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321 - 360 件 / 4766件

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wantedの検索結果321 - 360 件 / 4766件

  • GitHub - samber/lo: 💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)

    ✨ samber/lo is a Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics. This project started as an experiment with the new generics implementation. It may look like Lodash in some aspects. I used to code with the fantastic "go-funk" package, but "go-funk" uses reflection and therefore is not typesafe. As expected, benchmarks demonstrate that generics are much faster than implementations based on the

      GitHub - samber/lo: 💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)
    • シングルバイナリで動くERBのテンプレートプロセッサーを作った - so what

      github.com 本体は ERB.new().result を呼ぶだけで、それをmrubyでdarwin/linuxのx86_64/aarch64向けにビルドした。 以下のようにシングルバイナリプログラムを通してテンプレートファイルを処理できる。 <%- to = ENV["MAIL_TO"] priorities = ENV["PRIORITIES"].split(",").map(&:strip) -%> From: James <james@example.com> To: <%= to %> Subject: Addressing Needs <%= to[/\w+/] %>: Just wanted to send a quick note assuring that your needs are being addressed. I want you to know tha

        シングルバイナリで動くERBのテンプレートプロセッサーを作った - so what
      • 使用頻度の高い英語フレーズ暗記一覧表(第1弾) - Ippo-san’s diary

        はじめに デイビッド・セイン氏の英語本8冊から使用頻度が高く私もよく耳にしたり使ったりした英語フレーズの使い方を紹介してきました。 ご存知の方は、実践を重ねれば会話ですんなりと出てくるようになるでしょう。しかし、あまり覚えていない方は、先ず、英語フレーズそのものや意味を覚えるしかありません。 そこで記事で紹介したフレーズの暗記の一助になればと思い、一覧表を作成。記事単位にまとめましたが、Word や Excel に落として覚えたいフレーズだけを残して印刷すれば、効率よく暗記できるでしょう。 覚えるフレーズが沢山あり過ぎてもどうかと思い、おおよそ120フレーズ単位で暗記表を作成しました。その第一弾を掲載します。 「通じる!2単語英会話」より 「3フレーズでOK!メール・SNSの英会話」より 「中学英語で英語の雑談ができるようになる本」より 「英会話の9割は中学英語で通用する」より 英語関連記

          使用頻度の高い英語フレーズ暗記一覧表(第1弾) - Ippo-san’s diary
        • Rome will be written in Rust 🦀

          Rome started off written in JavaScript because that is the language of choice for our team and it made it easier for others in the community to join as contributors. We love JavaScript and TypeScript (and HTML and CSS) at Rome, and we want to build the very best tooling possible for these languages. For a number of reasons, we’ve decided that Rust will provide a better foundation for this tooling.

            Rome will be written in Rust 🦀
          • My first impressions of web3

            Despite considering myself a cryptographer, I have not found myself particularly drawn to “crypto.” I don’t think I’ve ever actually said the words “get off my lawn,” but I’m much more likely to click on Pepperidge Farm Remembers flavored memes about how “crypto” used to mean “cryptography” than I am the latest NFT drop. Also – cards on the table here – I don’t share the same generational exciteme

            • Emulating Nintendo Switch Games on Linux

              Some people lament the fact that, even though the Steam Deck is the Switch Pro we’ve been waiting for, they can’t play the Nintendo exclusives on it, such as the Mario, Zelda, and Metroid series. Well, ever heard of emulation? It is actually possible to play your favorite Nintendo games on PC, or your Steam Deck. Switch emulation is possible thanks to Yuzu and Ryujinx. Both emulators are open-sour

                Emulating Nintendo Switch Games on Linux
              • The Scary Thing About Automating Deploys - Slack Engineering

                Most of Slack runs on a monolithic service simply called “The Webapp”. It’s big – hundreds of developers create hundreds of changes every week. Deploying at this scale is a unique challenge. When people talk about continuous deployment, they’re often thinking about deploying to systems as soon as changes are ready. They talk about microservices and 2-pizza teams (~8 people). But what does continuo

