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  • KDD 2018 | Dynamic Pricing under Competition on Online Marketplaces: A Data-Driven Approach

    Rainer Schlosser (Hasso Plattner Institute); Martin Boissier (Hasso Plattner Institute) Most online markets are characterized by competitive settings and limited demand information. Due to the complexity of such markets, efficient pricing strategies are hard to derive. We analyze stochastic dynamic pricing models in competitive markets with multiple offer dimensions, such as price, quality, and ra

    KDD 2018 | Dynamic Pricing under Competition on Online Marketplaces: A Data-Driven Approach
    elu_18 2018/10/17
    Dynamic Pricing under Competition on Online Marketplaces: A Data-Driven Approach KDD2018 Amazon マーケットプレイスは競争的に値段決定をする場だが、実際に提案法で需給学習を行い動的値付けを行った結果ルールベースよりも20%利益を向上させ
  • KDD 2018 | Customized Regression Model for Airbnb Dynamic Pricing

    Peng Ye (Airbnb); Julian Qian (Ant financial); Jieying Chen (Airbnb); Chen-Hung Wu (Airbnb); Yitong Zhou (Airbnb); Spencer De Mars (Airbnb); Frank Yang (Airbnb); Li Zhang (Airbnb) This paper describes the pricing strategy model deployed at Airbnb, an online marketplace for sharing home and experience. The goal of price optimization is to help hosts who share their homes on Airbnb set the optimal p

    KDD 2018 | Customized Regression Model for Airbnb Dynamic Pricing
    elu_18 2018/08/23
    AirbnbのKDDのpaper読んでみたんだけど、需給予測して最適価格を提示するモデルを作成するやつ。 こういう機械学習の適用は理想的すぎて、こういうのを開発&実用化したいんだよ!という気持ちになった。かなり読みやす
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