
ブックマーク / www.tuxradar.com (1)

  • Linux Format | The #1 source for Linux

    Buy it now! Read a sample I’d always say the biggest security threat to any system is the human using it. That’s not because said human is malicious or incompetent – people make mistakes, after all. But that’s compounded when you’re effectively tricked into making mistakes by phishing attacks or malware. A lot of phishing is carried out to compromise online accounts and Linux is lucky that most ma

    takunama 2011/08/08
    Debian が総合 1 位。でも、スマートフォンやタブレットが台頭してきてたりする状況下で、5 年前と変わんないような比較してたりして、なんか微妙な感じ。
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