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supportの検索結果161 - 200 件 / 744件

  • AWS、Slackで相談できる有償サポート「AWS Support App」が日本語に対応

    AWSジャパンは12月16日、ユーザーにSlackを介してサポートを提供するサービス「AWS Support APP in Slack」が日本語に対応したと発表した。これまでは英語のみに対応していた。 AWS Support APP in Slackは、Slack上のワークスペースを設定し、チャンネルを用意することで、AWSのサポート担当者とSlack上でチャットできるサービス。トラブル時に問題解決を図れる他、結果を他のメンバーに共有したり、過去のデータを検索したりできる。 今回の対応により、相談を始めるときに必要な記入事項を日本語で入力できるようになった他、サポート担当者と日本語でチャットできるようになった。AWSジャパンは日本語でサービスを使うときに向けたガイド動画も公開している。 関連記事 AWS、Slackで相談できる有償サポート「AWS Support App」開始 米AWSが、

      AWS、Slackで相談できる有償サポート「AWS Support App」が日本語に対応
    • Transformers as Support Vector Machines

      Since its inception in "Attention Is All You Need", transformer architecture has led to revolutionary advancements in NLP. The attention layer within the transformer admits a sequence of input tokens $X$ and makes them interact through pairwise similarities computed as softmax$(XQK^\top X^\top)$, where $(K,Q)$ are the trainable key-query parameters. In this work, we establish a formal equivalence

      • Slack経由で簡単にAWSへ問い合わせ!AWS Support App in Slackを使用する - NRIネットコムBlog

        こんにちは、上野です。 AWS Support App in Slackという新機能が出ました!ブログを見る限りすごく便利そうなので、色々と動作を見てみました。ケース起票等、一部日本語は未対応です。 追記:日本語にも対応しました!! aws.amazon.com aws.amazon.com AWS Support App in SlackはSlack経由でAWSサポートの管理が可能という機能ですが、以前からAWS Chatbotを使用したサポートケースの起票はできていました。(slack上で@aws support create-caseを実行) AWS Support App in Slackでは、AWSサポート専用の機能で、より簡単に、わかりやすくSlackからAWSサポートの管理ができるようになっています。 実際に試していきます。なお、利用にはAWSサポートプランBusiness,

          Slack経由で簡単にAWSへ問い合わせ!AWS Support App in Slackを使用する - NRIネットコムBlog
        • Xcode - インストール可能 対応バージョン macOS 一覧 / Install Support macOS Version Lists 【 2020.06 】 - Qiita

          さらに以前のOS情報などについては、下記 関連/参考 - Relation/Reference にあります。 以下は補足説明なので、より詳細について知りたい方はご覧ください。 背景 - Background この記事を投稿する背景を簡単に申し上げると、実はあるSwiftセミナーに参加するため遠出しましたが、私の Yosemite Macbook に Xcode をインストールできないという悲しい事態となってしまいました。 なぜインストールできないのか調べてみたところ、カンタンなことでした。OSごとにインストール可能 Xcodeバージョンが決まっていたからです。Yosemite ( ver10.10 ) の場合、Xcode 7.3 以上をインストールできなかったのです。その際、私がダウンロードしていたのは Xcode 8.2.1 でした。 Xcode 8.2.1 の場合 今 よくよく考えると

            Xcode - インストール可能 対応バージョン macOS 一覧 / Install Support macOS Version Lists 【 2020.06 】 - Qiita
          • Japanese Language support · meilisearch · Discussion #532

            Japanese Languages support officially supported Current behavior, pointed out issues, and Possible enhancement Language Detection Current behavior Meilisearch Language detection is handled by an external library named whatlang, then, depending on the detected Script and Language, a specialized segmenter and specialized Normalizers are chosen to tokenize the provided text. related to: meilisearch#2

              Japanese Language support · meilisearch · Discussion #532
            • Service Workers at Slack: Our Quest for Faster Boot Times and Offline Support - Slack Engineering

