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disasterの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 44件

  • AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery(DRS)を使って大阪-東京間でEC2をレプリケートしてみた | DevelopersIO

    AWS Replication Agentをインストールするための要件は、以下ドキュメントに記載があります。 構成図 超シンプルですが、本エントリの構成図です。 ※記載のサービスの他、S3に配置されたスクリプトを取得しています。詳しくはこちらもご覧ください。 初期設定 AWS DRSを利用したことの無い方は、まず初期設定から必要です。 以下のURLから、WELCOME画面を表示します。 https://ap-northeast-1.console.aws.amazon.com/drs/home?region=ap-northeast-1#/welcome 「設定と初期化」メニューから、初期設定を開始します。 セットアップページが表示されます。どうやら6ステップあるようです。 ステップ1. レプリケーションサーバーを設定 レプリケーションサーバのデプロイ先を指定します。 ここで、レプリケーシ

      AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery(DRS)を使って大阪-東京間でEC2をレプリケートしてみた | DevelopersIO
    • Kanji for Disaster, Calamity, Misfortune: 災 (Wazawa-i)

      The Japanese kanji for “disaster” or “calamity” is 災. The onyomi (Chinese reading) of 災 is さい (sai). The kunyomi (Japanese reading) of 災 is わざわ-い (wazawa-i). Origin of 災 (Kanji for Disaster): Fire Plus River The kanji 災 is believed to have its origin in two elements of nature responsible for many natural disasters, namely Fire and Water. In case you wish to check, please read about the following f

        Kanji for Disaster, Calamity, Misfortune: 災 (Wazawa-i)
      • More Than 5,000 Dead in Libya as Collapsed Dams Worsen Flood Disaster

        More than 5,000 people were killed in Libya after torrential rains caused two dams to burst near the coastal city of Derna, destroying much of the city and carrying entire neighborhoods into the sea, local authorities said on Tuesday. Libya, a North African nation splintered by a war, was ill-prepared for the storm, called Daniel, which swept across the Mediterranean Sea to batter its coastline. T

          More Than 5,000 Dead in Libya as Collapsed Dams Worsen Flood Disaster
        • Kubernetes Exposed: One Yaml away from Disaster

          Gain total lifecycle visibility, reduce risks and stop attacks with the most comprehensive, fully integrated Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP)

            Kubernetes Exposed: One Yaml away from Disaster
          • Ukraine dam: Maps and before and after images reveal scale of disaster

            Satellite images reveal the full extent of the devastation caused by the collapse of the Kakhovka dam.

              Ukraine dam: Maps and before and after images reveal scale of disaster
            • Amazon RDS for MySQL adds new disaster recovery (DR) capabilities with Cross-Region Automated Backups

              Starting today Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for MySQL supports Cross-Region Automated Backups. This feature extends the existing Amazon RDS backup functionality, giving you the ability to setup automatic replication of system snapshots and transaction logs from a primary AWS Region to a secondary AWS Region. The Amazon RDS Cross-Region Automated Backups feature enables additiona

                Amazon RDS for MySQL adds new disaster recovery (DR) capabilities with Cross-Region Automated Backups
              • 自動販売機が、災害時にラジオに変身!Vending Machine Radio for disaster

                Expression: 強みを生かす 英語 take advantage of the strength 避難所            英語 evacuation center 救援物資         英語 relief supplies 停電     英語 power outage The Yomiuri Shimbun February 5, 2023(対訳をとりやすいように、なるべく冒頭から訳しています。日英表現が色で対比になっています。) 【本文】 A community radio station in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo, has installed a radio atop a vending machine in Setagaya Park to disseminate needed information in the event of a lar

                • CHEAP AND NASTY「BEAUTIFUL DISASTER」(1991年)アルバム・レビュー【Collection#251】 - ナツカシ E じゃん!

