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"Reactive Programming"の検索結果1 - 40 件 / 124件

  • Reactive Programming in JavaScript

    - + 最近の小学校では、「お父さん・お母さんの名前をグーグルで検索してみましょう」という、世にも恐ろしい授業があるらしい。・・・。 — 丹 洋介 (@yosuke_tan) January 25, 2015

    • やさしいFunctional reactive programming(概要編) - maoeのブログ

      あと、やはりネットワーク周りなどI/Oの多いプログラムの書きにくさが課題になっている印象。関数的なI/OはFRPで解決できそうな気がするんだけど調べてない。そろそろFRPをちゃんと理解したいなー。 Parsec 3活用事例: Keepalived構文チェッカ - maoeのブログ なんて書いてから早1ヶ月半、ようやくFRPが掴めてきたのでわかったことをまとめてみます。 Reactive programmingって何? FRPの前に、一般的にwikipedia:en:Reactive programmingと呼ばれるパラダイムについて触れておきます。reactive programmingとは疑似言語を使ってかなーり大雑把に説明すると、 var a = 1 var b = a + 1 a = 10 // aを書き換える print b // => 11print bの出力は2ではなく11です

        やさしいFunctional reactive programming(概要編) - maoeのブログ
      • GitHub - google/agera: Reactive Programming for Android

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          GitHub - google/agera: Reactive Programming for Android
        • Reactive Programming in JavaScript - Frontrend Final Conference 資料

          Reactive Programming in JavaScript ( 今回のスライド: HTML版 ) このスライド自体が Bacon.js で書かれた ahomu/Talkie で作られています。Rx系のライブラリに興味を持たれた方は、ぜひコードのほうもご覧いただければ。 アジェンダ What is Reactive Programming ? Reactive in Frontend JavaScript FRP with Reactive Extensions Reactive Programming について紹介しました。今回も懲りずに新ネタでしゃべった次第。Reactive も Functional も若干こわいひとたちが生息しているイメージ(個人の感想です)があるので、遅延評価で飛んでくる斧だけがこわい :P ノイズ避け 率直な感想として、RP/FRP を学ぼうとすると情報

            Reactive Programming in JavaScript - Frontrend Final Conference 資料
          • State, Promises & Reactive Programming

            About the content This content has been published here with the express permission of the author. Promises are a well-known design pattern used to delay evaluation of future values, and to pipeline operations in an asynchronous manner. Typically, there are three internal states used to control the behavior of promises, but there is a lack of core interfaces essential to iOS & OS X development. To

              State, Promises & Reactive Programming
            • The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing

              The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing (by @andrestaltz) This tutorial as a series of videos If you prefer to watch video tutorials with live-coding, then check out this series I recorded with the same contents as in this article: Egghead.io - Introduction to Reactive Programming. So you're curious in learning this new thing called Reactive Programming, particularly its varia

                The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
              • GitHub - gree/observed: Observed is a scripting framework for Ruby which is inspired by reactive programming and flow-based programming. It is created to meet needs of today's scripts: reusability and extensibility, ability to deal with many data sources

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                  GitHub - gree/observed: Observed is a scripting framework for Ruby which is inspired by reactive programming and flow-based programming. It is created to meet needs of today's scripts: reusability and extensibility, ability to deal with many data sources
                • Elmで始めるFunctional Reactive Programming

                  ※注意 現在のElmは、これを書いた時とはかなり別物になっています。そのためElmを学ぶにはこの資料は適切ではありません。Functional Reactive Programmingの習得には参考になると思います。 ===== ElmはHaskellと同じく純粋関数型言語のひとつで、ブラウザ上で動くアプリケーションの作成に特化しています。目に見えるものがすぐに作れるなど、関数型プログラミングやFRP(Functional Reactive Programming)の入門によい面がいくつかあります。JavaScriptなど型のない手続き型言語に慣れた人向けに関数型プログラミングのイメージを掴んでもらうことを目的にしています。

                    Elmで始めるFunctional Reactive Programming
                  • Reactive Programming の事をつらつら書く。 - 言語ゲーム

