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movesに関するエントリは23件あります。 *あとで読むアプリ音楽 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『技を用いたポケモンの系統分類  Phylogenetic Classification of Pokemon by Using Their Moves - モデルではない生物』などがあります。
  • 技を用いたポケモンの系統分類  Phylogenetic Classification of Pokemon by Using Their Moves - モデルではない生物

    ご挨拶(Greetings) こんにちは。線虫亭線虫(以下、「著者」)と申します。ブログを書くのは初めてですので至らぬ点が多いかとは思いますが、ご容赦願います。 この記事では、ポケモンをマシン技(技マシンにより覚えることができる技)を用いて系統分類する試みとその結果、考察が書かれています。 以下常体。 ご挨拶(Greetings) 導入(Introduction) 手法(Method) 結果及び考察(Results and Discussion) 補足資料(Supplementary Figures and Table) 謝辞(Acknowledgement) 参考文献(Reference) 追記(Postscript) 導入(Introduction) 「ポケットモンスター」(以下、縮めて「ポケモン」)は今や世界的に有名なゲーム作品のシリーズであり、同時にゲーム内に登場する一群のキャラク

      技を用いたポケモンの系統分類  Phylogenetic Classification of Pokemon by Using Their Moves - モデルではない生物
    • 岸政彦 on Twitter: "めちゃめちゃ最高 道行く世界中のひとに「ダンス教えて?」って聞いて一緒に踊る。 めっちゃ最高 Best of Favorite Dance Moves https://t.co/FxVmzZ1wPs"

        岸政彦 on Twitter: "めちゃめちゃ最高 道行く世界中のひとに「ダンス教えて?」って聞いて一緒に踊る。 めっちゃ最高 Best of Favorite Dance Moves https://t.co/FxVmzZ1wPs"
      • View commit history across file renames and moves

        June 6, 2022 When a file is renamed or moved to a new directory but half of it's contents remain the same, it's commit history will now indicate that the file was renamed, similar to git log --follow. Dependabot version updates help you keep your dependencies up-to-date by opening pull requests automatically when new versions are available. With this release, you can now more easily enable and con

          View commit history across file renames and moves
        • Thailand moves to legalise same-sex marriage

          Thailand's lower house has passed a bill giving legal recognition to same-sex marriage.

            Thailand moves to legalise same-sex marriage
          • The evolution of the NBA's most unguardable moves

            Kirk Goldsberry, ESPN Staff WriterMar 31, 2021, 07:00 AM ET If there's one thing that separates NBA superstars from every other pro basketball player, it's their abilities to create their own buckets. An elite group of players has the ability to take advantage of any sliver of space or the slightest opening to the rim -- scoring in ways that leave defenses completely helpless. The most deflating o

              The evolution of the NBA's most unguardable moves
            • Best of Favorite Dance Moves

              Exclusive content & support the project: https://www.patreon.com/Edpeople Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6SrBgEY5mUqiadXsz070GQ/join Thank you to all the amazing people who taught me their favorite dance move! Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/edpeople Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ed.people/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@edpeople Facebook: https://www.facebook

                Best of Favorite Dance Moves
              • アプリケーション・ウィンドウの端をドラッグしなくても、修飾キーを押さえることでウィンドウのリサイズや移動を可能にしてくれるアプリ「Moves for macOS」がリリース。

                アプリケーション・ウィンドウの端をドラッグしなくても、修飾キーを押すだけでウィンドウのリサイズや移動を可能にしてくれるアプリ「Moves for macOS」がリリースされています。詳細は以下から。 Moves for macOSはElasticのエンジニアのMikkel Malmbergさんが新たに公開したMac用ウィンドウ・マネージャーで、通常、アプリケーションのウィンドウをリサイズ/移動する際には、ウィンドウを端をドラッグしなければいけませんが、Movesは設定した修飾キーを押すだけで、ウィンドウを好きなサイズや位置に移動することができるようにしてくれます。 Just hold down your chosen modifier keys and move the mouse. No need to fiddle with 3px wide window edges or far w

                  アプリケーション・ウィンドウの端をドラッグしなくても、修飾キーを押さえることでウィンドウのリサイズや移動を可能にしてくれるアプリ「Moves for macOS」がリリース。
                • Belgian farmer accidentally moves French border

                  The farmer moved a two-century-old border stone into French territory as it was blocking his tractor.

