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  • How to use JSON Path · Bump.sh

    A few years ago most API designers, developers, and technical writers would have had very little reason to bump into JSONPath, but its starting to get more and more relevant as more tools and standards start relying on it. So what is JSONPath, what is it used for, and how can you get up to speed with using it? JSONPath is a query language that can be used to extract data from JSON documents, which

      How to use JSON Path · Bump.sh
    • 62. AI Disturbance - How to use ibisPaint

      AI Disturbance is a feature that applies noise to illustrations to interfere with the fine-tuning of image-generating AIs (such as Stable Diffusion). When an illustration to which AI Disturbance has been applied is used in AI training, the noise prevents the AI from correctly interpreting the original style of the illustration. This is a useful feature for those who wish to protect their unique ar

        62. AI Disturbance - How to use ibisPaint
      • ヘンリー版 エンジニア社外登壇 How-To - 株式会社ヘンリー エンジニアブログ

        ヘンリーで SRE をやっている id:nabeop です。 昨年からオフラインイベントも活況になってきています。登壇の準備段階や登壇時に気をつけておきたいポイントについてまとめて、技術勉強会 (ギベン)1でエンジニアが社外登壇するときに気をつけたいことの Tips 集みたいな感じで発表してみました。このときの発表の評判がよくて社外向け版もつくってみない?という声があったので書いてみました。 弊社では Google Workspace を使っているので、Google スライドで資料を作成し、社内向けの資料の保存場所は Google Drive を使うというワークフローで考えます。 登壇準備 社内の外部登壇記録に登録しておく スライドで使用するロゴなどは敬意を持って使おう Google スライドで PDF 化を考慮したフォントを使う Google Drive は社内で共有しやすい場所を選択し

          ヘンリー版 エンジニア社外登壇 How-To - 株式会社ヘンリー エンジニアブログ
        • How to embed a Bluesky post on your website or blog - Bluesky

            How to embed a Bluesky post on your website or blog - Bluesky
          • Autotuner: How to Speed Up Your Rails App

            This article was adapted from my Rails World talk “Rails and the Ruby Garbage Collector: How to Speed Up Your Rails App”. Ruby’s garbage collector is designed to be adaptable, scaling from short Ruby scripts to running apps that serve millions of requests per second. While it’s designed to be adaptable, it may not work optimally for every use case. For this reason, Ruby’s garbage collector support

              Autotuner: How to Speed Up Your Rails App
            • Xi shakes up China’s military in rethink of how to ‘fight and win’ future wars | CNN

              China has rolled out the largest restructuring of its military in almost a decade, focusing on technology-driven strategic forces equipped for modern warfare, as Beijing vies with Washington for military primacy in a region rife with geopolitical tensions. In a surprise move last week, Chinese leader Xi Jinping scrapped the Strategic Support Force (SSF), a military branch he created in 2015 to int

                Xi shakes up China’s military in rethink of how to ‘fight and win’ future wars | CNN
              • Why reading whitepapers takes your career to the next level (and how to do it)

                Hi everyone 👋, Jordan here. I’m excited to feature , L6 Staff Engineer and Tech Lead at Google, and author of , a blog with recurring deep dives on technical topics. Micah attributes a large part of his growth to reading technical whitepapers. In today’s guest post, he will share the value he’s experienced and how you can see similar results. Hi everyone 👋, Micah here. As a tech lead at Google,

                  Why reading whitepapers takes your career to the next level (and how to do it)
                • How to Write A 4000 Stars GitHub README for Your Project

                  The README is the most important file in your project. It's visitors' first impression, which can significantly impact whether they decide to star, become a user, contributor, or just close the browser tab. Before open-sourcing our project Daytona — a first for us — I aimed to ensure everything was perfect, aside from the code, which is another story unto itself. TL;DRKey strategies for a successf

                    How to Write A 4000 Stars GitHub README for Your Project