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versioningの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 42件

  • Semantic Versioningの闇 - knqyf263's blog

    今回も誰も興味ないシリーズなので今まで書いてこなかったのですが、Semantic Versioningに関して幻想を抱いている人がいる可能性があり、そういう方にどうしても現実を知っておいて欲しかったので書きました。3行要約(と可能なら余談)だけでも読んでいただけると幸いです。 3行要約 Semantic Versioning 2.0.0にはバージョン"比較"の定義はあるが、バージョン"制約"(>= 2.1.3みたいなやつ)の定義がない その結果、同じsemver準拠ライブラリでも制約の解釈が異なり結果が真逆になる というかそもそもsemver使ってるエコシステムが少なすぎる 背景 セキュリティアドバイザリでは特定のバージョンが脆弱であることを示すためにバージョン制約が使われることが多いです。例えば >=1.2.0 <1.2.6みたいなやつです。この場合、1.2.5は脆弱だが1.2.6は修正

      Semantic Versioningの闇 - knqyf263's blog
    • Ruby が YJIT でなんで速くなるのか? Lazy Basic Block Versioning をサクッと理解してみた - estie inside blog

      estie でソフトウェアエンジニアをしている徳永(@yTo_9)です。 estie では Ruby を書いたりTypeScriptを書いたりしています! estie 夏のブログ祭りにかこつけて、せっかくなら普段は追わない部分だけど、気になっていたYJITなるものを深掘りしてみようと思い、「YJITがなぜRailsアプリケーションの高速化を実現できたのか」を調べてみたので紹介したいと思います。 「どうせ難しいんでしょ?」と思いながら調べてみたのですが、講演や論文の説明がわかりやすく、意外に概要を把握することは難しくありませんでした。 YJIT の核となっているのは Lazy Basic Block Versioning (LBBV) という手法で、これはRubyだけに限らず動的言語全般に適用可能な強力なアプローチであることがわかりました。 「あるタイプの条件分岐は、ほとんどの場合で片側しか

        Ruby が YJIT でなんで速くなるのか? Lazy Basic Block Versioning をサクッと理解してみた - estie inside blog
      • GitHub - xwmx/nb: CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.

        nb is a command line and local web note‑taking, bookmarking, archiving, and knowledge base application with: plain text data storage, encryption, filtering, pinning, #tagging, and search, Git-backed versioning and syncing, Pandoc-backed conversion, [[wiki-style linking]], terminal and GUI web browsing, inline images, todos with tasks, global and local notebooks, organization with folders, customiz

          GitHub - xwmx/nb: CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
        • GitHub - changesets/changesets: 🦋 A way to manage your versioning and changelogs with a focus on monorepos

          A tool to manage versioning and changelogs with a focus on multi-package repositories The changesets workflow is designed to help when people are making changes, all the way through to publishing. It lets contributors declare how their changes should be released, then we automate updating package versions, and changelogs, and publishing new versions of packages based on the provided information. C

            GitHub - changesets/changesets: 🦋 A way to manage your versioning and changelogs with a focus on monorepos
          • research!rsc: The Principles of Versioning in Go (Go & Versioning, Part 11)

            This blog post is about how we added package versioning to Go, in the form of Go modules, and the reasons we made the choices we did. It is adapted and updated from a talk I gave at GopherCon Singapore in 2018. Why Versions? To start, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page, by taking a look at the ways the GOPATH-based go get breaks. Suppose we have a fresh Go installation and we want to write

            • Terraform Modules を Monorepo で versioning して管理 - スタディサプリ Product Team Blog

              こんにちは。 SRE の @suzuki-shunsuke です。 Terraform Modules を Monorepo で versioning して管理するようにした話を紹介します。 先日紹介したとおり、弊プロダクトではインフラを Terraform の Monorepo で管理しており、 CI は GitHub Actions + tfaction で実行しています。 blog.studysapuri.jp 弊プロダクトの Terraform Modules の管理手法は、この 2.5 年の間に 2 回ほど変化がありました。 Terraform Monorepo 内で管理し Local paths で Module を指定 Module を versioning するために Module ごとにリポジトリを作成し、 Terraform Monorepo とは別リポジトリで管理 M