                    Belgian farmer accidentally moves French border
                  • HSBC moves from 65 relational databases into one global MongoDB database

                    Summary: HSBC Bank is one of the world’s leading financial institutions. It is simplifying its data model by running its applications on MongoDB. (Image sourced via HSBC) HSBC is one of the world's most recognisable banking and financial services organisations, operating in over 60 countries and serving more than 40 million customers. However, with this scale comes a significant amount of operatio

                      HSBC moves from 65 relational databases into one global MongoDB database
                    • au PAYアプリから交通サービスが使える「au Moves」開始。第1弾は高速バス

                        au PAYアプリから交通サービスが使える「au Moves」開始。第1弾は高速バス
                      • Looking back at how Signal works, as the world moves forward

                        Looking back at how Signal works, as the world moves forward moxie0 on 05 Jun 2020 In the midst of world-wide protests against racism and police brutality, a lot of people are becoming more immediately aware and concerned about the security of their data and online communication. We’ve gotten a lot of questions at Signal over the past week, so we wanted to briefly recap how it is that we’ve design

                          Looking back at how Signal works, as the world moves forward
                        • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Moves Ahead With Python 2 Removal - But Sticks Around For Derivatives - Phoronix

                          Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Moves Ahead With Python 2 Removal - But Sticks Around For Derivatives Written by Michael Larabel in Ubuntu on 18 February 2020 at 03:35 PM EST. 15 Comments With Python 2 having been end-of-life since the start of the year and Ubuntu 20.04 being a long-term support release, Ubuntu developers are working hard to ensure Python 2 isn't shipped as part of this next Ubuntu LTS release.

                            Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Moves Ahead With Python 2 Removal - But Sticks Around For Derivatives - Phoronix
                          • BASIC Moves®

                            Reception desk Entrance stairway Lobby artwork Reception desk details Lobby Reception area Artwork detail Corridor views Kitchen partition Reading area Huddle gallery Dining table Pit views Conference room table Balcony Kitchen entrance Conference room gallery Corridor BASIC’s goodest boy Sam Award display Confidential room ThinkTank Conference room interior Office artwork Huddle lounge chairs Bal

                              BASIC Moves®
                            • 【龍が如く7】 極み技集 全22職分まとめ DLCあり Yakuza7 All Special Moves【ゲーム実況/小ネタ/技集/高画質フルHD】 - じゃがいもゲームブログ

                              皆様こんばんは! 如何お過ごしでしょうか。 今回は、龍が如く7の極み技集をご紹介します! 極み技は龍が如く7の必殺技です。特殊な演出が入り、大ダメージを与えることができます。極み技はキャラクターのレベルが上がったりジョブレベルを上げることで習得することができます。 よければ下記の動画をご覧下さい。極み技 全22職分をまとめています。DLCの悪魔と姉御も含まれています。 今回の記事及び関連動画が、少しでも参考になりましたら幸いです。では皆様またお会いしましょう(・∀・)/ 龍が如く7 光と闇の行方/PS4/PLJM16424/D 17才以上対象 posted with カエレバ 楽天市場 Amazon Yahooショッピング 7net 龍が如く7光と闇の行方 春日一番旅立ちの書 /KADOKAWA/電撃ゲーム書籍編集部 posted with カエレバ 楽天市場 Amazon Yahooショ

                                【龍が如く7】 極み技集 全22職分まとめ DLCあり Yakuza7 All Special Moves【ゲーム実況/小ネタ/技集/高画質フルHD】 - じゃがいもゲームブログ
                              • Firefox 78: Mozilla moves "Close other Tabs" & "Close tabs to Right" to a submenu again, how to revert?

