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womenの検索結果121 - 160 件 / 184件

  • 『WOMEN 女性たちの世界史 大図鑑』11月発売! 世界的なフェミニズムへの関心に応える、決定版の一冊!|Web河出

    未来へつなぐ “私たち”の世界史ーー 世界的なフェミニズムへの関心に応える 初のヴィジュアル版・女性史大図鑑! WOMEN 女性たちの世界史 大図鑑 ルーシー・ワーズリー【序文】 ホーリー・ハールバート他【監修】 戸矢理衣奈【日本語版監修】  戸田早紀/中島由華/熊谷玲美【訳】 先史時代から現代まで、世界史の中の女性をテーマに解説したオールカラーのヴィジュアル図鑑。世界的なフェミニズムへの関心に応え、女性の社会的なあり方を鮮やかに詳述する決定版! “読書は女性の目を開かせ、期待をあおり、自分たちが男性以下の扱いを受けていることに不満を抱かせる可能性があるからだ。本書では、必ずしも語られてはこなかった物語が語られる。つまり世紀を超え、大陸を越えて紡がれてきた女性たちの物語だ。そして〈どれほど多くの人に〉読まれようとも多すぎることはないだろう。なぜならここに語られた物

      『WOMEN 女性たちの世界史 大図鑑』11月発売! 世界的なフェミニズムへの関心に応える、決定版の一冊!|Web河出
    • UN Women on Twitter: "Of all journalists killed in 2021, 11% were women. In 2020, this was 6%. (Source: @UNESCO) On the International Da… https://t.co/spwJiMEQLp"

      Of all journalists killed in 2021, 11% were women. In 2020, this was 6%. (Source: @UNESCO) On the International Da… https://t.co/spwJiMEQLp

        UN Women on Twitter: "Of all journalists killed in 2021, 11% were women. In 2020, this was 6%. (Source: @UNESCO) On the International Da… https://t.co/spwJiMEQLp"
      • WOMEN(レディース)|Theory 公式通販サイト


        • Women in Japan were told not to wear glasses to work. Their response has been fiery.

          One receptionist recalled being told that glasses for her were not allowed, while a male receptionist was permitted to don corrective eyewear, Business Insider reported. A nurse at a beauty clinic developed dry eye from long hours in contacts but also was not allowed to wear glasses. Her employer imposed other requirements: Makeup was a must, as was making sure she didn’t gain too much weight. A d

            Women in Japan were told not to wear glasses to work. Their response has been fiery.
          • Início | Famila Schio v Lyon Euroleague Women Live Stream | Rede Social ATT

            Grupo Público ativo 1 semana, 1 dia atrás Competition: Famila Schio vs Lyon live stream October 31, 2019 http://live.welcome.bet/1745322 http://live.welcome.bet/1745322 Lille – SLUC Nancy Basket match overview, prediction&tips The possibility to win in this match is almost balanced for both teams.Last 4 head-to-head matches Lille won 2 matches, drawn 0 matches, lost 2 matches and goals 256-289. In

            • 【OZ-academy.Women`s Pro-wrestling #3】レフェリーまでもが。もはや2対1 - y-blog’s room

              おはようございます。 今日はどんよりした感じな日 そしてもう競馬の日。 あんまり暴走せずやらなければ。 さぁ元気をもらうしかない。 今回の試合は5年前の試合ですね。 【公式】雪妃魔矢vs旧姓・広田さくら 2018.10.7東京 新宿FACE~You Might Think~ 新宿ワシントンホテル 本館 ヒールに転身する雪妃魔矢選手! いつ凶器を使うのか ひやひやする中の駆け引き ですが広田さくら選手も 実力者なのですごいワクワクが レフェリーが特殊で 紫雷イオ選手のお姉さん。 みおさん。 カウントがばらついていて すごく面白い、 ぜひご覧ください!

              • 「ジェンダー平等」行動へ移して UN Women・石川雅恵さん | 毎日新聞

                日本のジェンダーギャップの現状と課題を語る「UN Women」日本事務所の石川雅恵所長=東京都千代田区で2021年11月30日、北山夏帆撮影 世界的に「ジェンダー(社会的性差)平等」の必要性が叫ばれ、国連が推進する「持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)」の一つにもなっている。東京オリンピック・パラリンピックの開催で、昨年はさまざまな分野で国際的に注目された日本でも、ジェンダー平等への関心は急速に高まり、変化の兆しも見えつつある。一方で、男女格差の根は深い。国連女性機関(UN Women)日本事務所の石川雅恵所長に日本の現状と課題を聞いた。【聞き手・椋田佳代】

