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rustの検索結果1 - 5 件 / 5件

  • GitHub - verus-lang/verus: Verified Rust for low-level systems code

    Verus is a tool for verifying the correctness of code written in Rust. Developers write specifications of what their code should do, and Verus statically checks that the executable Rust code will always satisfy the specifications for all possible executions of the code. Rather than adding run-time checks, Verus instead relies on powerful solvers to prove the code is correct. Verus currently suppor

      GitHub - verus-lang/verus: Verified Rust for low-level systems code
    • Bevyを楽しく書くために、最低限必要なRustのTips 3選 - Qiita

      概要 Bevy Engineを初めて使う人にとって、Rust言語特有の壁があります。今回は特にハマりがちな点を3つ挙げてご紹介します。 前置き Bevy Engineは、ゲームエンジンと紹介されることが多いですが、個人的にはopenFrameworksなどと同様に、汎用的な開発フレームワークと捉えています。 Bevy Engineはとてもよく設計されていて、幅広い用途に活用できるのですが、良くも悪くも現状はRust言語専用に作られていて、Rust言語以外でも使えるようにしようとする動きはなくはないものの、現状ではRustで書かざるをえません。 Rustは、C++やJavaと比べても難易度は高く、Bevyは難易度を緩和する仕組みを設けてくれてはいますが、BevyとRustにはいくつかのハマりポイントがあります。 当記事では、特にRust言語特有の事情に焦点をあて、Bevyに初めて触れる際に、

        Bevyを楽しく書くために、最低限必要なRustのTips 3選 - Qiita
      • Zed Decoded: Linux when? - Zed Blog

        Screenshot of Zed — but where are the red/yellow/green window controls? Does anything stick out? Yes, exactly, it's a screenshot of Zed running on Linux! Wait, what? Zed on Linux? Is it released yet? No, it's not, but it's taking shape, fast. At the end of January we open-sourced Zed and had zero Linux support. Now, three months later, you can compile & run Zed on Linux and actually use it. And I

          Zed Decoded: Linux when? - Zed Blog
        • Error Handling for Large Rust Projects - A Deep Dive into GreptimeDB's Practices | Greptime Blog

          This blog shares our experience organizing variant types of Error in a complex system like GreptimeDB, from how an error is defined to how to log the error or present it to end-users. Such a system is composed of multiple components with their own Error definitions. Status Quo of Rust's Error Handling ​A few standard libraries in Rust provide Error structs that implement std::error::Error, like st

            Error Handling for Large Rust Projects - A Deep Dive into GreptimeDB's Practices | Greptime Blog
          • Rust through the ages

            How has Rust changed over the years? It's been nine years since 1.0 was released (well, next week, technically). In that time, there have been 78 major releases and two editions, with a third due later this year. Quite a lot has changed! Those changes have been fairly incremental, so if you've been using Rust all that time, it probably doesn't feel like a lot. But comparing the 1.0 flavour of Rust