              Service Workers at Slack: Our Quest for Faster Boot Times and Offline Support Using a CDN-cached HTML file, a persisted Redux store, and a Service Worker, we reduced Slack boot time by more than 50%. We recently rolled out a new version of Slack on the desktop, and one of its headlining features is a faster boot time. In this post, we’ll take a look back at our quest to get Slack running quickly,

                Service Workers at Slack: Our Quest for Faster Boot Times and Offline Support - Slack Engineering
              • ご支援のお願い Support request | cafe la siesta -8bit edition!!!- Kyoto

                ご支援のお願い Support request 只今、全国の飲食店でも同じ状況かとは思いますが、先の新型コロナウィルスの影響により、シエスタも極めて厳しい経営状態に置かれております。 (毎月かかってくる固定費を払えなければ店の存続が危ぶまれる状況。。) そこで、少しでもマイナスを減らすべく、先売りドリンクチケット、グッズ等の販売を開始することにしました。 https://siesta8bit.thebase.in/ もし生活に余裕のある方がいらっしゃいましたら、ご協力いただき、なんとか持ち堪えたい所存です。 余談になりますが、 開業からの18年、一般社会には認められないながらも光り輝くユーモアな才能たちを愛し、ささやかながらも長らく続けてまいりました。 私たちのような趣味にこだわりを持って生きる人間にとって、それが多くの人の理解を得られない活動だったとしても、そうした発想や努力を理解し評価

                • 大麻の研究者だけど質問ある? | Tech Support | WIRED Japan

                  大麻の研究者をしているアンバー・ワイズが、「Tech Support」(#テックサポート)に登場。Twitter上の「大麻」に関する質問に回答する。 WIRED JAPAN チャンネル登録はこちら▶︎▶︎http://bit.ly/WIREDjpYouTube WIRED JAPAN:https://wired.jp WIRED.jp Twitter:https://twitter.com/wired_jp WIRED.jp Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/WIRED.jp WIRED.jp Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/wired_jp/ WIRED.jp TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@wired_jp WIRED SZメンバーシップ: 『WIRED』日本

                    大麻の研究者だけど質問ある? | Tech Support | WIRED Japan
                  • Your MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 databases will be automatically enrolled into Amazon RDS Extended Support | Amazon Web Services

                    AWS News Blog Your MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 databases will be automatically enrolled into Amazon RDS Extended Support Today, we are announcing that your MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 database instances running on Amazon Aurora and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) will be automatically enrolled into Amazon RDS Extended Support starting on February 29, 2024. This will help avoid unpl

                      Your MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 11 databases will be automatically enrolled into Amazon RDS Extended Support | Amazon Web Services
                    • Introducing MySQL Innovation and Long-Term Support (LTS) versions

                      • Xamarin official support policy | .NET

                        All Microsoft Global Microsoft Security Azure Dynamics 365 Microsoft 365 Microsoft Teams Windows 365 Tech & innovation Microsoft Cloud AI Azure Space Mixed reality Microsoft HoloLens Microsoft Viva Quantum computing Sustainability Industries Education Automotive Financial services Government Healthcare Manufacturing Retail All industries Partners Find a partner Become a partner Partner Network Fin

                          Xamarin official support policy | .NET
                        • Fresh 1.2 – welcoming a full-time maintainer, sharing state between islands, limited npm support, and more

                          Fresh 1.2 – welcoming a full-time maintainer, sharing state between islands, limited npm support, and more It’s been almost a year since we introduced Fresh 1.0, a modern, Deno-first, edge-native full stack web framework. It embraces modern developments in tooling and progressive enhancement, using server-side just-in-time rendering and client hydration using islands. Fresh sends 0KB of JavaScript

                            Fresh 1.2 – welcoming a full-time maintainer, sharing state between islands, limited npm support, and more
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                            • Zoom-Support

                              商号 日商エレクトロニクス株式会社 所在地 〒102-0084 東京都千代田区二番町3-5 麹町三葉ビル(受付6F) webサイト https://www.nissho-ele.co.jp 世界中どこからでもワンクリックで利用できる、最も満足度の高いWeb会議システム「Zoom」の魅力を余すことなくお伝えします。 効率的なビジネスミーティングをぜひ体験ください。 (c) NISSHO ELECTRONICS CORPORATION All Rights Reserved.