                  「ジェンダー平等」行動へ移して UN Women・石川雅恵さん | 毎日新聞
                • Where are the Women? - Google Arts & Culture

                  From forgotten pioneers to iconic trailblazers, celebrate women in arts and culture

                    Where are the Women? - Google Arts & Culture
                  • IT業界におけるダイバーシティとインクルージョンを強調したテクノロジーカンファレンス「DevFest Women Tokyo 2019」開催

                    IT業界におけるダイバーシティとインクルージョンを強調したテクノロジーカンファレンス「DevFest Women Tokyo 2019」開催IT業界で活躍するさまざまなバックグラウンドをもつ女性による講演とワークショップを開催 一般社団法人GDG Tokyoは、任意団体Women Techmakers Tokyo(以下、WTM Tokyo)と協力して、2019年10月14日(月)に、ダイバーシティとインクルージョンを強調したテクノロジーカンファレンス「DevFest Women Tokyo 2019」を、御茶ノ水ソラシティカンファレンスセンター(東京都千代田区神田駿河台)にて開催いたします。 ■本カンファレンスの目的 DevFest Women Tokyo 2019は、ダイバーシティ(多様性)とインクルージョン(認知と尊重)を強調したテクノロジーカンファレンスです。 グローバル化の波が押し

                      IT業界におけるダイバーシティとインクルージョンを強調したテクノロジーカンファレンス「DevFest Women Tokyo 2019」開催
                    • Tokyo 2020 chief pressed to resign after saying women talked too much at meetings

                      The president of theTokyo 2020 Olympic Games organising committee, Yoshiro Mori, said promoting women to the board meetings would make the gatherings ‘drag on’. Photograph: Toshifumi Kitamura/AFP/Getty Images The president of theTokyo 2020 Olympic Games organising committee, Yoshiro Mori, said promoting women to the board meetings would make the gatherings ‘drag on’. Photograph: Toshifumi Kitamura

                        Tokyo 2020 chief pressed to resign after saying women talked too much at meetings
                      • 女性・ビジネス・法律~Women, Business and the Law2022を見る - 忘れん坊の外部記憶域

                        3月1日に【男女格差、日本103位に急降下 世銀、経済的な権利で調査】というようなセンセーショナルな記事が共同通信や一部の報道機関から報道されていたため、スコアに興味が湧きました。今回は元となる調査結果についてデータを見ていきましょう。 Women, Business and the Lawとは Women, Business and the Law(女性のビジネスと法律)は世界銀行が毎年公表している女性のビジネスと法律に関するデータです。 ビジネスと法律において女性の権利がどの程度阻害されているかを、【移動性(Mobility)】【職場(Workspace)】【給与(Pay)】【結婚(Marriage)】【親子関係(Parenthood)】【起業(Enterpreneurship)】【資産(Assets)】【年金(Pension)】の8つの項目によって分析しています。 それぞれの項目にお

                          女性・ビジネス・法律~Women, Business and the Law2022を見る - 忘れん坊の外部記憶域
                        • 2021最新版【SEO対策&表示スピード】Google主催のセミナー「#WPLS21」に参加した時の情報まとめ(Women of Publishing Leadership Series) - バンビの初心者ブログ教室

                          だいぶ時間が経ってしまったのですが、せっかく本家Googleが主催するセミナーに参加したのでサクッと情報をまとめてみました。 全編英語でしたが…(汗) SEO対策やサイト収益化について、公式見解として”Googleの本社の中の人”が直接おっしゃていることを聞けたのは非常に有益でした。 私が参加したGoogleの「Women of Publishing Leadership Series」とは? プログラム概要 プログラムスケジュール 参加してみた感想や言語のこと SEO対策とサイトの表示スピードについて Google SEO対策でもっとも重要な3点 サイトの第一印象について サイトの表示スピードをアップさせる3つの方法 スピードアップに関して使える3つの無料ツール 目次やナビゲーションメニューの作成 スマホ画面での表示を常に意識する サイトの収益化に関して 収益化においてもスピードは最重要

                            2021最新版【SEO対策&表示スピード】Google主催のセミナー「#WPLS21」に参加した時の情報まとめ(Women of Publishing Leadership Series) - バンビの初心者ブログ教室
                          • The More Gender Equality, the Fewer Women in STEM

                            Artist Tjaasa Gusfors poses next to her Jesus Christ ice statue near Stockholm in 2011. (TT News Agency / Reuters) Though their numbers are growing, only 27 percent of all students taking the AP Computer Science exam in the United States are female. The gender gap grows worse from there: Just 18 percent of American computer-science college degrees go to women. This is in the U.S., where many colle

                              The More Gender Equality, the Fewer Women in STEM
                            • Sexism, Hate, Mental Illness: Why Are Men Randomly Punching Women?