                • the peculiar case of japanese web design - sabrinas.space

                  the peculiar case of japanese web design a project that should not have taken 8 weeks how is japanese web design different? in this 2013 Randomwire blog post, the author (David) highlighted an intriguing discrepancy in Japanese design. While the nation is known abroad for minimalist lifestyles, their websites are oddly maximalist. The pages feature a variety of bright colours (breaking the 3 colou

                  • htmz - a low power tool for html

                    =>htmz> a low power tool for html htmz is a minimalist HTML microframework for creating interactive and modular web user interfaces with the familiar simplicity of plain HTML. [GitHub] plain🍦 Use straight up HTML. No supersets. No hz- ng- hx- v- w- x-; no special attributes. No DSLs. No <custom-elements>. Just vanilla HTML. lightweight🪶 166 bytes in total. Zero dependencies. Zero JS bundles to l

                    • Japan’s Shift to the Right: Computational Propaganda, Abe Shinzō’s LDP, and Internet Right-Wingers (Netto Uyo) - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

                      Abstract: In recent years, academic research and investigative reports have brought to light several cases of computational propaganda (i.e. orchestrated attempts to manipulate public opinion or the outcome of elections via social media), as well as proof that filter algorithms amplify right-wing conservative content on Japanese social media. Piecing together the scattered pieces of a puzzle, this

                        Japan’s Shift to the Right: Computational Propaganda, Abe Shinzō’s LDP, and Internet Right-Wingers (Netto Uyo) - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
                      • Our journey to type checking 4 million lines of Python

                        Dropbox is a big user of Python. It’s our most widely used language both for backend services and the desktop client app (we are also heavy users of Go, TypeScript, and Rust). At our scale—millions of lines of Python—the dynamic typing in Python made code needlessly hard to understand and started to seriously impact productivity. To mitigate this, we have been gradually migrating our code to stati

                          Our journey to type checking 4 million lines of Python
                        • Server-Sent Events, WebSockets, and HTTP

                          Hi, I’m Mark Nottingham. I usually write here about the Web, protocol design, HTTP, and Internet governance. Find out more. Comments? Let's talk on Mastodon. @mnot@techpolicy.social other HTTP posts Yet More New HTTP Specs Wednesday, 8 June 2022 A New Definition of HTTP Monday, 6 June 2022 How Multiplexing Changes Your HTTP APIs Sunday, 13 October 2019 Designing Headers for HTTP Compression Tuesda

                            Server-Sent Events, WebSockets, and HTTP
                          • CSS-in-JS support in DevTools  |  CSS and UI  |  Chrome for Developers

                            This article talks about CSS-in-JS support in DevTools that landed since Chrome 85 and, in general, what we mean by CSS-in-JS and how it's different from regular CSS that has been supported by DevTools for a long time. What is CSS-in-JS? The definition of CSS-in-JS is rather vague. In a broad sense, it's an approach for managing CSS code using JavaScript. For example, it could mean that the CSS co

                            • First-class Support for TypeScript · React Native

                              With the release of 0.71, React Native is investing in the TypeScript experience with the following changes: New app template is TypeScript by defaultTypeScript declarations shipped with React NativeReact Native documentation is TypeScript FirstIn this post we’ll cover what these changes mean for you as a TypeScript or Flow user. New App Template is TypeScript By Default​Starting with 0.71, when y

                                First-class Support for TypeScript · React Native
                              • Migrating to Go Modules - The Go Programming Language

                                Jean de Klerk 21 August 2019 Introduction This post is part 2 in a series. Part 1 — Using Go Modules Part 2 — Migrating To Go Modules (this post) Part 3 — Publishing Go Modules Part 4 — Go Modules: v2 and Beyond Part 5 — Keeping Your Modules Compatible Note: For documentation, see Managing dependencies and Developing and publishing modules. Go projects use a wide variety of dependency management s

                                  Migrating to Go Modules - The Go Programming Language
                                • 【和訳あり】Snoopyの動画「Love Complex」でディクテーションに挑戦!無料英語リスニング講座2~効果抜群の英語学習法~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て

