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  • これだけは知っておきたい最新モダンCSSの書き方(2024年夏版)

    このブックマーク可能なガイドの目的は、最近CSSに追加されたばかりの新機能や使い方を分かりやすくまとめることです。 「CSSって、こんなこともできるの?!」と思ってしまうほど、多くの人が知らない新しいテクニックが中心です。 また、たとえ知っていたとしてもよく理解できておらず、「それって何?」「なんで気にする必要があるの?」「サンプルコードがあると助かるんだけど、」そんな人におすすめしたい記事となっています。 周りがあっと驚くテクニックを習得して、ウェブデザインでできる表現の幅をぐっと広げましょう。 コンテンツ目次これだけは知っておきたい最新モダンCSS(2024年春版)CSSコンテナクエリのインタラクティブガイドCSS sroll()とview()によるスクロール駆動アニメーション実践編CSS :has()のインタラクティブガイドCSS Nestingの具体的な使い方と使用例CSSコンテナ

    • こんなことできるの?!最新HTMLテクニック・スニペット30選 2024年5月版

      目まぐるしく変化するWebデザインの世界は、新しい技術やテクニックが毎日のように登場し、追いかけるだけでも大変。 「Webデザインの最新テクニックを知りたいけど、時間が足りない」という方へ。 この記事では、話題になった人気テクニックを中心に集めているので、効果的にWeb注目ニュースをインプットできます。 しかもスニペットはコピペで利用でき、CSSのみでスタイリングされたものも多数。 HTML/CSSやJSのコードをリアルタイムで編集、確認できるので、今後のデザイン制作に活用してみてはいかがでしょう。 こんなことできるの?!最新HTMLテクニック・スニペット Cards (gradient border) 最近良く見かけるモダンなUIカードエフェクトをまとめたミニライブラリ。CSSでできるボーダーアニメーションと合わせてどうぞ。 See the Pen Cards (gradient bor

        こんなことできるの?!最新HTMLテクニック・スニペット30選 2024年5月版
      • Googleが映像と音声を理解して質問に答えるGPT-4oっぽいAIエージェント「Project Astra」を発表

        Googleが現地時間の2024年5月14日に開催した開発者向けイベントの「Google I/O」で、映像や音声を理解してリアルタイムで質問に答えてくれるAIエージェント「Project Astra(Astra)」を発表しました。実際に、ユーザーがスマートフォンとスマートグラスのカメラで撮影した物事について、Astraにあれこれ質問しているデモ動画も公開されています。 Google Gemini updates: Flash 1.5, Gemma 2 and Project Astra https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-gemini-update-flash-ai-assistant-io-2024/ Google strikes back at OpenAI with “Project Astra” AI agent prototype |

          Googleが映像と音声を理解して質問に答えるGPT-4oっぽいAIエージェント「Project Astra」を発表
        • Introducing Copilot+ PCs - The Official Microsoft Blog

          An on-demand recording of our May 20 event is available. Today, at a special event on our new Microsoft campus, we introduced the world to a new category of Windows PCs designed for AI, Copilot+ PCs. Copilot+ PCs are the fastest, most intelligent Windows PCs ever built. With powerful new silicon capable of an incredible 40+ TOPS (trillion operations per second), all–day battery life and access to

            Introducing Copilot+ PCs - The Official Microsoft Blog
          • CSS Length Units | CSS-Tricks

            Overview Many CSS properties accept numbers as values. Sometimes those are whole numbers. Sometimes they’re decimals and fractions. Other times, they’re percentages. Whatever they are, the unit that follows a number determines the number’s computed length. And by “length” we mean any sort of distance that can be described as a number, such as the physical dimensions of an element, a measure of tim

              CSS Length Units | CSS-Tricks
            • Rethinking Text Resizing on Web

              Airbnb has made significant strides in improving web accessibility for Hosts and guests who require larger text sizes. This post takes an in-depth look at: The problems encountered on mobile web when relying solely on browser zoom.The challenges of introducing changes that would impact the workflow of all frontend engineers.The benefits seen since launching these accessibility improvements.by: Ste

                Rethinking Text Resizing on Web
              • Fault tolerant Gleam – Gleam

                Published 27 May, 2024 by Louis Pilfold Gleam is a type safe and scalable language for the Erlang virtual machine and JavaScript runtimes. Today Gleam v1.2.0 has been published, a release that focuses on improving the language server and developer experience. It’s a big one both in terms of size and impact, so let’s take a look as what it includes. Fault tolerant compilation Gleam’s compiler has t

                  Fault tolerant Gleam – Gleam
                • Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That — Smashing Magazine

                  It’s easy to get lost in a sea of CSS frameworks and libraries, each promising easier styling and smoother layouts. But amidst this abundance, the modern CSS features we have today offer simpler and more flexible approaches without the added dependencies or abstractions. Brecht De Ruyte demonstrates four CSS utility classes (plus a bonus) using techniques that allow them to be used practically any

                    Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That — Smashing Magazine
                  • Ludic - Documentation

                    IntroductionLudic is a lightweight framework for building HTML pages with a component approach similar to React. It is built to be used together with htmx.org so that developers don't need to write almost any JavaScript to create dynamic web services. Its potential can be leveraged together with its web framework which is a wrapper around the powerful Starlette framework. It is built with the late

                      Ludic - Documentation
                    • How to Write A 4000 Stars GitHub README for Your Project

                      The README is the most important file in your project. It's visitors' first impression, which can significantly impact whether they decide to star, become a user, contributor, or just close the browser tab. Before open-sourcing our project Daytona — a first for us — I aimed to ensure everything was perfect, aside from the code, which is another story unto itself. TL;DRKey strategies for a successf

                        How to Write A 4000 Stars GitHub README for Your Project
                      • An even faster Microsoft Edge

                        Over the past month, you may have noticed that some of Edge’s features have become faster and more responsive. That’s because Edge is on a journey to make all user interactions in the browser blazing fast starting with some of our newest features and core features. Starting with Edge 122, the Browser Essentials UI is now much more responsive. The UI is now 42% faster for Edge users and a whopping

                          An even faster Microsoft Edge
                        • OpenAI's Rules for Model Behavior, Better Brain-Controlled Robots, and more

                          Dear friends, In the last couple of days, Google announced a doubling of Gemini Pro 1.5's input context window from 1 million to 2 million tokens, and OpenAI released GPT-4o, which generates tokens 2x faster and 50% cheaper than GPT-4 Turbo and natively accepts and generates multimodal tokens. I view these developments as the latest in an 18-month trend. Given the improvements we've seen, best pra

                            OpenAI's Rules for Model Behavior, Better Brain-Controlled Robots, and more