                              • Announcing Amazon Route 53 support for DNSSEC

                                Today, Amazon Web Services announced the launch of Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) for Amazon Route 53. You can now enable DNSSEC signing for all existing and new public hosted zones, and enable DNSSEC validation for Amazon Route 53 Resolver. Amazon Route 53 DNSSEC provides data origin authentication and data integrity verification for DNS and can help customers meet compliance man

                                  Announcing Amazon Route 53 support for DNSSEC
                                • GitHub - containerd/nerdctl: contaiNERD CTL - Docker-compatible CLI for containerd, with support for Compose, Rootless, eStargz, OCIcrypt, IPFS, ...

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                                    GitHub - containerd/nerdctl: contaiNERD CTL - Docker-compatible CLI for containerd, with support for Compose, Rootless, eStargz, OCIcrypt, IPFS, ...
                                  • Why We Added package.json Support to Deno

                                    The latest release of Deno introduced a significant change: providing enhanced Node and NPM compatibility through package.json support. This update led to questions regarding whether our priorities have shifted, as Deno has long been associated with forging a path distinct from Node. Indeed, package.json was explicitly mentioned as a regret in the first Deno presentation. Thus, many users were sur

                                      Why We Added package.json Support to Deno
                                    • Yarn support for security alerts

                                      Open SourceProductSecurityYarn support for security alertsYarn now supports security alerts for public and private repositories. GitHub security alerts help developers stay on top of vulnerabilities that impact their dependencies. JavaScript developers already receive alerts for their NPM-based projects that use package.json and package-lock.json manifests. Now developers who use Yarn for dependen

                                        Yarn support for security alerts
                                      • Twitter rolls back AMP support, no longer sends users to AMP pages

                                        Search Engine Land » SEO » Twitter rolls back AMP support, no longer sends users to AMP pages Twitter rolls back AMP support, no longer sends users to AMP pages With social media referrals to AMP pages cut down by the change, the reasons for supporting AMP are getting fewer. If you are noticing less traffic to your website’s AMP pages coming from Twitter, turns out there is a reason for that: Twit

                                          Twitter rolls back AMP support, no longer sends users to AMP pages
                                        • AWS Cost Allocation Tags now support retroactive application

                                          AWS now allows customers to enable Cost Allocation Tags retroactively for up to 12 months. As long as customers have added tags to specific resources in the past, customers can activate (or deactivate) cost allocation tags today and apply cost allocation tags to historical usage for these resources for up to 12 months. Previously, when AWS customers activated resource tags for cost allocation purp

                                            AWS Cost Allocation Tags now support retroactive application
                                          • Changes to message objects on the way to support WYSIWYG | Slack

                                            This autumn, Slack will make what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editing available to users. Once we release WYSIWYG editing, the text field found in message objects your app encounters will become an approximation of a user's more richly formatted message. To capture a message's full nuance and vibrancy, your app may look to the new blocks attribute included with such messages. What's changing

                                              Changes to message objects on the way to support WYSIWYG | Slack
                                            • GitHub - aquaproj/aqua: Declarative CLI Version manager written in Go. Support Lazy Install, Registry, and continuous update with Renovate. CLI version is switched seamlessly

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                                                GitHub - aquaproj/aqua: Declarative CLI Version manager written in Go. Support Lazy Install, Registry, and continuous update with Renovate. CLI version is switched seamlessly
                                              • GitHub - atanunq/viu: Terminal image viewer with native support for iTerm and Kitty