                                  海外アニメを使って楽しく英語学習ができれば最高ですね。 この記事ではSnoopyで有名な「Peanuts」の実際の動画を使って、英語のリスニング練習としてディクテーションができるように記事が構成されています。 ディクテーションとは聞いた英文を文字に起こすことです。 ディクテーションをすると単語を聞き取ろうと耳を傾けるので、リスニングの集中力が大きく伸び、前置詞や冠詞、時制といった細かい点にも敏感になります。 そして、正確なリスニング力がつきます。 ディクテーションについては、こちらの記事で詳しく説明しています。 www.jukupapa.com この記事に沿って英語のリスニング練習をして頂ければ、聞き取れる、理解できる英語表現が多くなっていることを実感できるはずです。 練習の流れ 「Love Complex」 動画の原稿、スクリプト(script) もう一度見る 空欄の答え 他の動画でディ

                                    【和訳あり】Snoopyの動画「Love Complex」でディクテーションに挑戦!無料英語リスニング講座2~効果抜群の英語学習法~ - 塾の先生が英語で子育て
                                  • ウクライナ危機でアフリカが見せた“怒り”のスピーチ 世界中で大きな反響

                                    ロシアの軍事侵攻をアフリカ諸国はどうみているのでしょうか。 ロシアによるウクライナへの軍事侵攻開始からおよそ1週間。世界からロシアに対し、批判の声が向けられるなか、あるスピーチが話題を集めています。 先月21日、アメリカで開催された国連の緊急会合。ケニアのキマニ国連大使のスピーチです。 この日、ロシアのプーチン大統領はウクライナ東部のドネツク州とルガンスク州の一部地域の独立を承認、この地域への軍の派遣を命令していました。 かつて、イギリスを始めとした欧州列強による植民地支配を受け、国境を決められ分断された過去を持つアフリカ。 軍事力を振りかざし、一方的に独立を承認したロシアの行動に対し、キマニ氏はアフリカの歴史と照らし合わせ、憤りをあらわにしました。 ケニア共和国・キマニ国連大使: 「This situation echoes our history. Kenya、 almost ever

                                      ウクライナ危機でアフリカが見せた“怒り”のスピーチ 世界中で大きな反響
                                    • Wasmtime Reaches 1.0: Fast, Safe and Production Ready!

                                      As of today, the Wasmtime WebAssembly runtime is now at 1.0! This means that all of us in the Bytecode Alliance agree that it is fully ready to use in production. In truth, we could have called Wasmtime production-ready more than a year ago. But we didn’t want to release just any WebAssembly engine. We wanted to have a super fast and super safe WebAssembly engine. We wanted to feel really confiden

                                        Wasmtime Reaches 1.0: Fast, Safe and Production Ready!
                                      • Hosoda: 'Japanese anime has problem with women and girls' - France 24

                                        Hosoda: 'Japanese anime has problem with women and girls' Cannes (France) (AFP) – Mamoru Hosoda has bones to pick with both Steven Spielberg and Hayao Miyazaki, the other great Japanese animator to whom he is often compared. Hosoda -- whose brilliantly humane "Mirai" got an Oscar nod three years ago -- has had enough of the way Hollywood treats the digital world and Miyazaki depicts women. The dys

                                          Hosoda: 'Japanese anime has problem with women and girls' - France 24
                                        • Tales of the M1 GPU - Asahi Linux

                                          Hello everyone, Asahi Lina here!✨ marcan asked me to write an article about the M1 GPU, so here we are~! It’s been a long road over the past few months and there’s a lot to cover, so I hope you enjoy it! What’s a GPU?You probably know what a GPU is, but do you know how they work under the hood? Let’s take a look! Almost all modern GPUs have the same main components: A bunch of shader cores, which

                                            Tales of the M1 GPU - Asahi Linux
                                          • Supavisor: Scaling Postgres to 1 Million Connections