                Terraform Modules を Monorepo で versioning して管理 - スタディサプリ Product Team Blog
              • To infinity and beyond: enabling the future of GitHub's REST API with API versioning

                EngineeringProductTo infinity and beyond: enabling the future of GitHub’s REST API with API versioningWe’re introducing calendar-based versioning for our REST API, so we can keep evolving our API, whilst still giving integrators a smooth migration path and plenty of time to update their integrations. Millions of developers rely on the GitHub API every day—whether they’ve built their own bespoke in

                  To infinity and beyond: enabling the future of GitHub's REST API with API versioning
                • GitHub - actions/typescript-action: Create a TypeScript Action with tests, linting, workflow, publishing, and versioning

                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

                    GitHub - actions/typescript-action: Create a TypeScript Action with tests, linting, workflow, publishing, and versioning
                  • How Shopify Manages API Versioning and Breaking Changes

                    Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window Earlier this year I took the train from Ottawa to Toronto. While I was waiting in line in the main hall of the station, I noticed a police officer with a detection dog. The police officer was giving the dog plenty of time at each bag or person as they worked and weaved their way back and forth along the lines. The do

                      How Shopify Manages API Versioning and Breaking Changes
                    • GitHub - lancedb/lance: Modern columnar data format for ML and LLMs implemented in Rust. Convert from parquet in 2 lines of code for 100x faster random access, vector index, and data versioning. Compatible with Pandas, DuckDB, Polars, Pyarrow, with more i

                      Lance is a modern columnar data format that is optimized for ML workflows and datasets. Lance is perfect for: Building search engines and feature stores. Large-scale ML training requiring high performance IO and shuffles. Storing, querying, and inspecting deeply nested data for robotics or large blobs like images, point clouds, and more. The key features of Lance include: High-performance random a

                        GitHub - lancedb/lance: Modern columnar data format for ML and LLMs implemented in Rust. Convert from parquet in 2 lines of code for 100x faster random access, vector index, and data versioning. Compatible with Pandas, DuckDB, Polars, Pyarrow, with more i
                      • Calendar Versioningを扱うパッケージ/ツールとしてcalverを作った - Copy/Cut/Paste/Hatena

                        提供する機能とは関係なくリリースを定期的に実施するようなプロダクトや、バージョンにSemantic Versioning(以下SemVer)のような意味付けがしにくいプロダクトの場合、バージョン管理手法にCalendar Versioning(以下、CalVer)というものが採用されることがあります。 calver.org 例えば、CalVerのサイトに掲載されているケーススタディで私が知っていたものとしてはUbuntuのバージョニング( YY.0M.MICRO )があります。 22.04 とか 22.10 とかのアレです。 そしてちょうど私がバージョニングしたいプロダクトも 1ヶ月に1度定期的にリリースしたい しかし、なにかしらの要因で1ヶ月に1度以上リリースすることがある というものでSemVerではない気がするし、とは言え単純に 年月 でバージョニングすると同月リリースがあるとバージ

                          Calendar Versioningを扱うパッケージ/ツールとしてcalverを作った - Copy/Cut/Paste/Hatena
                        • GitHub - romversioning/romver: Romantic Versioning Specification

                          You are given a version number HUMAN . MAJOR . MINOR, increment the: HUMAN version when you make any conceptual change, major rewrite, major documentation change, or any other change which requires additional HUMAN involvement. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward-compatible manner or fix with backward-compatible bug fixes. Ad

                            GitHub - romversioning/romver: Romantic Versioning Specification
                          • Semantic Versioning おさらい | DevelopersIO

                            CX 事業本部では Node.js を使うことが増えてきました。ここで前提の整理として一度 Semantic Versioning についてまとめます。 Semantic Versioning は SemVer と略します。本記事内では以降、 SemVer で表記を統一します。 ちなみに SemVer の読み方はカタカナで強引に書くと、「センバー」になります。発音記号としては sémbɚ です。 member の先頭を s で発音する、と覚えると良いでしょう。 TL;DR 基本的に数字 3 つでバージョンを表し、リリース前の不安定なバージョンには alpha や rc などがつくことがある 一番左の数字が大きくなったら後方互換性がない 一番左の数字が 0 のときはどの数字が上がっても後方互換性がない たまに一番左以外の数字があがったときに後方互換性がない場合がある リルオッサが図解してくれ