                    最近再び Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) について調べているのでまとまり無くメモする。まず大まかな言葉の意味については http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactive_programming から辿るのが良いと思う。簡単に言うと、FRP とはスプレッドシートの計算モデルを拡張したライブラリや言語、プログラミング技術の事を言う。Function という言葉は付いていたり付いていなかったりするけど、Reactive Programming は副作用を制限する手法なので、どの手法も多かれ少なかれ関数的に使う。 FRP はかなり大雑把に使われる言葉なので人に説明するのが難しい。だけどよく似た粒度の言葉としてはコレクションライブラリくらいが丁度良いと思う。関数プログラミングや論理プログラミングのような大げさな言葉では無い。APL

                      Reactive Programming の事をつらつら書く。 - 言語ゲーム
                    • Bacon.js - Functional Reactive Programming library for JavaScript

                      What is Bacon.js? A small functional reactive programming lib for JavaScript. Turns your event spaghetti into clean and declarative feng shui bacon, by switching from imperative to functional. It's like replacing nested for-loops with functional programming concepts like map and filter. Stop working on individual events and work with event-streams instead. Transform your data with map and filter.

                      • GitHub - baconjs/bacon.js: Functional reactive programming library for TypeScript and JavaScript

                        Bacon.js A functional reactive programming lib for TypeScript JavaScript, written in TypeScript. Turns your event spaghetti into clean and declarative feng shui bacon, by switching from imperative to functional. It's like replacing nested for-loops with functional programming concepts like map and filter. Stop working on individual events and work with event streams instead. Combine your data with

                          GitHub - baconjs/bacon.js: Functional reactive programming library for TypeScript and JavaScript
                        • Kefir.js — fast and light Reactive Programming library for JavaScript inspired by Bacon.js and RxJS

                          Redirecting to kefirjs.github.io/kefir/...

                            Kefir.js — fast and light Reactive Programming library for JavaScript inspired by Bacon.js and RxJS
                          • How Reactive Programming can help reduce code spaghetti

                            Presented at http://mloc-js.com/2015/. When applications become large enough, complexity arises. Some of it is accidental complexity, which programmers often identify and know how to fix. On the other hand, essential complexity is unavoidable and hard to handle. Reactive Programming has been praised lately for its power in event-driven problems, but it has more aspects which make it useful in your

                              How Reactive Programming can help reduce code spaghetti
                            • Reactive Programming in JavaScript

                              - + 最近の小学校では、「お父さん・お母さんの名前をグーグルで検索してみましょう」という、世にも恐ろしい授業があるらしい。・・・。 — 丹 洋介 (@yosuke_tan) January 25, 2015

                              • やさしいFunctional reactive programming(Event編) - maoeのブログ

                                前回はFRPのBehaviorとEventという重要な概念と、Haskellでの代表的なライブラリを簡単に紹介しました。今回は紹介したものの中からreactiveというライブラリを取り上げます。 なお、reactiveを理解するにあたってLess Sugar/More Meat » Blog Archive » Introducing Reactive: Eventsというチュートリアルがとても役に立ったことを書いておきます。この後出てくる解説も冒頭部分はこのチュートリアルからとってきています。それと、動作環境はLinux上のGHC 6.12.1でコンパイルしたreactive 0.11.4を使っています。 reactiveの特徴 reactiveはConal Elliottが作った最新のFRPライブラリで、ライブラリのユーザ側から見た大きな特徴は、Arrowを使わない古典的FRPをFun

                                • State, Promises, and Reactive Programming

                                  Presented in Swift Language User Group Meetup on 2015/Jun/04. http://www.meetup.com/swift-language/events/222212719/

                                    State, Promises, and Reactive Programming
                                  • Bacon.jsで眺めるFunctional reactive programming - ryiwamotoのブログ

                                    JavaScriptのFunctional reactive programming(FRP)ライブラリ「Baconjs」を使ってFRPの考え方を勉強してみたメモ。 なお、このメモはFRPの勉強のためにいくつかの資料をざっくりまとめただけなので、Bacon.jsの使い方は解説しない。 なのでBacon.jsの使い方を知りたいだけなら元記事を読んだほうが良い。 Bacon.jsのReadme Bacon.jsのチュートリアルブログ(これとかこれ) 三行で FRPでは従来のプログラミングでは間接的にしか扱えなかった「徐々に変化する値」を第一級のオブジェクトとして扱うことができる。 さらに関数型のcompositionalな性質が合わさって素敵。 Bacon.jsは良いものだ。 従来のプログラミングでは時間とともに変化する値の扱いが難しい 例えば次のフォームの例を考えてみる。 <form> <i