                                            One of the most widely-discussed shortcomings of Postgres is it's connection system. Every Postgres connection has a reasonably high memory footprint, and determining the maximum number of connections your database can handle is a bit of an art. A common solution is connection pooling. Supabase currently offers pgbouncer which is single-threaded, making it difficult to scale. We've seen some novel

                                              Supavisor: Scaling Postgres to 1 Million Connections
                                            • Algebraic Effects for the Rest of Us

                                              Have you heard about algebraic effects? My first attempts to figure out what they are or why I should care about them were unsuccessful. I found a few pdfs but they only confused me more. (There’s something about academic pdfs that makes me sleepy.) But my colleague Sebastian kept referring to them as a mental model for some things we do inside of React. (Sebastian works on the React team and came

                                              • AI Roadmap

                                                i.am.ai AI Expert Roadmap Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2022 Below you find a set of charts demonstrating the paths that you can take and the technologies that you would want to adopt in order to become a data scientist, machine learning or an AI expert. We made these charts for our new employees to make them AI Experts but we wanted to share them here to help the commun

                                                  AI Roadmap
                                                • How are Unix pipes implemented?

                                                  This article is about how pipes are implemented the Unix kernel. I was a little disappointed that a recent article titled “How do Unix pipes work?” was not about the internals, and curious enough to go digging in some old sources to try to answer the question. What are we talking about? Pipes are “perhaps the single most striking invention in Unix” — a defining characteristic of the Unix philosoph

                                                    How are Unix pipes implemented?
                                                  • Interview with a Pornhub Web Developer

                                                    Regardless of your stance on pornography, it would be impossible to deny the massive impact the adult website industry has had on pushing the web forward. From pushing the browser's video limits to pushing ads through WebSocket so ad blockers don't detect them, you have to be clever to innovate at the bleeding edge of the web. I was recently lucky enough to interview a Web Developer at the web's l

                                                      Interview with a Pornhub Web Developer
                                                    • 広告ブロック可能なYouTubeアプリ「Vanced」が開発中止に、Googleからの要請が原因か

                                                      広告ブロックが可能な非公式のYouTube閲覧アプリ「Vanced」がサービス終了を発表しました。Vancedの開発者は「法的な理由」によって、開発プロジェクトを終了し、ダウンロードリンクも削除することを明らかにしました。 YouTube Vanced is shutting down ‘due to legal reasons’ - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/13/22975890/youtube-vanced-app-discontinued-shutting-down-legal-reasons Google finally succeeds in killing YouTube Vanced https://www.androidpolice.com/google-finally-succeeds-in-killing-yo

                                                      • 『進撃の巨人』すべてはこの男の脳内で始まった――『ダ・ヴィンチ』2014年10月号の諫山創氏インタビューを特別公開! | ダ・ヴィンチWeb

                                                        2010年代を代表する超大作『進撃の巨人』(諫山創/講談社)が堂々完結! 6月5日発売の雑誌『ダ・ヴィンチ』7月号では、「『進撃の巨人』を、読む」特集を実施している。ストーリー&キャラクターガイドや声優・梶裕貴をはじめとする関係者インタビューなど、ぜひチェックを! ここで、過去にも『進撃の巨人』特集を実施してきた本誌の2014年10月号から諫山創氏インタビューを特別公開しよう! (本記事は『ダ・ヴィンチ』2014年10月号からの転載になります) 初の連載作品で累計4000万部突破の快挙をなしとげた諫山創。とどまることを知らない『進撃の巨人』現象の起源だ。異例づくしの快進撃を続ける人気作家ながら、その素顔は飾り気のない等身大の若者といった印象。それでいて、言葉のはしばしに内面的な奥深さを覗かせる。彼のパーソナリティはどのように作られていったのか? (取材・文=町村章生) 諫山創という作家は本

                                                          『進撃の巨人』すべてはこの男の脳内で始まった――『ダ・ヴィンチ』2014年10月号の諫山創氏インタビューを特別公開! | ダ・ヴィンチWeb
                                                        • A 32-Bit RISC-V CPU Core In 600 Lines Of C