                              Before her trip to New York a few weeks ago, Lisa Pires, a South African living in Amsterdam, encountered a series of videos on TikTok in which young women had filmed themselves after getting attacked on the street in New York. Most were punched in the face — unprovoked, at random — in Manhattan south of Midtown and during the day. “I remember thinking it sounded so absurd that it couldn’t really

                                Sexism, Hate, Mental Illness: Why Are Men Randomly Punching Women?
                              • Início | Norway vs Angola Handball World Championship Women livestream | Rede Social ATT

                                Grupo Público ativo 1 semana atrás Competition: Norway – Angola live streaming 05.12.2019 http://live.welcome.bet/1774510 http://live.welcome.bet/1774510 Sweden – Argentina match overview, prediction&tips Sweden could have advantage in physics – more days for rest in last days. In this match Sweden is certain favorite.Last 2 head-to-head matches Sweden won 2 matches, drawn 0 matches, lost 0 matche

                                • Coronavirus: Five ways virus upheaval is hitting women in Asia

                                  From school closures to domestic violence, Asian women are bearing the brunt the social disruption.

                                    Coronavirus: Five ways virus upheaval is hitting women in Asia
                                  • Mark Krutov on Twitter: "🧵/link in last tweet. "C’mon there, rape Ukrainian women and don’t tell me anything. Just don’t forget about contra… https://t.co/KOrua5M6pY"

                                    🧵/link in last tweet. "C’mon there, rape Ukrainian women and don’t tell me anything. Just don’t forget about contra… https://t.co/KOrua5M6pY

                                      Mark Krutov on Twitter: "🧵/link in last tweet. "C’mon there, rape Ukrainian women and don’t tell me anything. Just don’t forget about contra… https://t.co/KOrua5M6pY"
                                    • Amy Stanley on Twitter: "I received an email today from Mr. Moteki informing me that the women murdered in Atlanta were “Korean prostitutes.… https://t.co/C3lOfV3lvX"

                                      I received an email today from Mr. Moteki informing me that the women murdered in Atlanta were “Korean prostitutes.… https://t.co/C3lOfV3lvX

                                        Amy Stanley on Twitter: "I received an email today from Mr. Moteki informing me that the women murdered in Atlanta were “Korean prostitutes.… https://t.co/C3lOfV3lvX"
                                      • experience morning often Pregnant sickness women | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                                        単語をならべかえて英文を完成させよう(レベル6)「experience morning often Pregnant sickness women」「妊婦はたいてい朝のつわりを経験する。」#英語学習 | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング

                                          experience morning often Pregnant sickness women | ならべかえ 英語 リスニング
                                        • Mieko Kawakami: 'Women are no longer content to shut up'

                                          Mieko Kawakami began writing partly to explore the “randomness and strangeness” of life – so it is oddly fitting that the release of her novel Breasts and Eggs (Chichi to Ran in Japanese) has suddenly been upended by a worldwide pandemic. After building up a loyal following in Japan over the decade, Kawakami was all set to go global, attending festivals in the US and Europe, before Covid-19 hit. S

                                            Mieko Kawakami: 'Women are no longer content to shut up'
                                          • Untitled — Asakura - Shimizu Atomweight Rizin Women live...

                                            Competition: Asakura - Shimizu live Kai Asakura - Ai Shimizu live stream Kai Asakura - Ai Shimizu live stream Asakura - Horiguchi match overview, prediction&tips The possibility to win in this match is almost balanced for both fighters. Recently, the fighters did not play each other. Sasaki - Takizawa match overview, prediction&tips In this match Sasaki is a favorite. Recently, the fighters did no

                                            • As Pandemic Took Hold, Suicide Rose Among Japanese Women (Published 2021)

                                              TOKYO — Not long after Japan ramped up its fight against the coronavirus last spring, Nazuna Hashimoto started suffering panic attacks. The gym in Osaka where she worked as a personal trainer suspended operations, and her friends were staying home at the recommendation of the government. Afraid to be alone, she would call her boyfriend of just a few months and ask him to come over. Even then, she

                                                As Pandemic Took Hold, Suicide Rose Among Japanese Women (Published 2021)
                                              • alyssa estrada on Twitter: "Women just arrived at the Clark County election department. They tell me they’re praying justice will be done and t… https://t.co/9dcDihbtCD"

                                                Women just arrived at the Clark County election department. They tell me they’re praying justice will be done and t… https://t.co/9dcDihbtCD

