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gitopsの検索結果81 - 84 件 / 84件

  • What DevOps is to the Cloud, GitOps is to Cloud Native

    At this year’s KubeCon, CloudNativeCon, EU held in Barcelona, a panel discussion on “GitOps and Best Practices for Cloud Native CICD” was attended by almost 1600 participants! GitOps has crossed the chasm and is now a central part of the Cloud Native lexicon that should be in every developer and cluster operator’s toolkit. At this year’s KubeCon, CloudNativeCon, EU held in Barcelona, a panel discu

      What DevOps is to the Cloud, GitOps is to Cloud Native
    • GitHub ActionsでおうちKubernetesの簡易GitOpsを実現する (Azure Arc 対応 Kubernetes利用) - Qiita

      GitHub ActionsでおうちKubernetesの簡易GitOpsを実現する (Azure Arc 対応 Kubernetes利用)AzurekubernetesGitHubActionsAzureArcQiitaEngineerFesta_GitHub はじめに 本記事は Qiita エンジニアフェスタ 2022 GitHub Actions の自分流の使い方をシェアしよう の参加記事です。 学習用に自宅でKubernetesクラスターを動かしているので、これをGitHub Actionsと組み合わせようと思い立ちました。 どうやってGitHub Actionsから自宅クラスターにアクセスさせようか悩んでいたところ、Azure Arc 対応 Kubernetes の 任意の場所からクラスターにアクセスする 機能が使えそうだとわかりました。 本記事ではKubernetesクラスター

        GitHub ActionsでおうちKubernetesの簡易GitOpsを実現する (Azure Arc 対応 Kubernetes利用) - Qiita
      • GitOps Cookbook

        Read it now on the O’Reilly learning platform with a 10-day free trial. O’Reilly members get unlimited access to books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O’Reilly and nearly 200 top publishers. Why are so many companies adopting GitOps for their DevOps and cloud native strategy? This reliable framework is quickly becoming the standard method for deploying apps to Kubernetes.

          GitOps Cookbook
        • Building a GitOps pipeline with Amazon EKS | Amazon Web Services

          Prerequisites: You will need the following services: AWS account with the ability to create EKS clusters GitHub account Amazon ECR Kubectl version 1.18 or newer Kustomize In this example, you will install the standard Guestbook sample application to EKS. Then you’ll make a change to the button style and deploy the change to EKS with GitHub Actions and GitOps. Part 1: Fork the Guestbook app reposit

            Building a GitOps pipeline with Amazon EKS | Amazon Web Services