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ubiquitousに関するエントリは4件あります。 機械学習増田出産 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『独女子無しから見ると「何言ってんだ」の世界。出産してすぐ離婚したくなるような男を選んだのは自分。男を見る目がない自分を棚に上げて全部国のせいにするんじゃねーーよ。児童手当なんか独女にねえよ - ubiquitous2011 のブックマーク / はてなブックマーク』などがあります。
  • 独女子無しから見ると「何言ってんだ」の世界。出産してすぐ離婚したくなるような男を選んだのは自分。男を見る目がない自分を棚に上げて全部国のせいにするんじゃねーーよ。児童手当なんか独女にねえよ - ubiquitous2011 のブックマーク / はてなブックマーク


      独女子無しから見ると「何言ってんだ」の世界。出産してすぐ離婚したくなるような男を選んだのは自分。男を見る目がない自分を棚に上げて全部国のせいにするんじゃねーーよ。児童手当なんか独女にねえよ - ubiquitous2011 のブックマーク / はてなブックマーク
    • DeepSpeech 0.6: Mozilla’s Speech-to-Text Engine Gets Fast, Lean, and Ubiquitous – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

      DeepSpeech 0.6: Mozilla’s Speech-to-Text Engine Gets Fast, Lean, and Ubiquitous The Machine Learning team at Mozilla continues work on DeepSpeech, an automatic speech recognition (ASR) engine which aims to make speech recognition technology and trained models openly available to developers. DeepSpeech is a deep learning-based ASR engine with a simple API. We also provide pre-trained English models

        DeepSpeech 0.6: Mozilla’s Speech-to-Text Engine Gets Fast, Lean, and Ubiquitous – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
      • Making the HoloLens 2: Advanced AI built Microsoft’s vision for ubiquitous computing

        The first time people don the new HoloLens 2 on their heads, the device automatically gets to know them: It measures everything from the precise shape of their hands to the exact distance between their eyes. The artificial intelligence research and development that enabled those capabilities “was astonishingly complicated” but essential to making the experience of using the device “instinctual,” s

          Making the HoloLens 2: Advanced AI built Microsoft’s vision for ubiquitous computing
        • How TinyML Makes Artificial Intelligence Ubiquitous

          Microcontrollers are the brain for many devices that we use almost every day. From a TV remote controller to the elevator to the smart speaker, they are everywhere. Multiple sensors that can emit telemetry data are connected to a microcontroller. Actuators, such as switches and motors, are also connected to the same microcontroller. It carries embedded code that can acquire the data from sensors a

            How TinyML Makes Artificial Intelligence Ubiquitous