                  HANOI ROCKS 解散後、アンディ・マッコイとともにThe Cherry BomzやサイドプロジェクトThe Suicide Twinsを結成、その後、 マイケル・モンローのソロアルバムに参加したりしていましたが、いよいよ自身が中心となるバンドで本格活動したんだよねぇ~。1989年にシングルをリリースしていますが、フルアルバムの発売は1991年でした! こんな方におすすめ キケンな香りが漂うロックンロールバンドに浸ってみたい方 80年代初期の伝説のバンド HANOI ROCKS に興味がある方 HANOI ROCKSの中ではナスティ・スーサイドが好きな方 HANOI ROCKS 関連のアルバムはコレクターアイテムかもと思う方 湿り気のある雰囲気のロックンロールバンドが好きな方 こんな方におすすめ CHEAP AND NASTY「BEAUTIFUL DISASTER」(1991年) ま

                    CHEAP AND NASTY「BEAUTIFUL DISASTER」(1991年)アルバム・レビュー【Collection#251】 - ナツカシ E じゃん!
                  • 「アポロ11号による人類初の月面着陸が失敗していたら」をディープフェイクや当時の資料をベースに再現した動画「In Event of Moon Disaster」が何が真実で何が偽りの情報なのかわからないレベル

                    1969年7月20日、アポロ11号が人類初の月面着陸に成功しました。この月面着陸が失敗してしまった場合を想定し、当時の貴重な資料やディープフェイクを駆使して再現した動画が「In Event of Moon Disaster」です。動画は当時の映像や資料をベースに、ディープフェイクを用いて作成されているため、動画のどこが正しい情報で、どこが偽りの情報か判別がつかないレベルの仕上がりとなっています。 In Event of Moon Disaster https://moondisaster.org/ 上記URLにアクセスすると、「1969年、月面着陸を見るために世界中がアポロ11号に注目しました。着陸のリスクは非常に高かったため、ミッションが失敗した場合に備えたスピーチ原稿も用意されていました。ありがたいことに、このスピーチが披露されることはありませんでした。今までは……」と表示されます。画

                      「アポロ11号による人類初の月面着陸が失敗していたら」をディープフェイクや当時の資料をベースに再現した動画「In Event of Moon Disaster」が何が真実で何が偽りの情報なのかわからないレベル
                    • 'Big Short' investor Michael Burry says the US government is backstopping markets and the economy - and warns too much fiscal support will end in disaster

                      A magnifying glass. It indicates, "Click to perform a search".

                        'Big Short' investor Michael Burry says the US government is backstopping markets and the economy - and warns too much fiscal support will end in disaster
                      • Markov Chat Bot Disaster Story

                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                          Markov Chat Bot Disaster Story
                        • AWS上で稼働する基幹システムのDisaster Recoveryについて考える | DevelopersIO

                          AWS上の基幹システムで考えられる主なDRパターンは4通りです。マルチリージョンでのDRが必要かどうかも含めて考えてみます。 こんにちは。 ご機嫌いかがでしょうか。 "No human labor is no human error" が大好きな吉井 亮です。 先日、前職の同僚と会話をする機会がありました。(前職では ERP 導入をしていました) 彼の顧客が大阪リージョンを利用した DR を計画しているという聞きまして、AWS 上の基幹システムの DR を改めて考えてみました。 何に備えるのか DR の定義を「様々な災害被害を受けたシステムを復旧させること」とするとあまりに広すぎます。何に備えるかをまず初めに考え、災害とは何を指すかを定義しておきましょう。 例えば以下のような事象を想像します。他にも自組織では何をもってして災害とするかを考えてみてください。 自然災害によるシステムダウン(地

                            AWS上で稼働する基幹システムのDisaster Recoveryについて考える | DevelopersIO
                          • Growing evidence of a military disaster on the Donets pierces a pro-Russian bubble. (Published 2022)

                            Growing evidence of a military disaster on the Donets pierces a pro-Russian bubble.As the news of the losses at the river crossing started to spread, some Russian bloggers did not hold back in their criticism of what they said was incompetent leadership. A ruined pontoon crossing with dozens of destroyed or damaged Russian armored vehicles on both banks of the Donets River.Credit...Ukraine Armed F

                              Growing evidence of a military disaster on the Donets pierces a pro-Russian bubble. (Published 2022)
                            • Video analysis reveals Russian attack on Ukrainian nuclear plant veered near disaster

                              Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant more dangerous than first thought An NPR analysis of security footage and photos following the attack on Europe's largest nuclear power plant shows that many of the plant's critical safety systems were in the field of Russian fire. The roots of Russia's invasion of Ukraine go back decades and run deep. The current conflict is more than one country fight

                                Video analysis reveals Russian attack on Ukrainian nuclear plant veered near disaster
                              • Fukushima nuclear disaster: Japanese youth sue over cancer diagnoses

                                The plaintiffs, aged between six and 16 at the time of the disaster, argue they got cancer from radiation.