                                      Bacon.jsで眺めるFunctional reactive programming - ryiwamotoのブログ
                                    • Function Reactive Programming Framework - Reactive Cocoa

                                      いろいろと新しいAPIが追加されている。 iOS 7 : NSHipster いくつか紹介する(ソースコードは元サイトから引用)。 NSData (NSDataBase64Encoding) NSString *string = @"Lorem ip...

                                      • GitHub - ReactiveX/RxSwift: Reactive Programming in Swift

                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                          GitHub - ReactiveX/RxSwift: Reactive Programming in Swift
                                        • Reactive Programming by UniRx �for Asynchronous & Event Processing

                                          Reactive Programming by UniRx �for Asynchronous & Event Processing

                                            Reactive Programming by UniRx �for Asynchronous & Event Processing
                                          • Scalaz-StreamによるFunctional Reactive Programming

                                            「Reactive System Meetup in 西新宿」資料です。 http://reactive-shinjuku.connpass.com/event/17991/

                                              Scalaz-StreamによるFunctional Reactive Programming
                                            • Reactive Programming in JavaScript

                                              By: Silk Engineering BlogMarch 19th 2014Writing large JavaScript projects is hard. The language lacks both a type system and a canonical module system, it has a rather clunky syntax and has a threading model that is, to say the least, interesting. No wonder so many third party JavaScript frameworks exist. Luckily JavaScript is a flexible language, which makes extending it easy. As the Silk client

                                              • Reactive programming - Wikipedia

                                                This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article may require copy editing for Some text is too verbose or poorly written. Further, the terminology in these cases is not defined for the reader.. You can assist by editing it. (December 2023) (Learn how and when to remove this templat

                                                • Functional Reactive Programming with RxSwift

                                                  About the content This content has been published here with the express permission of the author. Why does writing async code have to be a nightmare? Functional reactive programming aims to neat-ify your async woes by giving you the power to operate on closures the same way you operate on variables. RxSwift is a brand new library that aims to make your event-driven apps incredibly manageable and r

                                                    Functional Reactive Programming with RxSwift
                                                  • Bacon.js - Functional Reactive Programming library for JavaScript

                                                    What is Bacon.js? A small functional reactive programming lib for JavaScript. Turns your event spaghetti into clean and declarative feng shui bacon, by switching from imperative to functional. It's like replacing nested for-loops with functional programming concepts like map and filter. Stop working on individual events and work with event-streams instead. Transform your data with map and filter.

                                                    • What is (functional) reactive programming?

                                                      Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Explore Teams Collectives™ on Stack Overflow Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Learn more about Collectives

                                                        What is (functional) reactive programming?
                                                      • Reactive Programming in JavaScript

                                                        Frontrend Final Conference frontrend.github.io/conference/ で使用したスライドです。本編40分。 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOzq0cpLXlM HTML版 http://ahomu.github.io/s/150221-frontrend_conference/index.html フォロー記事 http://havelog.ayumusato.com/develop/javascript/e657-reactive_programming_in_javascript.html

                                                          Reactive Programming in JavaScript
                                                        • Reactive Programming in the Netflix API with RxJava

                                                          by Ben Christensen and Jafar Husain Our recent post on optimizing the Netflix API introduced how our web service endpoints are implemented using a reactive programming model for composition of asynchronous callbacks from our service layer. This post takes a closer look at how and why we use the reactive model and introduces our open source project RxJava — a Java implementation of Rx (Reactive Ext

                                                          • FRP - Functional Reactive Programming

                                                            Lessons to invite native plants into your classroom! Games, interactive lessons, and more.

