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v8の検索結果41 - 74 件 / 74件

  • GitHub - lagonapp/lagon: Deploy Serverless Functions at the Edge. Current status: Alpha

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      GitHub - lagonapp/lagon: Deploy Serverless Functions at the Edge. Current status: Alpha
    • Pointer compression in Oilpan · V8

      Show navigation It is absolutely idiotic to have 64-bit pointers when I compile a program that uses less than 4 gigabytes of RAM. When such pointer values appear inside a struct, they not only waste half the memory, they effectively throw away half of the cache. – Donald Knuth (2008) Truer words have (almost) never been spoken. We also see CPU vendors not actually shipping 64-bit CPUs and Android

      • A Deep Dive Into V8 | AppSignal Blog

        A majority of front-end developers deal with this buzzword all the time: V8. A big part of its popularity is due to the fact that it led JavaScript to a new level of performance. Yes, V8 is very fast. But, how does it perform its magic and why is it so responsive? The official docs state that “V8 is Google’s open source high-performance JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, written in C++. It is used

          A Deep Dive Into V8 | AppSignal Blog
        • Electron 8.0.0 | Electron

          Electron 8.0.0 has been released! It includes upgrades to Chromium 80, V8 8.0, and Node.js 12.13.0. We've added Chrome's built-in spellchecker, and much more! The Electron team is excited to announce the release of Electron 8.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. The release is packed with upgrades, fixes, and new features. We ca

          • V8 release v7.8 · V8

            Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s Git master immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 7.8, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 78 Stable in several weeks. V8 v7.8 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This post pr

            • v8によって生成されるbytecodeを確認してみる - kakts-log

              Qiita Node.js アドベントカレンダー2021の20日目の記事です qiita.com v8のbytecodeについて、自分で書いたコードでどうやって確認するか気になったので調べてみました。 v8によるバイトコード生成 v8がどうやってバイトコード、機械語を生成するかざっくりと整理します。 v8がJavaScriptをコンパイルするとき、パーサはASTを生成します。 ASTはJavascriptコードの文法構造を表現したツリーです。 v8のインタプリタであるIgnitionはこのASTからバイトコードを生成します。 一方で、最適化コンパイラであるTurboFanは最終的にバイトコードを取得し、そのバイトコードから最適化された機械語を生成します。 なぜv8がこの2つの実行モードを持っているかについては、下記の動画で説明されています。 youtu.be JavaScriptコードから

                v8によって生成されるbytecodeを確認してみる - kakts-log
              • GitHub - microsoft/deoptexplorer-vscode: A VS Code extension to visualize deoptimizations in your JavaScript and TypeScript code running in V8 (i.e., NodeJS, Edge, Chrome, etc.).

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                  GitHub - microsoft/deoptexplorer-vscode: A VS Code extension to visualize deoptimizations in your JavaScript and TypeScript code running in V8 (i.e., NodeJS, Edge, Chrome, etc.).
                • V8 release v7.7 · V8

                  Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s Git master immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 7.7, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 77 Stable in several weeks. V8 v7.7 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This post pr

                  • The V8 Sandbox · V8

                    After almost three years since the initial design document and hundreds of CLs in the meantime, the V8 Sandbox — a lightweight, in-process sandbox for V8 — has now progressed to the point where it is no longer considered an experimental security feature. Starting today, the V8 Sandbox is included in Chrome's Vulnerability Reward Program (VRP). While there are still a number of issues to resolve be

                    • Indicium: V8 runtime tracer tool · V8

                      Show navigation Indicium: V8 system analyzer #The past three months have been an awesome learning experience for me as I've joined the V8 team (Google London) as an intern, and have been working on a new tool called Indicium. This system analyzer is a unified web interface to trace, debug and analyse patterns of how Inline Caches (ICs) and Maps are created and modified in real-world applications.