                                  Fukushima nuclear disaster: Japanese youth sue over cancer diagnoses
                                • AWS Elastic Disaster RecoveryでAzure仮想マシンをリカバリしてみた | DevelopersIO

                                  いわさです。 先日 AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery(AWS DRS)がGAになりましたね。 ドキュメントを斜め読みした感じ、DRに使える何かということがわかりましたが、ちゃんと見ていくと結構機能が多くて、フワッとした印象を受けやすいなと感じたので、実際に動かしてみてポイントをまとめてみました。 ただ、シンプルにAWS->AWSなどで最初は試せばいいものを、最初からAzure->AWSに挑戦してしまって苦しみました。 最初にElastic Disaster Recoveryの概念とポイント、気になる点 Network diagrams - AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery より引用 ソースサーバーにエージェントインストールが必要で、AWS上のレプリケーションサーバーへ非同期レプリケーション通信を行います。 レプリケーションサーバーはアタッ

                                    AWS Elastic Disaster RecoveryでAzure仮想マシンをリカバリしてみた | DevelopersIO
                                  • Announcing general availability of AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

                                    Today we are announcing the general availability of AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS), a new service that enables organizations to minimize downtime and data loss with fast, reliable recovery of on-premises and cloud-based applications. AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery is the recommended service for disaster recovery to AWS. You can use AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery to simplify recovery of a wi

                                      Announcing general availability of AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery
                                    • Scalable, Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery in the Cloud | Amazon Web Services

                                      AWS News Blog Scalable, Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery in the Cloud Should disaster strike, business continuity can require more than just periodic data backups. A full recovery that meets the business’s recovery time objectives (RTOs) must also include the infrastructure, operating systems, applications, and configurations used to process their data. The growing threats of ransomware highlight

                                        Scalable, Cost-Effective Disaster Recovery in the Cloud | Amazon Web Services
                                      • Why Disaster Happens at the Edges: An Introduction to Queue Theory

                                        Which agile methodology should junior developers learn? Agile methodology breaks projects into sprints, emphasizing continuous collaboration and improvement.

                                          Why Disaster Happens at the Edges: An Introduction to Queue Theory
                                        • Using SRE and disaster recovery testing principles in production | Google Cloud Blog

                                          Shrinking the time to mitigate production incidents—CRE life lessons Your pager is going off. Your service is down and your automated recovery processes have failed. You need to get people involved in order to get things fixed. But people are slow to react, have limited expertise, and tend to panic. However, they are your last line of defense, so you’re glad you prepared them for handling this sit

                                            Using SRE and disaster recovery testing principles in production | Google Cloud Blog
                                          • IBM's 18-month company-wide email system migration has been a disaster, sources say

                                            IBM's 18-month company-wide email system migration has been a disaster, sources say IBM's planned company-wide email migration has gone off the rails, leaving many employees unable to use email or schedule calendar events. And this has been going on for several days. Current and former IBMers have confirmed to The Register that the migration, 18 months in the making, has been a disaster. "I feel b

                                              IBM's 18-month company-wide email system migration has been a disaster, sources say
                                            • AWSでクロスリージョン・クロスアカウントのDisaster Recoveryシステムを構築した話

                                              こんにちは。Finatextでエンジニアをしている @s_tajima です。 今回は、DR(Disaster Recovery)の体制強化の一環で、AWS Backup と AWS Organizations を活用し、自然災害・リージョン障害に対応するための大阪リージョンへのクロスリージョンのバックアップ と、 ランサムウェア等の不正アクセス対策としてクロスアカウントのバックアップ の仕組みを構築したお話です。 先日、FISCから「金融機関等におけるクラウド導入・運用に関する解説書(試行版)」が公表され、合わせてAWSからも『FISC「金融機関等におけるクラウド導入・運用に関する解説書(試行版)」発行によせて』というブログが公開され、その中で大阪リージョンの活用に関しての言及がありました。今回の記事はそんな大阪リージョン活用の一例として参考にしてもらえると嬉しいです。 背景今回の取り組

                                                AWSでクロスリージョン・クロスアカウントのDisaster Recoveryシステムを構築した話
                                              • Disaster Recovery (DR) Architecture on AWS, Part III: Pilot Light and Warm Standby | Amazon Web Services

                                                AWS Architecture Blog Disaster Recovery (DR) Architecture on AWS, Part III: Pilot Light and Warm Standby In this blog post, you will learn about two more active/passive strategies that enable your workload to recover from disaster events such as natural disasters, technical failures, or human actions. Previously, I introduced you to four strategies for disaster recovery (DR) on AWS. Then we explor