                              Semantic Versioning おさらい | DevelopersIO
                            • Read Versioning in an Event Sourced System | Leanpub

                              Why Version? Have you ever done a big bang release? You schedule a maintenance window, carefully take down the system, release the new software, and… pray. I will never do a big bang release again. What scares me is not what happens if the release does not work, but what happens if it does not work and yet still appears to. Most developers, even those working through big bang releases, have dealt

                              • Bye Bye Semantic Versioning, Say Hello To GitDate

                                Quick Rant About Semantic Versioning There is inherent information loss when a developer implements Semantic Versioning. Taken aback a little by that statement? Well, let's ask if it's true? When was the last time you could tell someone the difference between version 1.2.1 and 1.2.3 quickly? Can you tell me when version 1.2.1 was released? Was it yesterday? Last year? Ten years ago? What is your c

                                • Go’s Major Versioning Sucks – From a Fanboy

                                  I’m normally a fan of the opinionated rigidity within the Go toolchain. In fact, we use Go on the front and backend at Boot.dev, and we’ve found that it’s wonderful to have standardized formatting, vetting, and testing across the entire Go ecosystem. The first big criticism I’ve had with Go’s opinionated nature is with the way the Go toolchain handles major versions. It slows down development in a

                                    Go’s Major Versioning Sucks – From a Fanboy
                                  • Code versioning using AWS Glue Studio and GitHub | Amazon Web Services

                                    AWS Big Data Blog Code versioning using AWS Glue Studio and GitHub AWS Glue now offers integration with Git, an open-source version control system widely used across the developer community. Thanks to this integration, you can incorporate your existing DevOps practices on AWS Glue jobs. AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that helps you create jobs based on Apache Spark or Python to

                                      Code versioning using AWS Glue Studio and GitHub | Amazon Web Services
                                    • Quirks of Python package versioning

                                      Python package versions seem simple on the surface because we're used to seeing the common and well-defined version schemes like SemVer (1.2.3) or CalVer (2023.6.1) and occasionally a pre-release suffix (1.2.3pre1). But Python package versioning can get much more complicated than that! 🤯 Below is a list of quirks in Python package versioning you may not know about: What is a Python package versio

                                        Quirks of Python package versioning
                                      • New GNOME versioning scheme

                                        Hi all; after various off-line/in person talks, last year I started a discussion on Discourse about the existing version scheme of GNOME. This topic was also raised in July, and discussed at the release team meeting during GUADEC. Now that the GNOME 3.37 development cycle is over, and 3.38 is out of the door, it’s time to draw this issue to its conclusion. In the interest of clarity, I’ll present

                                          New GNOME versioning scheme
                                        • versioning - Enable or suspend versioning for one or more buckets  |  Cloud Storage  |  Google Cloud

                                          Accelerate your digital transformation Whether your business is early in its journey or well on its way to digital transformation, Google Cloud can help solve your toughest challenges.

                                            versioning - Enable or suspend versioning for one or more buckets  |  Cloud Storage  |  Google Cloud
                                          • Cloud Composer versioning overview  |  Google Cloud

                                            Send feedback Cloud Composer versioning overview Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. This page describes Cloud Composer versioning and lists differences between major Cloud Composer versions. Cloud Composer has two major versions: Cloud Composer 1 and Cloud Composer 2. Cloud Composer environments are based on Cloud Composer images, which are versi

                                              Cloud Composer versioning overview  |  Google Cloud
                                            • semantic-release + git-cz でライブラリを良い感じに Semantic Versioning する

                                              手動でバージョン管理して npm publish するのが手間なので、eslint-plugin-atomic-design の作業ついでに、以前より気になってた semantic-release を導入しました。 適切なフォーマットで書かれた commit log を見て、変更に応じた Semantic Versioning を自動で行います。 release や(npm package なら)npm publish する際に自力で計算する必要がなくなるので、 npm version + npm publish GitHub の Release CHANGELOG.md 生成 上記の様な release 作業自体を CI 連携することで完全自動化できます。また、これに付随して適切な commit をするモチベになります。OSS やるなら(たとえ committer が自分ひとりでも)入れ

