables secure cloud deployments using short-lived tokens that are automatically rotated for each deployment. Each OIDC token includes standard claims like the audience, issuer, subject and many more custom claims that uniq

                                                                                  GitHub Actions: OpenID Connect token now supports more claims for configuring granular cloud access | GitHub Changelog
                                                                                • Github ActionsによるScala製ライブラリの依存ライブラリ更新と定期リリースの自動化 - Chatwork Creator's Note

                                                                                  どうも、かとじゅん(@j5ik2o)です。 Scala製ライブラリでの依存ライブラリ更新と定期リリースをGithub Actionsを使って自動化するようにしたので、以下にその方法をまとめます。 具体的な例を見たい場合は以下のリポジトリを参照してください。 github.com 自動化した作業 依存ライブラリのバージョンアップのPR作成とマージ リリースノートの生成 JARファイルの公開 ツールの前提条件など sbt-ci-release, sbt-scalafix, sbt-scalafmtのsbtプラグインは必須としています。CIでリリースするだけならsbt-ci-releaseの設定だけでOK project/plugins.sbt 参照 sbt-ci-releaseの設定 git tagに振られたバージョンに基づいてリリースするのでversion.sbtを削除 sbt-releas

                                                                                    Github ActionsによるScala製ライブラリの依存ライブラリ更新と定期リリースの自動化 - Chatwork Creator's Note