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                                                  GitHub - atanunq/viu: Terminal image viewer with native support for iTerm and Kitty
                                                • HDMI Forum Rejects Open-Source HDMI 2.1 Driver Support Sought By AMD - Phoronix

                                                  Show Your Support: This site is primarily supported by advertisements. Ads are what have allowed this site to be maintained on a daily basis for the past 19+ years. We do our best to ensure only clean, relevant ads are shown, when any nasty ads are detected, we work to remove them ASAP. If you would like to view the site without ads while still supporting our work, please consider our ad-free Phor

                                                    HDMI Forum Rejects Open-Source HDMI 2.1 Driver Support Sought By AMD - Phoronix
                                                  • Microsoft、「.NET 7」をリリース ~「C# 11」「F# 7」に対応、パフォーマンスも大幅向上/18カ月サポートの「Standard Term Support」(STS)バージョン

                                                      Microsoft、「.NET 7」をリリース ~「C# 11」「F# 7」に対応、パフォーマンスも大幅向上/18カ月サポートの「Standard Term Support」(STS)バージョン
                                                    • iOS 17.4 seems to remove web app support in the EU

                                                      iOS 17.4 iOS 17.4 seems to remove web app support for iPhone users in the EU Apple recently released iOS 17.4 beta to comply with the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) antitrust legislation, which forced the company to allow alternative app stores on the iPhone. The update also brings some changes related to web browsers – and some bad news too. Users in the EU who have installed the beta

                                                        iOS 17.4 seems to remove web app support in the EU
                                                      • Testing Feature Support for Modern CSS | Modern CSS Solutions

                                                        Testing Feature Support for Modern CSS Posted on: May 1, 2023 Written by Stephanie Eckles The pace of the CSS language can be challenging to keep up with! Browsers release features and fixes monthly, and the CSS Working Group is constantly working on specifications. So, how do you know using a new feature is "safe" to use? And what are the considerations around making that choice? Let's review how

                                                          Testing Feature Support for Modern CSS | Modern CSS Solutions
                                                        • Improving Workers TypeScript support: accuracy, ergonomics and interoperability

                                                          Improving Workers TypeScript support: accuracy, ergonomics and interoperability11/18/2022 This post is also available in 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, Deutsch, Français, Español and Português. TypeScript makes it easy for developers to write code that doesn’t crash, by catching type errors before your program runs. We want developers to take advantage of this tooling, which is why one year ago, we built a syst

                                                            Improving Workers TypeScript support: accuracy, ergonomics and interoperability
                                                          • Quickbooks Support For Mac

                                                            Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 4459 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 25 QuickBooks Desktop for Mac 2016 will officially be the last version of the product available, according to Intuit. QuickBooks Desktop Pro and Premier will continue to be available, but Mac for QuickBooks will be discontinued. QuickBooks App for Windows and Mac: General support The QuickBooks App provides you the power of

                                                              Quickbooks Support For Mac
                                                            • Announcing the public preview of Azure AD support for FIDO2-based passwordless sign-in

                                                              Howdy folks, I’m thrilled to let you know that you can now go passwordless with the public preview of FIDO2 security keys support in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)! Many teams across Microsoft have been involved in this effort, and we’re proud to deliver on our vision of making FIDO2 technologies a reality to provide you with seamless, secure, and passwordless access to all your Azure AD-connec

                                                                Announcing the public preview of Azure AD support for FIDO2-based passwordless sign-in
                                                              • Announcing support for gRPC

                                                                Today we're excited to announce beta support for proxying gRPC, a next-generation protocol that allows you to build APIs at scale. With gRPC on Cloudflare, you get access to the security, reliability and performance features that you're used to having at your fingertips for traditional APIs. Sign up for the beta today in the Network tab of the Cloudflare dashboard. gRPC has proven itself to be a p

                                                                  Announcing support for gRPC
                                                                • Amazon Redshift announces support for CNAME

