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  • デザインパターン - Refactoring.Guru

    デザインパターンは、 ソフトウェアの設計でよく 起きる問題に対する典型的な解決方法です。 パターンの一つ一つは、 自分のコードの設計 の一つ一つは、 自分のコードの設計上の問題に 合わせて調整可能な設計図のようなものです。

    • 実践 Rails アソシエーションリファクタリング / Rails association refactoring in practice

      Kaigi on Rails 2022 https://kaigionrails.org/2022/ https://kaigionrails.org/2022/talks/kei-s/

        実践 Rails アソシエーションリファクタリング / Rails association refactoring in practice
      • GitHub - Pungyeon/clean-go-article: A reference for the Go community that covers the fundamentals of writing clean code and discusses concrete refactoring examples specific to Go.

        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

          GitHub - Pungyeon/clean-go-article: A reference for the Go community that covers the fundamentals of writing clean code and discusses concrete refactoring examples specific to Go.
        • GitHub - sourcegraph/awesome-code-ai: A list of AI coding tools (assistants, completions, refactoring, etc.)

          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

            GitHub - sourcegraph/awesome-code-ai: A list of AI coding tools (assistants, completions, refactoring, etc.)
          • Refactoring optional chaining into a large codebase: lessons learned • Lea Verou

            Refactoring optional chaining into a large codebase: lessons learned Chinese translation by Coink Wang Now that optional chaining is supported across the board, I decided to finally refactor Mavo to use it (yes, yes, we do provide a transpiled version as well for older browsers, settle down). This is a moment I have been waiting for a long time, as I think optional chaining is the single most subs

            • Webサービスの成長を止めずに リファクタリングする技術 / web-refactoring

              PHPカンファレンス福岡 2019 - https://phpcon.fukuoka.jp/2019/ ■参考資料 https://oso.connpass.com/event/53811/presentation/

                Webサービスの成長を止めずに リファクタリングする技術 / web-refactoring
              • Refactoring Legacy Code with the Strangler Fig Pattern

                Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window Large objects are a code smell: overloaded with responsibilities and dependencies, as they continue to grow, it becomes more difficult to define what exactly they’re responsible for. Large objects are harder to reuse and slower to test. Even worse, they cost developers additional time and mental effort to understand,

                  Refactoring Legacy Code with the Strangler Fig Pattern
                • Sorbet + 100% cov makes Ruby refactoring possible

                  Last week, we deployed a refactoring patch to our Ruby codebase that was big for us 1 – 178 files changed: Changeset. If you’d asked me five years ago how to safely deploy a change of this size in Ruby, I’d have a very simple answer: you can’t. Ruby’s parser is no help in detecting regressions – it’ll notice invalid syntax, and that’s about it. A good test suite helps, but it’s never complete enou

                  • Refactoring Terraform with moved blocks - Money Forward Developers Blog

                    2021、年の暮れからこんにちは。 サービス基盤本部インフラ部の @grezarjp です。 2021年も終わろうとしているこのときに、嬉しいニュースがあります。Terraformのrefactoringがかなりやりやすくなりました。今日はTerraform v1.1.0から導入されたmoved blocksという機能によってTerraformのrefactoringがどのように楽になったのか、その機能とともに紹介したいと思います。 v1.1.0で導入されたmoved blocksについて まずはTerraform v1.1.0のリリースノートをご覧ください https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/releases/tag/v1.1.0 moved blocks for refactoring within modules: Module author

                      Refactoring Terraform with moved blocks - Money Forward Developers Blog
                    • Terraform 1.1 Improves Refactoring and the Cloud CLI Experience

                      Sign up for freeGet started in minutes with our cloud products TerraformInfrastructure as code provisioning​​​​‌‍​‍​‍‌‍‌​‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‌‍‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍‌‍‌​‌‍​‌‌‌​‌‍‌‍​‌‍‌‌​​‍‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‌​‍​‍​‍​​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌‌​‌‌​‌​​‌​​‍‍​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌‍​‌‌​‌‍‍​‌‍‍‌‌‍​‌‍‌​‍‌​​​‍‍‌‍​‌‌‍‌​‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‌‍‍​‍‍‌‍‌​‌‍​‌‌‌​‌‍‌‍​‌‍‌‌​​‍‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‌​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌​‌‍‍‌‌‌​‌

                        Terraform 1.1 Improves Refactoring and the Cloud CLI Experience
                      • GitHub - uber/piranha: A tool for refactoring code related to feature flag APIs