                      • V8 release v9.3 · V8

                        Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s main Git branch immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 9.3, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 93 Stable in several weeks. V8 v9.3 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This po

                        • GitHub - laverdet/isolated-vm: Secure & isolated JS environments for nodejs

                          isolated-vm -- Access to multiple isolates in nodejs isolated-vm is a library for nodejs which gives you access to v8's Isolate interface. This allows you to create JavaScript environments which are completely isolated from each other. This can be a powerful tool to run code in a fresh JavaScript environment completely free of extraneous capabilities provided by the nodejs runtime. Requirements Wh

                            GitHub - laverdet/isolated-vm: Secure & isolated JS environments for nodejs
                          • V8 Torque user manual · V8

                            V8 Torque is a language that allows developers contributing to the V8 project to express changes in the VM by focusing on the intent of their changes to the VM, rather than preoccupying themselves with unrelated implementation details. The language was designed to be simple enough to make it easy to directly translate the ECMAScript specification into an implementation in V8, but powerful enough t

                            • V8 release v9.1 · V8

                              Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s Git master immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 9.1, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 91 Stable in several weeks. V8 v9.1 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This post pr

                              • The Anatomy of an Isolate Cloud

                                If you’ve ever tried Deno Deploy, our multi-tenant distributed JavaScript cloud, you may understand some of these glowing reviews: (And if you haven’t, deploy a Fresh site today!) Achieving this deployment speed was no mistake. Designing Deno Deploy was an opportunity to re-imagine how we want the developer experience of deploying an app to be, and we wanted to focus on speed and security. Instead

                                  The Anatomy of an Isolate Cloud
                                • An additional non-backtracking RegExp engine · V8

                                  Show navigation Starting with v8.8, V8 ships with a new experimental non-backtracking RegExp engine (in addition to the existing Irregexp engine) which guarantees execution in linear time with respect to the size of the subject string. The experimental engine is available behind the feature flags mentioned below. Runtime of /(a*)*b/.exec('a'.repeat(n)) for n ≤ 100Here’s how you can configure the n

                                  • V8 is Faster and Safer than Ever! · V8

                                    Welcome to the thrilling world of V8, where speed is not just a feature but a way of life. As we bid farewell to 2023, it's time to celebrate the impressive accomplishments V8 has achieved this year. Through innovative performance optimizations, V8 continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in the ever-evolving landscape of the Web. We introduced a new mid-tier compiler and implemented se

                                    • V8 release v8.6 · V8

                                      Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s Git master immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 8.6, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 86 Stable in several weeks. V8 v8.6 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This post pr

                                      • GitHub - just-js/just: the only javascript runtime to hit no.1 on techempower :fire:

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                                          GitHub - just-js/just: the only javascript runtime to hit no.1 on techempower :fire:
                                        • Faster initialization of instances with new class features · V8

                                          Show navigation Class fields have been shipped in V8 since v7.2 and private class methods have been shipped since v8.4. After the proposals reached stage 4 in 2021, work had begun to improve the support of the new class features in V8 - until then, there had been two main issues affecting their adoption: The initialization of class fields and private methods was much slower than the assignment of

                                          • What’s in that .wasm? Introducing: wasm-decompile · V8

                                            Show navigation We have a growing number of compilers and other tools that generate or manipulate .wasm files, and sometimes you might want to have a look inside. Maybe you’re a developer of such a tool, or more directly, you’re a programmer targeting Wasm, and wondering what the generated code looks like, for performance or other reasons. Problem is, Wasm is rather low-level, much like actual ass

                                            • V8 release v8.3 · V8

                                              Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s Git master immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 8.3, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 83 Stable in several weeks. V8 v8.3 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This post pr

                                              • How JavaScript works: Optimizing the V8 compiler for efficiency - LogRocket Blog

                                                Alvin Wan Follow PhD in artificial intelligence at UC Berkeley, focusing on small neural networks in perception for autonomous vehicles. Big fan of cheesecake, corgis, and Disneyland. How JavaScript works: Optimizing the V8 compiler for efficiency September 13, 2019 7 min read 2098 Understanding how Javascript works is key to writing efficient Javascript. Forget about insignificant millisecond imp

                                                  How JavaScript works: Optimizing the V8 compiler for efficiency - LogRocket Blog
                                                • V8 release v9.7 · V8

                                                  Every four weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s Git main immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 9.7, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 97 Stable in several weeks. V8 v9.7 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This post pro