                                                  alyssa estrada on Twitter: "Women just arrived at the Clark County election department. They tell me they’re praying justice will be done and t… https://t.co/9dcDihbtCD"
                                                • Women Silhouettes Font Free Download - Digfont

                                                  Women Silhouettes is a useful dingbats font designed to let you generate women figures by only typing letters and numbers. Use this unique font to create outstanding designs! Free download Women Silhouettes font now for personal use. Free Download

                                                    Women Silhouettes Font Free Download - Digfont
                                                  • Watch! Little Women (2019) Full Online Free Official - IMDb

                                                    Watch! Little Women (2019) Full Online Free Official by kuuipoarush | created - 3 weeks ago | updated - 1 day ago | Public Official Watch Little Women Free (2019) Full HD. Little Women Full Movie Stream Online Free, Watch Gomovies full movie online in full HD anytime, anywhere, Watch Little Women 2019 Stream Online Free? Watch! Little Women Online Full Free in HD,. Click Here To Watch Full Movie F

                                                      Watch! Little Women (2019) Full Online Free Official - IMDb
                                                    • The secret lives of Yakuza women

                                                      Photographer Chloé Jafé spent six years documenting the life and intimacy of the women married to Yakuza members in the Japanese organised crime community.

                                                        The secret lives of Yakuza women
                                                      • adidas UK on Twitter: "We believe women’s breasts in all shapes and sizes deserve support and comfort. Which is why our new sports bra ran… https://t.co/7ytWaHdxSs"

                                                        We believe women’s breasts in all shapes and sizes deserve support and comfort. Which is why our new sports bra ran… https://t.co/7ytWaHdxSs

                                                          adidas UK on Twitter: "We believe women’s breasts in all shapes and sizes deserve support and comfort. Which is why our new sports bra ran… https://t.co/7ytWaHdxSs"
                                                        • Japanese mayor says men should grocery shop because women take longer

                                                          TOKYO – The mayor of the western Japanese city Osaka came under fire on social media on Friday after saying women take longer than men shopping for groceries as he tried to promote social distancing to curb the spread of the coronavirus in the city. By Friday morning there were nearly 1,500 coronavirus cases in Osaka and the prefecture that surrounds it, making it the second hardest-hit after Toky

                                                            Japanese mayor says men should grocery shop because women take longer
                                                          • Women 32% more likely to die after operation by male surgeon, study reveals

                                                            The findings have sparked a debate about the fact that surgery in the UK remains a hugely male-dominated area of medicine and claims that “implicit sex biases” among male surgeons may help explain why women are at such greater risk when they have an operation. “In our 1.3 million patient sample involving nearly 3,000 surgeons we found that female patients treated by male surgeons had 15% greater o

                                                              Women 32% more likely to die after operation by male surgeon, study reveals
                                                            • Giving voice to Black women in science and medicine

                                                              1324 correspondence Nature Medicine | VOL 27 | August 2021 | 1316–1327 | www.nature.com/naturemedicine event in a pandemic—by the prompt availability of vaccines that are not only safe but also extremely effective in eliciting a ‘superhuman’ protective immunity: on the one hand, vaccine-induced immunity is more potent than that elicited by the infection5 . On the other hand, the most-potent vaccin

                                                              • “War Rugs” by Afghanistan’s Women Weavers Bring Modern Conflict to an Ancient Tradition | Artsy

                                                                Lessons from the Afghan Women Who Weave Modern War into an Ancient Tradition Women of Central Asia have been weaving hand-made rugs of intricate design for thousands of years. But in 1979, the carpets began to change radically. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan displaced more than a million citizens and devastated the region. Its effects impacted everyday life so deeply that women in Afghanistan

                                                                  “War Rugs” by Afghanistan’s Women Weavers Bring Modern Conflict to an Ancient Tradition | Artsy
                                                                • Women provide accounts of sexual harassment and assault by Derrick May · Feature ⟋ RA

                                                                  Women provide accounts of sexual harassment and assault by Derrick May

                                                                    Women provide accounts of sexual harassment and assault by Derrick May · Feature ⟋ RA
                                                                  • Monte Carlo Live++>>Braekhus vs Bustos Live Boxing @@Braekhus vs Bustos Live @@Braekhus vs Bustos Stream @@Braekhus vs Bustos Free +>LIVE-ESPN : Braekhus vs Bustos Live : Braekhus vs Bustos Live Tv Braekhus vs Bustos Live(WBC/WBA/IBF/WBO women's welterwei