                        Feature flags are commonly used to enable gradual rollout or experiment with new features. In a few cases, even after the purpose of the flag is accomplished, the code pertaining to the feature flag is not removed. We refer to such flags as stale flags. The presence of code pertaining to stale flags can have the following drawbacks: Unnecessary code clutter increases the overall complexity w.r.t m

                          GitHub - uber/piranha: A tool for refactoring code related to feature flag APIs
                        • Introducing Clean Architecture by refactoring a Go project

                            Introducing Clean Architecture by refactoring a Go project
                          • Retrie: Haskell refactoring made easy

                            What’s new: We’ve open-sourced Retrie, a code refactoring tool for Haskell that makes codemodding faster, easier, and safer. Using Retrie, developers can efficiently rewrite large codebases (exceeding 1 million lines), express rewrites as equations in Haskell syntax instead of regular expressions, and avoid large classes of codemodding errors. Retrie’s features include the ability to rewrite expre

                              Retrie: Haskell refactoring made easy
                            • GitHub - baweaver/refactor: Utilities for refactoring and upgrading Ruby code based on ASTs.

                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                GitHub - baweaver/refactor: Utilities for refactoring and upgrading Ruby code based on ASTs.
                              • UXエンジニアを目指して 〜Refactoring UIを読む〜 | 丸ノ内テックブログ

                                フロントエンド front end バックエンド back end アプリ開発 app インフラ infra その他 other データドリブン data driven タグ一覧 Ajax(1) Android(20) Apache(2) AR(2) benchmark(1) BigQuery(2) browsersync(1) C4(1) CakePHP(1) CentOS7(1) CI(1) CMS(3) CoreNFC(1) CraftAR(1) CSS(1) DeepLab(2) Dmitry Stogov(1) ECMAScript(1) ECMAScript6(1) ElePHPant(1) Facebook(3) FFmpeg(1) firebase(1) fluentd(1) Framework(1) GD(2) gif(2) Git(1) GLSL(5) Google A

                                  UXエンジニアを目指して 〜Refactoring UIを読む〜 | 丸ノ内テックブログ
                                • Refactoring | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer

                                  Note: Explicit refactoring declarations with moved blocks is available in Terraform v1.1 and later. For earlier Terraform versions or for refactoring actions too complex to express as moved blocks, you can use the terraform state mv CLI command as a separate step. In shared modules and long-lived configurations, you may eventually outgrow your initial module structure and resource names. For examp

                                    Refactoring | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer
                                  • Refactoring made easy with IntelliCode! - Visual Studio Blog

                                    Have you ever found yourself refactoring your code and making the same or similar changes in multiple locations? Maybe you thought about making a regular expression so you could search and replace, but the effort to do that was too great? Eventually you probably resigned yourself to the time-intensive, error prone task of going through the code manually. What if your developer tools could track yo

                                      Refactoring made easy with IntelliCode! - Visual Studio Blog
                                    • GitHub - openrewrite/rewrite: Automated mass refactoring of source code.

                                      The OpenRewrite project is an automated refactoring ecosystem for source code, enabling developers to effectively eliminate technical debt within their repositories. It consists of an auto-refactoring engine that runs prepackaged, open source refactoring recipes for common framework migrations, security fixes, and stylistic consistency tasks—reducing your coding effort from hours or days to minute

                                        GitHub - openrewrite/rewrite: Automated mass refactoring of source code.
                                      • 【和訳】Refactoring to Kotlin(Codelabs for the 2019 Android Dev Summit: Mountain View, October 23-24, 2019.) - Qiita

                                        【和訳】Refactoring to Kotlin(Codelabs for the 2019 Android Dev Summit: Mountain View, October 23-24, 2019.) Android Dev Summit 2019 Codelabs for the 2019 Android Dev Summit: Mountain View, October 23-24, 2019. Refactoring to Kotlinの日本語訳 1.ようこそ! [このコードラボは、中国語とブラジル系ポルトガル語でも利用可能です] このコードラボでは、JavaからKotlinにリファクタリングする方法を学びます。また、Kotlin言語の規則とあなたが書いているコードがそれらに従うことを保証する方法についても学びます。 このコードラボは、プロジェクトをKotlinに移行するこ

                                          【和訳】Refactoring to Kotlin(Codelabs for the 2019 Android Dev Summit: Mountain View, October 23-24, 2019.) - Qiita
                                        • Design Patterns and Refactoring

                                          – What? How can code "smell"?? – Well it doesn't have a nose... but it definitely can stink! Bloaters are code, methods and classes that have increased to such gargantuan proportions that they are hard to work with. Usually these smells do not crop up right away, rather they accumulate over time as the program evolves (and especially when nobody makes an effort to eradicate them).