                                              • Under the Hood of Uber ATG’s Machine Learning Infrastructure and Versioning Control Platform for Self-Driving Vehicles

                                                You’re seeing information for Japan . To see local features and services for another location, select a different city. Show more AIUnder the Hood of Uber ATG’s Machine Learning Infrastructure and Versioning Control Platform for Self-Driving VehiclesMarch 4, 2020 / Global As Uber experienced exponential growth over the last few years, now supporting 14 million trips each day, our engineers proved

                                                  Under the Hood of Uber ATG’s Machine Learning Infrastructure and Versioning Control Platform for Self-Driving Vehicles
                                                • community/versioning.md at master · kubernetes/community

                                                  This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.

                                                    community/versioning.md at master · kubernetes/community
                                                  • Semantic Versioning for Data Science Models

                                                    If you’ve ever wanted to tag your data science model, you’ve probably wondered how to version it. Which will it be: vx.4.1, v34.1231.51.21, or v91.x4.dev34? After reading about semantic versioning, I propose a method for versioning data science models. Semantic Versioning for Software Semantic versioning proposes the following: Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the: MAJOR version

                                                      Semantic Versioning for Data Science Models
                                                    • GitHub - mtkennerly/poetry-dynamic-versioning: Plugin for Poetry to enable dynamic versioning based on VCS tags

                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                        GitHub - mtkennerly/poetry-dynamic-versioning: Plugin for Poetry to enable dynamic versioning based on VCS tags
                                                      • Versioning Policy – React

                                                        React follows semantic versioning (semver) principles. That means that with a version number x.y.z: When releasing critical bug fixes, we make a patch release by changing the z number (ex: 15.6.2 to 15.6.3). When releasing new features or non-critical fixes, we make a minor release by changing the y number (ex: 15.6.2 to 15.7.0). When releasing breaking changes, we make a major release by changing

                                                          Versioning Policy – React
                                                        • Take control of your vcpkg dependencies with versioning support - C++ Team Blog

                                                          The selected versioning scheme has consequences in what vcpkg will allow as a valid version string and the rules for ordering versions. You can read more about versioning schemes in our documentation. Second, we use the “version>=” property to declare a minimum version constraint on fmt. Notice that we also declare a dependency on zlib without any version constraint. And lastly, we declare a “buil

                                                            Take control of your vcpkg dependencies with versioning support - C++ Team Blog
                                                          • MinIO Versioning, Metadata and Storage Deep Dive

                                                            Try the Erasure Code Calculator to configure your usable capacity Try Now It started with a SUBNET question. A customer was observing slowdowns occurring in their deployment. After some investigation we located a script the customer was running as the cause. The script was a synchronization script that uploaded the content of a directory, with a one minute delay between each run. The destination b

                                                              MinIO Versioning, Metadata and Storage Deep Dive
                                                            • Versioning fields in GraphQL - LogRocket Blog

                                                              LogRocket’s Galileo AI watches every session, surfacing impactful user struggle and key behavior patterns. As our application evolves and our users’ needs change, the GraphQL API feeding data to it will need to evolve as well, introducing changes to its schema. Whenever the change is non-breaking, as when adding a new type or field, we can apply it directly without fearing side effects. But when t

                                                                Versioning fields in GraphQL - LogRocket Blog
                                                              • AWS WAF now offers managed rule group versioning

                                                                AWS WAF now enables you to select a specific version of a managed rule group within your web ACL, giving you the ability to test new rule updates safely and roll back to previously tested versions. When using a versioned managed rule group, you control when new rule updates are applied to your traffic. By default, you will continue to automatically receive rule updates to your managed rule group.

                                                                  AWS WAF now offers managed rule group versioning
                                                                • renovate/lib/versioning at main · renovatebot/renovate · GitHub

                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

                                                                    renovate/lib/versioning at main · renovatebot/renovate · GitHub
                                                                  • GitHub - automizer/mobile-app-automizer: You can automize iOS and Android app's build, upload and versioning processes via Mobile App Automizer CLI tool.