                                                              FRP - Functional Reactive Programming
                                                            • Functional reactive programming in JavaScript

                                                              Mid May, I gave a talk at NodePDX on functional reactive programming in JavaScript. I discussed the general ideas behind the programming paradigm and various implementations that exist. The video is finally available online and the slides are also available. Here’s some links to the various different approaches to functional reactive programming: Flapjax Reactive Extensions (RxJS) Shafty Javelin B

                                                              • Reactive Programming

                                                                そうだったのか! よくわかる process.nextTick() node.jsのイベントループを理解するshigeki_ohtsu

                                                                  Reactive Programming
                                                                • GitHub - ReactiveX/rxjs: A reactive programming library for JavaScript

                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                    GitHub - ReactiveX/rxjs: A reactive programming library for JavaScript
                                                                  • Functional Reactive Programming - HaskellWiki

                                                                    Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) integrates time flow and compositional events into functional programming. This provides an elegant way to express computation in domains such as interactive animations, robotics, computer vision, user interfaces, and simulation. Introduction The original formulation of Functional Reactive Programming can be found in the ICFP 97 paper Functional Reactive Anima

                                                                    • Reactive Coffee - A lightweight CoffeeScript library/DSL for reactive programming and for declaratively building scalable web UIs

                                                                      Already familiar with other frameworks such as Angular or React? See Design and Comparisons. Library of reactive programming primitives Declarative DOM construction Scalable in both performance and application architecture Simple, no magic, no new template language, all CoffeeScript Tested with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE10 Available via Bower and cdnjs Works with jQuery MIT license Example: T

                                                                      • Functional Reactive Programmingのチュートリアルスライドを訳した - Faith and Brave - C++で遊ぼう

                                                                        FRP - Slides from the tutorial session in Halle Functional Reactive Programmingの勉強中。reactive bananaの資料がわかりやすかったので訳してみました。 frp_tutorial.pdf frp_tutorial.pptx

                                                                          Functional Reactive Programmingのチュートリアルスライドを訳した - Faith and Brave - C++で遊ぼう
                                                                        • 論文読み: Arrows, Robots, and Functional Reactive Programming http://www.haskell.org/yampa/AFPLectureNotes.pdf - 言語ゲーム

                                                                          Haskell のアニメーションライブラリ Yampa についてのチュートリアル。またもや FRP (Functional Reactive Programming) の話題です。SOE の FAL は休憩して、その未来の姿である Yampa に寄り道します。Monad を一般化した Arrow なるものを使って、time / space leak なる物を排除し、モバイルロボットのプログラムをきっちり記述します。 プログラムの例として、シムボット(ロボットシミュレータ)を扱います。シムボットは二つの独立して動く車輪を持ち、ぶつかりセンサーや、前後左右に光学センサーを持ちます。また、他のシムボットの位置を知る事も出来ます。 シグナル (p 3) 一番重要な概念はシグナルです。 Signal a = Time -> a つまり、シグナルとは時間の関数です。例えばシムボットは車輪が二つあるので

                                                                            論文読み: Arrows, Robots, and Functional Reactive Programming http://www.haskell.org/yampa/AFPLectureNotes.pdf - 言語ゲーム
                                                                          • Functional Reactive Programming with the Power of Node.js Streams - RisingStack Engineering

                                                                            The goal of this article is not to go into the very details of Functional Reactive Programming. It’s more about getting you interested in Node.jsNode.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime and is the most effective when building scalable network applications. Node.js is free of locks, so there's no chance to dead-lock any process. streams and the concept of functional reactive progr

                                                                            • Reactive Programming as an Emerging Trend

                                                                              InfoQ Software Architects' Newsletter A monthly overview of things you need to know as an architect or aspiring architect. View an example

                                                                                Reactive Programming as an Emerging Trend
                                                                              • RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift

                                                                                Don't wait! Early Bird Sale: 50% Off visionOS Live Bootcamp now! Embrace the future of mixed reality with our 6-week program. Build cutting-edge apps supported by industry mentors. Start your journey today!

                                                                                  RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift
                                                                                • Monadic Programmingのススメ - Functional Reactive Programmingへのアプローチ

                                                                                  Monadic Programmingのススメ - Functional Reactive Programmingへのアプローチ

                                                                                    Monadic Programmingのススメ - Functional Reactive Programmingへのアプローチ