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  • 「Ask What, not Why」 失敗したときに自信を失いかけたら実行しているメンタル転落回避術 - Money Forward Developers Blog

    半年ぶりのカキコ……ども……。気づいたらHRソリューション本部からMFBC-CTO室に異動していたVTRyoです。兼任で引き続きHR系のマネーフォワード クラウドシリーズも担当しています。 ソフトウェアエンジニアとしての経験値が増えてくると、次第にレビュー担当者になることが増えてくるでしょう。私が所属するSREチームでもTerraformの相互レビューが頻繁に実施されています。そこで、事件は起きたのです。 自信を持ってApproveしたPull Requestで次々に事故が起きてしまった 現在HR内のマネーフォワード クラウドシリーズは、モダンな開発基盤へとリプレイス作業を多く行っています。これまで動いていた基盤に感謝しつつ、新しいPlatformへと移行し、最終的に元あったリソースを削除します。 事件はこの リソース削除 で起きました。 チーム内レビュー OK リポジトリ管理者レビュー

      「Ask What, not Why」 失敗したときに自信を失いかけたら実行しているメンタル転落回避術 - Money Forward Developers Blog
    • Japanese research is no longer world class — here’s why

      Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer). In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript.

        Japanese research is no longer world class — here’s why
      • Why Is SQLite Coded In C

        Note: Sections 2.0 and 3.0 of this article were added in response to comments on Hacker News and Reddit. Since its inception on 2000-05-29, SQLite has been implemented in generic C. C was and continues to be the best language for implementing a software library like SQLite. There are no plans to recode SQLite in any other programming language at this time. The reasons why C is the best language to

        • Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL

          GraphQL is an incredible piece of technology that has captured a lot of mindshare since I first started slinging it in production in 2018. You won’t have to look far back on this (rather inactive) blog to see I have previously championed this technology. After building many a React SPA on top of a hodge podge of untyped JSON REST APIs, I found GraphQL a breath of fresh air. I was truly a GraphQL h

          • Why I Won't Use Next.js

            You’ve got a new project to work on. Or you’ve got an existing project you’re motivated to upgrade to a more modern approach. Or perhaps you’re dissatisfied with your current modern framework or second-guessing yourself and you’re investigating alternatives. In any case, you’ve got a decision to make. There are lots of “modern” frameworks to choose from. Even if you’re not facing this choice right

              Why I Won't Use Next.js
            • Why I'm Using Next.js

              We want the default build output of Next.js to work well when self hosting, and also well on Vercel. And guess what? They're the same output. Well, almost. Let me clarify. It took us a while at Vercel to figure out the correct format and boundary between open source framework and infrastructure platform. Our philosophy is called framework defined infrastructure. And critically, the specification t

                Why I'm Using Next.js
              • Saving Passwords In Your Browser? You Shouldn't: Here's Why

                Has Chrome, Edge, or another browser given you the option to "save password"? Here's why you shouldn't, and what to do instead. Everyone should already know how important it is to use strong passwords. Ideally, you'd have a different password for each account, and all of them would be long, complex, and contain numbers and special characters. Few abide by these rules, which is understandable. Afte

                  Saving Passwords In Your Browser? You Shouldn't: Here's Why
                • Why choose async/await over threads?

                  A common refrain is that threads can do everything that async/await can, but simpler. So why would anyone choose async/await? This is a common question that I’ve seen a lot in the Rust community. Frankly, I completely understand where it’s coming from. Rust is a low-level language that doesn’t hide the complexity of coroutines from you. This is in opposition to languages like Go, where async happe

                    Why choose async/await over threads?
                  • 徹底解説マイクロサービス 〜マイクロサービスのメリット、デメリット、なぜマイクロサービスを選択するのか〜 /why do you choose microservices architecture

                    JAWS UG 函館勉強会 Vol12 徹底解説マイクロサービス 〜マイクロサービスのメリット、デメリット、なぜマイクロサービスを選択するのか〜

                      徹底解説マイクロサービス 〜マイクロサービスのメリット、デメリット、なぜマイクロサービスを選択するのか〜 /why do you choose microservices architecture
                    • Why stdout is faster than stderr? - Orhun's Blog

                      I recently realized stdout is much faster than stderr for Rust. Here are my findings after diving deep into this rabbit hole. I have been using the terminal (i.e. command-line) for most of my day-to-day things for a while now. I was always fascinated by the fact that how quick and convenient the command-line might be and that's why I'm a proponent of using CLI (command-line) or TUI (terminal user

                        Why stdout is faster than stderr? - Orhun's Blog
                      • Why SQLite Uses Bytecode

                        1. Introduction Every SQL database engine works in roughly the same way: It first translates the input SQL text into a "prepared statement". Then it "executes" the prepared statement to generate a result. A prepared statement is an object that represents the steps needed to accomplish the input SQL. Or, to think of it in another way, the prepared statement is the SQL statement translated into a fo

                        • Why is observability so expensive?