                                                  Disaster Recovery (DR) Architecture on AWS, Part III: Pilot Light and Warm Standby | Amazon Web Services
                                                • 燃えさかる家の前でほほえむ少女「Disaster girl」が元ネタ写真をNFTとして5000万円で販売

                                                  by Dave Roth 巨大な炎に包まれる家と懸命に消火活動を行う消防隊を背景に不気味にほほ笑む少女「Disaster Girl(災いの少女)」は、インターネット・ミームとして広く知られています。このDisaster Girlことゾーイ・ロスさんが、オリジナルの写真データを非代替性トークン(NFT)として、50万ドル(約5400万円)で販売しました。 The World Knows Her as ‘Disaster Girl.’ She Just Made $500,000 Off the Meme. - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/29/arts/disaster-girl-meme-nft.html "Disaster girl" sells meme as NFT for $500,000 - Axios h

                                                    燃えさかる家の前でほほえむ少女「Disaster girl」が元ネタ写真をNFTとして5000万円で販売
                                                  • The World Knows Her as ‘Disaster Girl.’ She Just Made $500,000 Off the Meme. (Published 2021)

                                                    The name Zoë Roth might not ring any bells. But chances are you’ve seen her photo. One Saturday morning in 2005, when Ms. Roth was 4 years old, her family went to look at a house on fire in their neighborhood in Mebane, N.C. Firefighters had intentionally set the blaze as a controlled fire, so it was a relaxed affair: Neighbors gathered and firefighters allowed children to take turns holding the h

                                                      The World Knows Her as ‘Disaster Girl.’ She Just Made $500,000 Off the Meme. (Published 2021)
                                                    • ‘We are not special’: how triumphalism led India to Covid-19 disaster

                                                      An outbreak the size of India’s second wave, apparently fuelled by Covid-19 variants that appear to be more infectious than earlier strains, would have overwhelmed most public health systems – let alone one of the most chronically underfunded in the world, serving a vast, spread-out population. But public health experts, including some involved in advising the government, say the scale of India’s

                                                        ‘We are not special’: how triumphalism led India to Covid-19 disaster
                                                      • Fukushima disaster: What happened at the nuclear plant?

                                                        A tsunami struck the Japanese plant in 2011, leading to the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.

                                                          Fukushima disaster: What happened at the nuclear plant?
                                                        • In Japan, His Disaster Art Saves Lives (Published 2021)

                                                          KUMAMOTO, Japan — A week before the artist, author and architect Kyohei Sakaguchi planned to move into one of his celebrated “zero yen” houses, built from recycled materials, the catastrophic 2011 earthquake struck Japan. A tsunami engulfed the Tohoku region and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant collapsed. He had recently begun treatment for bipolar disorder. Overwhelmed, he left Tokyo and

                                                            In Japan, His Disaster Art Saves Lives (Published 2021)
                                                          • GitHubやSlackをエンジニア以外のチームに導入してみた - 情報支援レスキュー隊 / IT DART (Disaster Assistance and Response Team)

                                                            投稿者:OikawaTakuya - 2015/12/14 GitHubやSlackと言えば、特にWebやスマホ系の開発を行うエンジニアにとってはごく当たり前のツールだが、これを非エンジニアに適用しているケースはまだ多くないだろう。IT DART Advent Calendarの14日目となる今回は、このようなGitHubやSlackなどのエンジニアにお馴染みのツールを非エンジニアも多い組織で運用した経験談を書いてみたい。 背景 IT DART(情報支援レスキュー隊)は発災時のITを活用した情報収集+発信+共有を行う団体であるが、そこで活動する運営スタッフや会員、隊員が全員ITのプロであるわけではない。運営スタッフだけでも、開発者や研究者もいれば、プロジェクトマネージャー(PM)や医療が本業である人間もいる。このような異なるスキルや経験を持つ組織において、コミュニケーションを円滑に進めるの

                                                              GitHubやSlackをエンジニア以外のチームに導入してみた - 情報支援レスキュー隊 / IT DART (Disaster Assistance and Response Team)
                                                            • McLaren Stanley on Twitter: "Alright folks, gather round and let me tell you the story of (almost) the biggest engineering disaster I’ve ever ha… https://t.co/8vYZBFUqHJ"

                                                              Alright folks, gather round and let me tell you the story of (almost) the biggest engineering disaster I’ve ever ha… https://t.co/8vYZBFUqHJ