                                                  • therubyracer と libv8 と libv8-node - Qiita

                                                    これはなに Rails で開発されているプロダクトで libv8 が使われており違いや浅く歴史について調べたので簡単にまとめました TL;DR therubyracer と libv8 と libv8-node すべて JavaScript Engine V8 を実行バイナリである 最初は therubyracer が開発されていたが、 実行環境の差分追従などが困難になり libv8 の開発を開始、その後再び困難になったことから libv8-node の開発が行われている therubyracer, libv8, libv8-node の何れかの利用が求められたら、現在は libv8-node を使うことが望ましい therubyracer について therubyracer は JavaScript Engine V8 実行を行う binary を提供している Gem です 2018 年

                                                      therubyracer と libv8 と libv8-node - Qiita
                                                    • 課題でJavascriptのMath.pow関数が速い理由を調べているのですが、自分で書いた繰り返し2乗法 (バイナリ法) より断然速いです。これはなぜでしょうか?

                                                      回答 (5件中の1件目) 面白そうな話なので一生懸命調べてみました。いざV8ソースコードの海へ Math.powそのものはTorqueと言う言語で書かれています。 https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/main/src/builtins/math.tq#L114 JavaScriptのようなまどろっこしい言語ではなく、Torqueは型宣言とか入れてV8のポテンシャルを最大限に引き出す言語のようです。 https://v8.dev/docs/torque このソース中の const result: float64 = Float64Pow(baseValue,...

                                                        課題でJavascriptのMath.pow関数が速い理由を調べているのですが、自分で書いた繰り返し2乗法 (バイナリ法) より断然速いです。これはなぜでしょうか?
                                                      • GitHub - denoland/rusty_v8: Rust bindings for the V8 JavaScript engine

                                                        Provide high quality Rust bindings to V8's C++ API. The API should match the original API as closely as possible. Do not introduce additional call overhead. (For example, previous attempts at Rust V8 bindings forced the use of Persistent handles.) Do not rely on a binary libv8.a built outside of cargo. V8 is a very large project (over 600,000 lines of C++) which often takes 30 minutes to compile.

                                                          GitHub - denoland/rusty_v8: Rust bindings for the V8 JavaScript engine
                                                        • Class static initialization blocks · V8

                                                          Show navigation The new class static initialization block syntax lets developers gather code that should run once for a given class definition and put them in a single place. Consider the following example where a pseudo-random number generator uses a static block to initialize an entropy pool once, when the class MyPRNG definition is evaluated. class MyPRNG { constructor(seed) { if (seed === unde

                                                          • Introduction to TurboFan

                                                            Introduction Ages ago I wrote a blog post here called first dip in the kernel pool, this year we're going to swim in a sea of nodes! The current trend is to attack JavaScript engines and more specifically, optimizing JIT compilers such as V8's TurboFan, SpiderMonkey's IonMonkey, JavaScriptCore's Data Flow Graph (DFG) & Faster Than Light (FTL) or Chakra's Simple JIT & FullJIT. In this article we're

                                                            • Fast frozen & sealed elements in V8

                                                              Fast frozen & sealed elements in V8 Attention: Shared Google-externally�Authors: bmeurer@, leszeks@, verwaest@, jarin@, duongn@microsoft.com�Last Updated: 2019-04-09 TL;DR This document describes the issue of Object.freeze(), Object.seal(), and Object.preventExtensions() turning arrays into dict...

                                                                Fast frozen & sealed elements in V8
                                                              • Iterator helpers · V8

                                                                Iterator helpers are a collection of new methods on Iterator prototype that help in general use of iterators. Since these helper methods are on the iterator prototype, any object that has Iterator.prototype on its prototype chain (e.g. array iterators) will get the methods. In the following subsections, we explain iterator helpers. All the provided examples are working in a blog archive page that

                                                                • Speeding up V8 heap snapshots · V8

                                                                  This blog post has been authored by José Dapena Paz (Igalia), with contributions from Jason Williams (Bloomberg), Ashley Claymore (Bloomberg), Rob Palmer (Bloomberg), Joyee Cheung (Igalia), and Shu-yu Guo (Google). In this post about V8 heap snapshots, I will talk about some performance problems found by Bloomberg engineers, and how we fixed them to make JavaScript memory analysis faster than ever

                                                                  • V8 release v8.5 · V8

                                                                    Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s Git master immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 8.5, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 85 Stable in several weeks. V8 v8.5 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This post pr

                                                                    • V8 release v9.0 · V8

                                                                      Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s Git master immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 9.0, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 90 Stable in several weeks. V8 v9.0 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This post pr