                                                                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                      GitHub - automizer/mobile-app-automizer: You can automize iOS and Android app's build, upload and versioning processes via Mobile App Automizer CLI tool.
                                                                    • Chronologic Versioning ∙ v2019.05.19

                                                                      SummaryGiven a version number YEAR.MONTH.DAY.CHANGESET_IDENTIFIER, increment the: YEAR version when the year changes,MONTH version when the month changes,DAY version when the day changes, and theCHANGESET_IDENTIFIER everytime you commit a change to your package/project.IntroductionIn the world of software management there exists a dreaded place called "dependency hell." The bigger your system grow

                                                                      • `poetry-dynamic-versioning`を導入して、Poetryのバージョン情報をGitHubのバージョンタグから生成するようにした - Qiita

                                                                        `poetry-dynamic-versioning`を導入して、Poetryのバージョン情報をGitHubのバージョンタグから生成するようにしたPythonPoetry 環境 Python 3.11.2 poetry-dynamic-versioning v0.21.4 poetry 1.4.2 はじめに Pythonでツールを開発しています。 poetry-dynamic-versioningを使って、GitHubのバージョンタグから、バージョン情報を生成するようにしました。その際にやったことなどをメモとして残しておきます。 poetry-dynamic-versioningの導入前の状態 [tool.poetry] name = "awesome" authors = ["yuji38kwmt"] version = "0.69.1" description = "" package

                                                                          `poetry-dynamic-versioning`を導入して、Poetryのバージョン情報をGitHubのバージョンタグから生成するようにした - Qiita
                                                                        • 『Ruby が YJIT でなんで速くなるのか? Lazy Basic Block Versioning をサクッと理解してみた - estie inside blog』へのコメント

                                                                          テクノロジー Ruby が YJIT でなんで速くなるのか? Lazy Basic Block Versioning をサクッと理解してみた - estie inside blog

                                                                            『Ruby が YJIT でなんで速くなるのか? Lazy Basic Block Versioning をサクッと理解してみた - estie inside blog』へのコメント
                                                                          • ONNXのdocを読む: ONNX versioning

                                                                            ONNXのドキュメントをちゃんと読もうということで読んだところからメモとしていろいろまとめていこうと思う(今更だけど)。今回はONNX利用者がまず意識しないといけないversioningのドキュメントを読む。 Ref: https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/v1.4.1/docs/Versioning.md ONNX versioningの基本方針 ONNXのversioningには大きく三つのポリシーがある: IR version: グラフと演算子の抽象モデル、それらのフォーマットのバージョン管理。 Operator version: ONNX graphから参照されるオペレータ仕様のバージョン管理。 Model version: 定義済み/学習済みモデルのバージョン管理。 IR versionとOperator versionは守らなければいけないバージョ

                                                                            • Nest.js Version8がリリースされたので新機能についてまとめる : API Versioning編

                                                                              Nest.js Version 8が7月7日にリリース! 新機能: API Versioning Controller及び各Routesをバージョン管理できるようになりました。 1.URI Versioning URIの中にVersion情報を含める。 import { VersioningType } from '@nestjs/common'; const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule); app.enableVersioning({ type: VersioningType.URI, }); // OK!! http://localhost:3000/v1

                                                                                Nest.js Version8がリリースされたので新機能についてまとめる : API Versioning編
                                                                              • Immutable storage with versioning for Blob Storage is now in public preview | Azure の更新情報 | Microsoft Azure

                                                                                Azure を探索 Azure について 安全かつ将来を見据えた、オンプレミス、ハイブリッド、マルチクラウド、エッジのクラウド ソリューションについて調べる グローバル インフラストラクチャ 他のどのプロバイダーよりも多くのリージョンを備える持続可能で信頼できるクラウド インフラストラクチャについての詳細情報 クラウドの経済性 Azure の財務上および技術的に重要なガイダンスを利用して、クラウドのビジネス ケースを作成する 顧客イネーブルメント 実績のあるツール、ガイダンス、リソースを使用して、クラウド移行の明確なパスを計画する お客様事例 成功を収めたあらゆる規模と業界の企業によるイノベーションの例を参照する

                                                                                  Immutable storage with versioning for Blob Storage is now in public preview | Azure の更新情報 | Microsoft Azure
                                                                                • 『GitHub - xwmx/nb: CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.』へのコメント

                                                                                  テクノロジー GitHub - xwmx/nb: CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.

                                                                                    『GitHub - xwmx/nb: CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.』へのコメント