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  • ワークシート | ならはく教育普及室

    2024.01.05 (Fri) A GUIDE FOR LEARNING ABOUT BUDDHIST ICONS Do you know about these different groups of the Buddhist pantheon? How can we figure out who is who, or to which iconographic category a Buddhist deity belongs? It’s not as hard as you may think! Just open up this booklet for a few tips! ダウンロードする(Download) 2024.01.05 (Fri) 재밌게 알아보는 불상 감상 가이드 불상에는 어떤 특징이 있는지 알고 있나요? 페이지 속 체크 포인트로 간단하게 구분해봐요

    ワークシート | ならはく教育普及室
    tomozo167 2024/01/04
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