                                            Design Patterns and Refactoring
                                          • GitHub - isidentical/refactor: AST-based fragmental source code refactoring toolkit for Python

                                            import ast from refactor import Rule, Replace, run # Each refactor transformer inherits from "refactor.Rule" class FillPlaceholders(Rule): # And each rule implements a "match()" method, which would # receive every node in the tree in a breadth-first order. def match(self, node: ast.AST) -> Replace: # This is where things get interesting. Instead of just writing # filters with if statements, you ca

                                              GitHub - isidentical/refactor: AST-based fragmental source code refactoring toolkit for Python
                                            • Refactoring a Redux app to use Recoil - LogRocket Blog

                                              Internally, the RecoilRoot component implements a Context Provider and renders the children components. For more advanced readers, you’ll notice that unlike react-redux, the Provider keeps track of the state values internally so you don’t have to pass a store or state prop to the RecoilRoot component. The first bit of the refactoring is done. Here’s what comes next: creating and updating the globa

                                                Refactoring a Redux app to use Recoil - LogRocket Blog
                                              • LINE NEWS を TypeScript 化したい!/ How we did refactoring LINE NEWS codes into TypeScript

                                                Akinori Inoue (LINE Corporation) UIT meetup vol.8 online「We Are TypeScripters!」での発表資料です。 https://uit.connpass.com/event/161964/ https://cluster.mu/e/2623c783-862e-4004-a058-8d1c97b040cc

                                                  LINE NEWS を TypeScript 化したい!/ How we did refactoring LINE NEWS codes into TypeScript
                                                • Refactoring CSS: Strategy, Regression Testing And Maintenance (Part 2) — Smashing Magazine

                                                  After analyzing CSS and its weaknesses, and management giving a green light to the refactoring project, it’s time to get to work. A team needs to agree on the internal code standards and best practices, plan out the refactoring strategy, and outline individual tasks. We need to set up a visual regression testing suite, and a maintenance plan to enforce the new standards and best practices in the f

                                                    Refactoring CSS: Strategy, Regression Testing And Maintenance (Part 2) — Smashing Magazine
                                                  • Refactoring UI: Designing a Dashboard UI

                                                    This video is taken from Refactoring UI — a comprehensive resource for helping you make your ideas look awesome without relying on the help of a designer. Learn…

                                                      Refactoring UI: Designing a Dashboard UI
                                                    • Refactoring: My 6 favorite patterns | Bryce's Blog

                                                      Refactoring code has become one of my favorite things to do as a developer. It can have a major impact on code cleanliness, readability, and maintainability. In this post I’ll outline 6 refactoring patterns that I’ve found to be very useful and provide examples of each. Many are inspired by Martin Fowler’s “Refactoring” book, which I highly recommend if you’re looking to better understand common r

                                                      • From semantic CSS to Tailwind - Refactoring the Netlify UI codebase

                                                        The React codebase that powers app.netlify.com is about five years old. During these five years, the focus has mostly been on high-speed growth, as most start-ups do. For this reason, what started with organised PostCSS gradually grew to become a complex and entangled global CSS architecture with a lot of specificity and overrides. As you might expect, there's a point where the added tech debt it

                                                          From semantic CSS to Tailwind - Refactoring the Netlify UI codebase
                                                        • Manchun Tåkãnø🏊 on Twitter: "同僚が頑張ってスパゲティ化したコードをrefactoring しているのだが、依存関係をchartに起こして、そこからTopological sortでJIRA ticketを生成し、Jr. levelのエンジニアにタスクをアサイ… https://t.co/lASDoQeNAb"

                                                          同僚が頑張ってスパゲティ化したコードをrefactoring しているのだが、依存関係をchartに起こして、そこからTopological sortでJIRA ticketを生成し、Jr. levelのエンジニアにタスクをアサイ… https://t.co/lASDoQeNAb

                                                            Manchun Tåkãnø🏊 on Twitter: "同僚が頑張ってスパゲティ化したコードをrefactoring しているのだが、依存関係をchartに起こして、そこからTopological sortでJIRA ticketを生成し、Jr. levelのエンジニアにタスクをアサイ… https://t.co/lASDoQeNAb"