                                                                McLaren Stanley on Twitter: "Alright folks, gather round and let me tell you the story of (almost) the biggest engineering disaster I’ve ever ha… https://t.co/8vYZBFUqHJ"
                                                              • Focusing on disaster response with Amazon Augmented AI and Mechanical Turk | Amazon Web Services

                                                                AWS Machine Learning Blog Focusing on disaster response with Amazon Augmented AI and Mechanical Turk It’s easy to distinguish a lake from a flood. But when you’re looking at an aerial photograph, factors like angle, altitude, cloud cover, and context can make the task more difficult. And when you need to identify 100,000 aerial images in order to give first responders the information they need to

                                                                  Focusing on disaster response with Amazon Augmented AI and Mechanical Turk | Amazon Web Services
                                                                • Is Mauritius Oil Spill Disaster The First Victim Of Japan Science Council Scandal?

                                                                  16 Sep 2020: Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga (C) arrives and prepares for a group photograph ... [+] at the prime minister's official residence. He was announced prime minister following the parliamentary confirmation, and named the new cabinet members today. Getty Images Japan’s new Prime Minister is in the midst of a growing scandal in Tokyo around what is being seen as political interfere

                                                                    Is Mauritius Oil Spill Disaster The First Victim Of Japan Science Council Scandal?
                                                                  • 時系列文書解析とコロナ禍における�ニュースへの応用 / Analysis of Time Series Documents and its Application to News in the Corona Disaster

:自然言語処理勉強会 https://sansan.connpass.com/event/190157/ ■登壇概要 タイトル:時系列文書解析とコロナ禍における�ニュースへの応用 発表者: 
DSOC R&D研究員 橋本 航 ▼Twitter https://twitter.com/SansanRandD

                                                                      時系列文書解析とコロナ禍における�ニュースへの応用 / Analysis of Time Series Documents and its Application to News in the Corona Disaster
                                                                    • Hermann Hauser: ARM sale to Nvidia would be a disaster

                                                                      Hermann Hauser wants the UK government to intervene to stop Nvidia buying the chip designer.

                                                                        Hermann Hauser: ARM sale to Nvidia would be a disaster
                                                                      • Lessons in disaster response | Amazon Web Services

                                                                        AWS Public Sector Blog Lessons in disaster response Photo courtesy CDC via Unsplash At Amazon, we are committed to providing immediate relief and response to global communities impacted by natural disasters. The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Disaster Response team plays an important role in this response, and the team has supported customers worldwide in the wake of hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, and

                                                                          Lessons in disaster response | Amazon Web Services
                                                                        • From near disaster to success story: how Japan has tackled coronavirus

                                                                          Staff members wearing face masks and shields bow to customers as the Nihombashi Takashimaya shopping centre partially reopens in Tokyo. Photograph: Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters Staff members wearing face masks and shields bow to customers as the Nihombashi Takashimaya shopping centre partially reopens in Tokyo. Photograph: Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters

                                                                            From near disaster to success story: how Japan has tackled coronavirus
                                                                          • The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism

                                                                            Enough already. When people try to be cheerful about social distancing and working from home, noting that William Shakespeare and Isaac Newton did some of their best work while England was ravaged by the plague, there is an obvious response: Neither of them had child-care responsibilities. Shakespeare spent most of his career in London, where the theaters were, while his family lived in Stratford-

                                                                              The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism
                                                                            • Determinants and supporting factors for rebuilding nursing workforce in a post-disaster setting - BMC Health Services Research

                                                                              Research article Open access Published: 29 November 2019 Determinants and supporting factors for rebuilding nursing workforce in a post-disaster setting Moe Hirohara1, Akihiko Ozaki1,2 & Masaharu Tsubokura1,2,3 BMC Health Services Research volume 19, Article number: 917 (2019) Cite this article BackgroundThe workforce shortage is one of the major issues associated with the recovery of Minamisoma C

                                                                                Determinants and supporting factors for rebuilding nursing workforce in a post-disaster setting - BMC Health Services Research
                                                                              • Disaster Response and Recovery

                                                                                Your donation means Red Cross can be there to help people during disasters and other emergencies in Australia. It enables us to prepare people, provide comfort and care during a disaster or emergency, and support recovery.

                                                                                  Disaster Response and Recovery
                                                                                • あらためて災害時の死者・行方不明者の匿名化について - 豪雨災害と防災情報を研究するdisaster-i.net別館


                                                                                    あらためて災害時の死者・行方不明者の匿名化について - 豪雨災害と防災情報を研究するdisaster-i.net別館