                                Mozilla has made unnecessary changes to the Firefox Tab Context menu yet again for one more time. The company has moved “Close Tabs to the Right” and “Close Other Tabs” options to a “Close Multiple Tabs” submenu in Firefox 78. This article discusses the change and includes a workaround that reverts that change to a certain extent. Mozilla is currently facing backlash from users over the revamped a

                                  Firefox 78: Mozilla moves "Close other Tabs" & "Close tabs to Right" to a submenu again, how to revert?
                                • 13. ドリー・パートンの Night Moves (featuring Chris Stapleton) Bob Segerがオリジナル - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」

                                  ボブ・シーガーの「ナイト・ムーヴス」 コチラですね youtu.be こんな記事もありました www.udiscovermusic.jp この曲をドリー・パートンはどう歌うのでしょうか? 楽しみですね 更新 ↓ コチラでした! youtu.be クリス・ステイプルトンと共演 コチラの記事が詳しいですね 曲も聴けます www.udiscovermusic.jp ありがとうございます ひとことでロックといっても、これはもう様々なタイプのロックがありますよね アメリカで人気のあるものと、日本で人気のあるものも微妙に違っています さらに、現地の気候風土習慣の中で聴く同じ曲と、日本で聴く同じ曲はちがって聴こえてきます 不思議ですよね そんな広大なロックの中からドリー・パートンが選んだ曲の数々 そして、共演する人々 面白いです リリースが楽しみですね ボブ・シーガーはお聴きになりましたか? クリス・ス

                                    13. ドリー・パートンの Night Moves (featuring Chris Stapleton) Bob Segerがオリジナル - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」
                                  • au PAYで交通サービスを予約・決済できる「au Moves」

                                      au PAYで交通サービスを予約・決済できる「au Moves」
                                    • As Artemis Moves Forward, NASA Picks SpaceX to Land Next Americans on Moon - NASA

                                      NASA-Led Study Provides New Global Accounting of Earth’s Rivers

                                        As Artemis Moves Forward, NASA Picks SpaceX to Land Next Americans on Moon - NASA
                                      • Ora2Pg - Moves Oracle database to PostgreSQL

                                        Oracle to PostgreSQL migration tool, automatically convert Oracle and MySQL database to PostgreSQL

                                          Ora2Pg - Moves Oracle database to PostgreSQL
                                        • Microsoft moves to new Windows development cycle with major release every three years, feature drops in between

                                          Microsoft is shifting to a new engineering schedule for Windows which will see the company return to a more traditional three-year release cycle for major versions of the Windows platform, while simultaneously increasing the output of new features shipping to the current version of Windows on the market. The news comes just a year after the company announced it was moving to a yearly release caden

                                            Microsoft moves to new Windows development cycle with major release every three years, feature drops in between
                                          • How Many Numbers Exist? Infinity Proof Moves Math Closer to an Answer. | Quanta Magazine

                                            In October 2018, David Asperó was on holiday in Italy, gazing out a car window as his girlfriend drove them to their bed-and-breakfast, when it came to him: the missing step of what’s now a landmark new proof about the sizes of infinity. “It was this flash experience,” he said. Asperó, a mathematician at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, contacted the collaborator with whom he’d

                                              How Many Numbers Exist? Infinity Proof Moves Math Closer to an Answer. | Quanta Magazine
                                            • Japanese giant Gundam robot shows off its moves | CNN

                                              - Source: CNN " data-fave-thumbnails="{"big": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/200924065715-gundam-rx-78-2-robot-japon.jpg?q=x_0,y_0,h_1080,w_1919,c_fill/h_540,w_960" }, "small": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/200924065715-gundam-rx-78-2-robot-japon.jpg?q=x_0,y_0,h_1080,w_1919,c_fill/h_540,w_960" } }" data-vr-video="false" data-show-html="" dat

                                                Japanese giant Gundam robot shows off its moves | CNN
                                              • California moves to end sales of new gas-powered cars and trucks by 2035

                                                California will halt sales of new gasoline-powered passenger cars and trucks by 2035, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday, a move he says will cut greenhouse gas emissions by 35% in the nation's most populous state. The proposed rule would not ban people from owning gas-powered cars or selling them on the used car market. But it would end the sales of all new gasoline-powered passenger cars and

                                                  California moves to end sales of new gas-powered cars and trucks by 2035