                          It’s no secret that observability costs are top of mind for many organizations in the post-zero interest rate phenomenon (ZIRP) era (see here, here, and here for example discussions, though similar sentiments can be found far and wide). Organizations are frustrated with the percentage of infrastructure spend (sometimes > 25%!) allocated towards logging, metrics, and traces, and are struggling to u

                          • Namespace, What and Why

                            The presentation deck for RubyKaigi 2024 about "Namespace on read".

                              Namespace, What and Why
                            • Why doesn't Ruby have Boolean class?

                              https://burikaigi.dev/speakers/004/ This is BuriKaigi, so I talked about "Boolean (Bu-rian)" :)

                                Why doesn't Ruby have Boolean class?
                              • Why HTTP/3 is eating the world | APNIC Blog

                                  Why HTTP/3 is eating the world | APNIC Blog
                                • Why, after 8 years, I still like GraphQL sometimes in the right context

                                  A recent post, Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL, made the rounds in the tech circle. The author argues that they would not recommend GraphQL anymore due to concerns like security, performance, and maintainability. In this post, I want to go over some interesting points made, and some points I think don't hold up to scrutiny. Always be Persistin' Ok, first of all, let's start with something may

                                    Why, after 8 years, I still like GraphQL sometimes in the right context
                                  • Why I use Astro

                                    Why I use Astro Dec 13, 2023 I’ve been thinking about writing this since a few months ago when some prominent people in the industry were battling “why I use Next.js” vs “why I use Remix”. Now, I don’t try to claim that this is the thing you should do. It’s just a collection of thoughts on why I use Astro. What works for me. And what works for me might not be what works for you. That said, I’ve be

                                      Why I use Astro
                                    • Japanese research is no longer world class — here’s why

                                      Thank you for visiting nature.com. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer). In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript.

                                        Japanese research is no longer world class — here’s why
                                      • Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 | SleepEasy Website Monitor

                                        Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 [This article is the companion to my presentation for CodeBEAM America 2024, Elixir is the One-Person Stack for Building a Software Startup. You can download the slides as a PDF or view them in Google Slides.] I’d like to share why I chose Elixir as the programming language (and really, as we’ll discuss, the full stack)

                                          Why Elixir Is the Best Language for Building a Bootstrapped, B2B SaaS in 2024 | SleepEasy Website Monitor
                                        • Why Rust is the most admired language among developers

                                          EngineeringWhy Rust is the most admired language among developersRust continues to top the charts as the most admired and desired language by developers, and in this post, we dive a little deeper into how (and why) Rust is stealing the hearts of developers around the world. For the eighth year in a row, Rust has topped the chart as “the most desired programming language” in Stack Overflow’s annual

                                            Why Rust is the most admired language among developers
                                          • Next.js Weekly #29: Next.js 14, Geist, Why I’m (not) using Next.js, Oslo, Security in Next.js, React Forget

                                            #29: Next.js 14, Geist, Why I’m (not) using Next.js, Oslo, Security in Next.js, React Forget Next.js Conf 2023 – This year’s Next.js Conf primarily focused on stabilizing existing features rather than introducing new ones. I recommend checking out the VoD. Here’s a quick summary of all the announcements: Next.js 14: No new APIs – As mentioned, it’s all about stability. So Next.js 14 comes with no

                                              Next.js Weekly #29: Next.js 14, Geist, Why I’m (not) using Next.js, Oslo, Security in Next.js, React Forget
                                            • Effective TypeScript › The Saga of the Closure Compiler, and Why TypeScript Won

                                              Here's something that makes me feel old: in just six months, Gmail will celebrate its 20th anniversary. If you weren't actively developing web sites at the time, it's hard to capture just how revolutionary it was. This was a time when JavaScript was held in almost universally low regard. The idea that you could build a sophisticated web app using it was mind-boggling. But it clearly worked and it

                                                Effective TypeScript › The Saga of the Closure Compiler, and Why TypeScript Won
                                              • Why Rust in Production? | Corrode Rust Consulting

                                                Interest in Rust has surged in recent years, with tech leaders such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon coming forward to share their experiences of leveraging Rust for critical systems. Much of the dialogue about Rust, however, is still driven by those who have not leveraged Rust in a significant production capacity or have only done so for non-critical systems. This results in a skewed understandin

                                                  Why Rust in Production? | Corrode Rust Consulting
                                                • Why Patching Globals Is Harmful

                                                  Honestly, I'd never thought I'd be writing about this, but the matter of patching globals turned out to be one of those topics that a lot of engineers seem to misunderstand. Most of us don't do monkey-patching, and even fewer stay around those implementations long enough to witness their impact. All the more reason to talk about it. Throughout the next few thousand words, I will be referring to mo

                                                    Why Patching Globals Is Harmful
                                                  • Pronatalism is the latest Silicon Valley trend. What is it – and why is it disturbing?