                                                          If you have ever wanted to implement a RISC-V CPU core in about 600 lines of C, you’re in luck! [mnurzia]’s rv project does exactly that, providing a simple two-function API. Technically, it’s a user-level RV32IMC implementation in ANSI C. There are many different possible flavors of RISC-V, and in this case is a 32-bit base integer instruction set (RV32I), with multiplication and division extensi

                                                            A 32-Bit RISC-V CPU Core In 600 Lines Of C
                                                          • An in-depth guide to performance optimization with webpack - LogRocket Blog

                                                            These days, you have to use a module bundler like webpack to benefit from a development workflow that utilizes state-of-the-art performance optimization concepts. Module bundlers are built by brilliant people just to help you with these difficult tasks. In addition, I recommend using a starter kit or a modern boilerplate project with webpack configuration best practices already in place. Building

                                                              An in-depth guide to performance optimization with webpack - LogRocket Blog
                                                            • Using Trello as a Super Simple CMS | CSS-Tricks

                                                              Sometimes our sites need a little sprinkling of content management. Not always. Not a lot. But a bit. The CMS market is thriving with affordable, approachable products, so we’re not short of options. Thankfully, it is a very different world to the one that used to force companies to splash out a ga-jillionty-one dollars (not an exact cost: I rounded to the nearest bazillion) for an all-singing, al

                                                                Using Trello as a Super Simple CMS | CSS-Tricks
                                                              • Moving my serverless project to Ruby on Rails

                                                                I have a small side project: digital gift cards for hackers. It uses Shopify for all the store-related stuff: frontend, payments, refunds, reports, etc. But unlike regular digital products (ebooks, videos) I wanted each card that the user purchases from the store to be unique. So I made a script that generates personalized images and ran it manually for every order. The next logical step was autom

                                                                  Moving my serverless project to Ruby on Rails
                                                                • Next.js 9.4

                                                                  We are excited today to introduce Next.js 9.4, featuring: Fast Refresh: fast and reliable live-editing experience, as proven at Facebook scale Incremental Static Regeneration (beta): re-build static pages after you've deployed, in milliseconds CMS Examples: examples for Contentful, DatoCMS, Prismic, Sanity, and TakeShape using our new next-gen static site generation New Environment Variables Suppo

                                                                    Next.js 9.4
                                                                  • Joining CSV and JSON data with an in-memory SQLite database

                                                                    19th June 2021 The new sqlite-utils memory command can import CSV and JSON data directly into an in-memory SQLite database, combine and query it using SQL and output the results as CSV, JSON or various other formats of plain text tables. sqlite-utils memory The new feature is part of sqlite-utils 3.10, which I released this morning. You can install it using brew install sqlite-utils or pip install

                                                                      Joining CSV and JSON data with an in-memory SQLite database
                                                                    • 各方面に配慮した桃次郎と桃子[かくほうめんにはいりょしたももじろうとももこ](順不同)≪ふりがなつき≫【There’s English】

                                                                      各方面に配慮した桃次郎と桃子[かくほうめんにはいりょしたももじろうとももこ](順不同)≪ふりがなつき≫【There’s English】 昔々(むかしむかし)、あるところにおじいさんとおばあさん(アルファベット順(じゅん))がおりました。『あるところ』というのは日本(にほん)によく似(に)た異世界(いせかい)であり、現実世界(げんじつせかい)とはいかなる関(かか)わりもありませんでした。おじいさんとおばあさんは仲良(なかよ)く暮(く)らしておりましたが、二人(ふたり)の間(あいだ)には子(こ)どもがいませんでした。 ただし、決(けっ)して子(こ)どもがいないから不幸(ふしあわ)せであったというわけではありませんし、勿論養子(もちろんようし)をもらうという選択肢(せんたくし)もあったのですが、お互(たが)いのライフスタイルを尊重(そんちょう)した結果(けっか)、十分(じゅうぶん)な話(はな)

                                                                        各方面に配慮した桃次郎と桃子[かくほうめんにはいりょしたももじろうとももこ](順不同)≪ふりがなつき≫【There’s English】
                                                                      • ChatGPT for Robotics