                                                                    Patriots vs. Cowboys: How to watch online, live stream info, game time, TV channel How to watch Patriots vs. Cowboys football game New England (home) vs. Dallas (away) Current Records: New England 9-1; Dallas 6-4 After two games on the road, the New England Patriots are heading back home. They will square off against the Dallas Cowboys at 4:25 p.m. ET on Sunday at Gillette Stadium. New England's s

                                                                    • For Women: 7 Quirky Ideas to Help You ACE an Interview

                                                                      We all have our ups and downs going through that interview process, but have you ever thought of what you can do to help you ace an interview? Well, after looking through a lot of research and studies, we have found these 7 witty, quirky, yet professional ideas to help you ace that interview! Please note that this post is not only focused on job interviews in Japan but also considers a global mind

                                                                        For Women: 7 Quirky Ideas to Help You ACE an Interview
                                                                      • Out of the Box Ideas for Women for Job Interviews|Himanshu Jain

                                                                        Job interviews are not merely about showcasing your experience and skills. They are equally about making an impression as a person and showing your personality. Skills and experience are to prove that we can do the tasks for the job we are applying for. In contrast, personal traits tell an employer if we can be a good asset in the longer term. What we need to indirectly communicate to an interview

                                                                          Out of the Box Ideas for Women for Job Interviews|Himanshu Jain
                                                                        • Why South Korean women are reclaiming their short hair

                                                                          Thousands proudly show off their short hair after an Olympic athlete is criticised for her haircut.

                                                                            Why South Korean women are reclaiming their short hair
                                                                          • Canada's “History Wars”: The “Comfort Women” and the Nanjing Massacre - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

                                                                            This article is based on a talk that Satoko Oka Norimatsu gave at the seminar “The ‘History Wars’ and the ‘Comfort Woman’ Issue: Revisionism and the Right-wing in Contemporary Japan, U.S., and Canada,” held at the Institute of Asian Research, the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC), hosted jointly by the Centre of Korean Research and the Centre for Japanese Research, on November 21, 201

                                                                              Canada's “History Wars”: The “Comfort Women” and the Nanjing Massacre - The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
                                                                            • ユニクロ公式|脱ぎ着しやすく、心地いい。医療・看護・介護のプロが選んだ、役立つ工夫満載アイテム特集|WOMEN(レディース)

                                                                              医療・介護・看護のプロ目線で選んでいただきました。 ユニクロのLifeWearは、あらゆる人の生活を、より豊かにするための服。突然の入院や、介護が必要な時も例外ではありません。 トップスの前が全部あく、腕が動かしやすい、ストレッチが効いていてはきやすいなど、普段は気にしていないけれど、ちょっと困った時にも実は使えます。 そんな時に役立つ工夫別で、アイテムをご紹介。 商品選定 監修 医師 河野恵美子 先生 大阪医科薬科大学一般・消化器外科所属。医師と看護師のダブルライセンスを取得。日々の病院勤務と並行し、外科医の男女機会均等を推進する活動にも注力。 2021年12月より、医療看護・介護のプロが選ぶユニクロのオススメアイテムの監修も務める。 株式会社me 代表取締役 田中恵さん 病院看護師を経て2017年に株式会社meを開設。「全ての方の今を大切に寄り添う」というコンセプトをもとに、訪問看護ス

                                                                              • Watch Cameroon v D.R. Congo Olympic Games – Football Women livestream 30.09.2019 – sportmaster2020

                                                                                Watch Cameroon v D.R. Congo Olympic Games – Football Women livestream 30.09.2019 Competition: Cameroon vs D.R. Congo live Cameroon W – D.R. Congo W live stream Cameroon W – D.R. Congo W live stream Albacete – Racing match overview, prediction&tips One of the leader and one of the outsider will play in this match (ranked 7 and 17). Albacete has a small chance of relegated (12%), has a chance of pro

                                                                                • Monte Carlo Live++>>Braekhus vs Bustos Live Boxing @@Braekhus vs Bustos Live @@Braekhus vs Bustos Stream @@Braekhus vs Bustos Free +>LIVE-ESPN : Braekhus vs Bustos Live : Braekhus vs Bustos Live Tv Braekhus vs Bustos Live(WBC/WBA/IBF/WBO women's welterwei

                                                                                  Patriots vs. Cowboys: How to watch online, live stream info, game time, TV channel How to watch Patriots vs. Cowboys football game New England (home) vs. Dallas (away) Current Records: New England 9-1; Dallas 6-4 After two games on the road, the New England Patriots are heading back home. They will square off against the Dallas Cowboys at 4:25 p.m. ET on Sunday at Gillette Stadium. New England's s