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  • UX デザインとは何だったのか / What Was UX Design All About?

    Session by: 山下 一樹 / 株式会社インパス Kazuki Yamashita / IMPATH Inc. Spectrum Tokyo Design Fest 2023 Day 2 (2023/12/03)

      UX デザインとは何だったのか / What Was UX Design All About?
    • UI & UX Design Tips by Jim Raptis.

      Social LoginSocial login boosts conversion since users can easily join your platform. Then, it's a good practice to put your social login on top of the page and place the email password authentication below. Beware that privacy-oriented people prefer not to use social login then it's always good to have another option for them.

        UI & UX Design Tips by Jim Raptis.
      • 講義をUXデザイン!?デザインに興味のない人に向けてデザイン勉強会をした話|ISID UX Design Center

        こんにちは。デザイナーのにしかなです。 みなさんは社内のUX部門ではない方たちに、どのようにUXの必要性を伝えていますか? 社内ノンデザイナー向けのUXデザインの講義をしたので、そのお話をしようと思います。 「UXデザインはデザイナーがやるもの」からの脱却UXデザインが失敗してしまう要因の一つとしてあるのが、「良いプロダクトを作りたい!けどUXを考えるのはデザイナーさんの仕事!自分は考えない!」という人がチームにいること。 「ユーザーのことを考えること」はUXデザイナーだけ使える特殊な能力だと勘違いされがちですが、そんなことはありませんよね。 チームメンバー全員に「ユーザーにとって良いものを作ろう!」という共通認識がある中で作り上げられたサービスやプロダクトは、ユーザーにとって良いものになりやすいなあと日々感じております。 ということで、どんな職種の人もユーザーのことを考えながらプロジェク

          講義をUXデザイン!?デザインに興味のない人に向けてデザイン勉強会をした話|ISID UX Design Center
        • The end of UX design: the birth of product leadership?

          Non-UI UX is dead: noone wants “wireframers” anymore. It has far-flinging implications, but I guess the problem lies elsewhere. Please note: I’m personally affected by this. I don’t have a visual talent — I have considerable knowledge attainable about graphics design, but just like someone with a body type of a walrus won’t became a gymnast no matter how hard they train, I will not be able to clea

          • The deeper meaning behind Japan’s unique UX design culture

            I can’t believe I am writing this, but… as UX designers, we must understand the users. Shocker! However, is this enough when we design international products? Perhaps not. I believe only interviewing users doesn’t give you a full understanding. You get an idea of the user’s behaviour but not the causes of these very behaviours. Multicultural UX design is complex. To get a profound comprehension of

              The deeper meaning behind Japan’s unique UX design culture
            • [OFFICIAL] Pixso - A Free Online UI/UX Design Tool

              User Interface/Experience Design - Collaborative and Creative Enhance collaborative digital teamwork. Prototype, design, program, and deliver seamlessly with the all-in-one tool Pixso. Get Free Account Real-time Collaboration Get Everyone Focused on the Same Goal When facing a complex project, invite team members via links to design collaboratively on cloud. During this process, the font size, bor