                                                                        Have you ever wanted to tell a robot what to do using your own words, like you would to a human? Wouldn’t it be amazing to just tell your home assistant robot: “Please warm up my lunch“, and have it find the microwave by itself? Even though language is the most intuitive way for us to express our intentions, we still rely heavily on hand-written code to control robots. Our team has been exploring

                                                                          ChatGPT for Robotics
                                                                        • WinterJS 1.0 · Blog · Wasmer

                                                                          Back to articlesWinterJS 1.0Announcing WinterJS 1.0, the fastest Javascript web server now also supporting Cloudflare applications and React Server Components WinterJS 1.0 is finally here. WinterJS is an incredibly fast WinterCG-compatible Javascript runtime written in Rust using the SpiderMonkey engine to execute JavaScript, and Tokio to handle the underlying HTTP requests and JS event loop. Wint

                                                                            WinterJS 1.0 · Blog · Wasmer
                                                                          • Building the SwiftUI Sample App in Flutter

                                                                            Very Good Ventures re-built the SwiftUI sample app to do a side-by-side comparison of SwiftUI and Flutter, and found there’s a lot to love about both. Kevin Gray (Principal Engineer), Martin Rybak (Engineering Director), and Albert Lardizabal (Principal Engineer) contributed to the writing of this article and the development of the Flutter Landmarks project. Read more of their content on the Very

                                                                              Building the SwiftUI Sample App in Flutter
                                                                            • Modern alternatives to BEM

                                                                              Brainstorming a handful of new CSS organization acronyms August 26, 2022 When I first heard Nicole Sullivan talk about OOCSS, I thought “Oooh, smart.” When I read Jonathan Snook’s riff on that idea in SMACSS I thought “Oooh, smart.” When I heard Harry Roberts say “never use IDs in your CSS files” I said “Oooh, smart.” But when BEM and roboclasses came around… I didn’t have the same reaction. I nev

                                                                                Modern alternatives to BEM
                                                                              • テスラの「完全自動運転をAIチームディレクターが解説」を翻訳とともに解説 - EVsmartブログ

                                                                                『CVPR2021』というコンピュータービジョンのイベントで、テスラのAIチームシニアディレクターであるAndrej Karpathy氏が登壇。テスラが進める完全自動運転への取り組みを解説しました。はたして、テスラはどこまで進んでいるのか。テスラオーナーで翻訳家の池田篤史氏が翻訳しつつ解説します。かなり専門的ながら、興味深い内容です。 ※冒頭画像はCVPRウェブサイトより引用。 はじめに 2021年6月下旬に開催されたCVPR(Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)に、昨年に続きテスラのAIチームシニアディレクター、アンドレイ・カーパシー氏が登壇し、カメラからの入力のみで自動運転機能を達成する取り組みについて解説しました。この記事ではそれに加え、テスラハッカーとして有名なGreentheonly氏にも取材をして、アンドレイ氏が表向き言えないようなこ

                                                                                  テスラの「完全自動運転をAIチームディレクターが解説」を翻訳とともに解説 - EVsmartブログ
                                                                                • Node.js プロジェクトの依存パッケージ更新戦略 | DevelopersIO

                                                                                  また、チルダ ~ U+007E を付与することも可能で、その場合は「マイナーバージョンが同じである現在の最新バージョンをインストールしなさい」という指定です。マイナーバージョンの指定がない場合、つまり ~1 などはメジャーバージョンが同じである最新バージョンを指します。 その他にもバージョン指定の方法はありますが、この 2 種類を知っていれば問題ありません。 バージョン固定の必要性 特に気にしない場合、インストールされるパッケージのバージョンに幅が出てきてしまうわけです。これではチームメンバー間で異なるバージョンがインストールされる可能性があり、メンバーによって挙動が異なってしまうかもしれません。 これを防ぐ仕組みとして、 npm では package-lock.json が、 yarn では yarn.lock が提供されています。 それぞれ、 npm install もしくは yarn

                                                                                    Node.js プロジェクトの依存パッケージ更新戦略 | DevelopersIO