                                                                  Amazon Redshift now supports Canonical Name (CNAME) or custom domain name, an easy-to-read Domain Name System (DNS) record that routes SQL client connections to either the endpoint of your Amazon Redshift cluster or Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup. With CNAME, you don’t need to expose your Redshift endpoint in the database connection, which enhances your security and it’s easier to recall and

                                                                    Amazon Redshift announces support for CNAME
                                                                  • Support Express - suppliesgirlgema

                                                                    Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 1047 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 16 (3) • Cranes, Booms and Bucket Truck Sales, LLC (6) • CranesList (99) • Cropac Equipment Inc. (1) • David Steed Company (3) • Davis Erection (1) • Deckrane Services (1) • Deer Creek Truck Sales (1) • Dick Mooney Crane Rental (1) • Dille Crane Service (1) • Dingemanse Trucks & Trailers (3) • Dixie Crane and Equipment (17)

                                                                      Support Express - suppliesgirlgema
                                                                    • 'Big Short' investor Michael Burry says the US government is backstopping markets and the economy - and warns too much fiscal support will end in disaster

                                                                      A magnifying glass. It indicates, "Click to perform a search".

                                                                        'Big Short' investor Michael Burry says the US government is backstopping markets and the economy - and warns too much fiscal support will end in disaster
                                                                      • Announcing Pylance: Fast, feature-rich language support for Python in Visual Studio Code - Python

                                                                        Announcing Pylance: Fast, feature-rich language support for Python in Visual Studio Code We are excited to announce Pylance, our fast and feature-rich language support for Python! Pylance is available today in the Visual Studio Code marketplace. Pylance depends on our core Python extension and builds upon that experience, for those of you who have already installed it. Optimized performance Pylanc

                                                                          Announcing Pylance: Fast, feature-rich language support for Python in Visual Studio Code - Python
                                                                        • Uber Support on X: "@himasoraakane 暇空 茜 様 Uber サポートです。 第三者の Uber Eats 上の具体的なアカウント名を投稿されておりますが、複数のユーザーの方がこちらの投稿によるプライバシーや安全性の侵害を懸念されております。 つきましては、こちらの投稿を削除していただきますよう、ご協力のほどお願いいたします。"

                                                                          • Amazon CloudFront announces support for HTTP status and response generation using CloudFront Functions

                                                                            Starting today, you can use CloudFront Functions to further customize responses to viewers, including changing the HTTP status code and replacing the HTTP body of the response. CloudFront Functions is a serverless edge computing feature on CloudFront built for lightweight HTTP transformations that runs in the 450+ CloudFront edge locations globally. Previously, CloudFront Functions allowed transfo

                                                                              Amazon CloudFront announces support for HTTP status and response generation using CloudFront Functions
                                                                            • Support Express - greekgiga

                                                                              Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 1580 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 93 Express Tech Help ActivateSupport Hours. Support is available for KwikTag customers with a current Support Agreement business days from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM MST. Please email support@kwiktag.com or call 1-877-KWIK-111 (1-877-594-5111). If you think of buying BeAnywhere Support Express but have not checked the other Help Des

                                                                                Support Express - greekgiga
                                                                              • GitHub - leukipp/cortile: Linux auto tiling manager with hot corner support for Openbox, Fluxbox, IceWM, Xfwm, KWin, Marco, Muffin, Mutter and other EWMH compliant window managers using the X11 window system. Therefore, this project provides dynamic tilin

                                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                  GitHub - leukipp/cortile: Linux auto tiling manager with hot corner support for Openbox, Fluxbox, IceWM, Xfwm, KWin, Marco, Muffin, Mutter and other EWMH compliant window managers using the X11 window system. Therefore, this project provides dynamic tilin
                                                                                • GitHub - nrdobie/superjson: JSON serializer with support for custom Classes and more JavaScript built-in objects.

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                                                                                    GitHub - nrdobie/superjson: JSON serializer with support for custom Classes and more JavaScript built-in objects.