                                                    For Malcolm and Simone Collins, declining birth rates across many developed countries are an existential threat. The solution is to have “tons of kids,” and to use a hyperrational, data-driven approach to guide everything from genetic selection to baby names and day-to-day parenting. They don’t heat their Pennsylvania home in winter, because heating is a “pointless indulgence”. Their children wear

                                                      Pronatalism is the latest Silicon Valley trend. What is it – and why is it disturbing?
                                                    • WHY に対する答えがあればいかなるHOW にも耐えられる── マイクロファイナンス3カ国同時立ち上げの舞台裏 | GMO VenturePartners

                                                      2009年、M&Aアドバイザリーを行うアビームM&Aコンサルティング株式会社に入社し、ビジネスデューデリジェンスや投資後のバリューアップ計画策定支援などに従事。その後、医療従事者向けのポータルサイトを運営するエムスリー株式会社にて、製薬企業のマーケティングプロジェクトに携わる。2017年4月より当ファンドに参画し、国内投資実行・支援を担当。北海道大学大学院工学研究科修士課程修了。 起業したとき、「世界のどこの、どんな問題を直したくて、何がいけるはず!」と確信してスタートしたのでしょう。また、そのアイディアは何だったのでしょうか。 僕の家庭にはお金がなかったのですが、親の金策や奨学金のおかげで教育を受けることができて今があるので、途上国の低所得層への金融の提供こそ、自分がやるべきテーマだとずっと思っていました。その想いから、「民間セクターの世界銀行」として世界中に金融包摂を届けることをミッシ

                                                        WHY に対する答えがあればいかなるHOW にも耐えられる── マイクロファイナンス3カ国同時立ち上げの舞台裏 | GMO VenturePartners
                                                      • Three Reasons Why You Should Not Use iPerf3 on Windows

                                                        James Kehr here with the Microsoft Commercial Support – Windows Networking team. This article will explain why you should not use iPerf3 on Windows for synthetic network benchmarking and testing.  Followed by a brief explanation of why you should use ntttcp and ctsTraffic instead. UPDATE (22 April 2024): Various update tags were made throughout the article based on feedback in the comments. Reason

                                                          Three Reasons Why You Should Not Use iPerf3 on Windows
                                                        • Why South Korean women aren't having babies

                                                          South Korea has spent billions to reverse its low birth rate, but some say it isn't listening to young women’s needs.

                                                            Why South Korean women aren't having babies
                                                          • 双子ミステリーゲーム『Tell Me Why』Steam/Xbox向けに期間限定で無料配布開始。母の死を受けて再会するふたり、トランスジェンダー主人公を真摯に描く - AUTOMATON

                                                            DON’T NODおよびXbox Game Studiosは6月2日、アドベンチャーゲーム『Tell Me Why』の期間限定全チャプター無料配信を開始した。対応プラットフォームはPC(Steam/Microsoft Store)/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One。配布期間はSteamでは7月2日2時までで、Microsoft Storeでは本稿執筆時点であと29日で終了と表記されている。期間中にダウンロードしておけば期間を過ぎてもプレイ可能だ。ゲーム内は日本語表示に対応している。 『Tell Me Why』は、『ライフ イズ ストレンジ』シリーズなどの開発元として知られるDON’T NOD(旧:DONTNOD Entertainment)が手がけたミステリーアドベンチャーゲームだ。主人公は一卵性の双子、アリソンとタイラー。幼少期の母の死をきっかけに離ればなれになっていたふ

                                                              双子ミステリーゲーム『Tell Me Why』Steam/Xbox向けに期間限定で無料配布開始。母の死を受けて再会するふたり、トランスジェンダー主人公を真摯に描く - AUTOMATON
                                                            • Why SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE Is Sometimes Very Slow in MySQL or MariaDB

                                                              If you have enough experience with MySQL, it is very possible that you stumbled upon an unusually slow SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE; query execution, at least occasionally. Recently, I had a chance to investigate some of these cases closer, and it stunned me what huge differences there can be depending on the circumstance given the very same table. As the problem turned out to be much more complex t

                                                                Why SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE Is Sometimes Very Slow in MySQL or MariaDB
                                                              • Why all application migrations should be incremental – Vercel

                                                                Why all application migrations should be incremental Large migrations are inevitable, but they don't have to be painful or risky. Learn why incrementally migrating is the solution. In 2023, there are few software projects that are true greenfield endeavors. Instead, migrations of existing systems are the new normal. Migrations done wrong can introduce substantial business and timeline risks into a

                                                                  Why all application migrations should be incremental – Vercel
                                                                • Here’s why Americans drive on the right and the UK drives on the left | CNN Business

                                                                  I drove out to Pennsylvania’s rural Amish country to see a man about a wagon. I was looking to nail down the answer to a question I’ve had since 2015 when I traveled to England on a work trip. Back when I was motoring through London, very carefully, in a Mini Cooper, I wondered: Why was I driving on the “wrong” side of the road? I’m from the United States, which started as a bunch of former Britis

                                                                    Here’s why Americans drive on the right and the UK drives on the left | CNN Business
                                                                  • Why Cities: Skylines 2 performs poorly

                                                                    The teeth are not the only problem 2023-11-05 Table of contents (This is not) a performance review Pulling back the curtain Engine and architecture Attachment issues Renderdoc analysis DOTS instance data update Simulation Virtual texturing cache update Skybox generation Pre-pass The teeth controversy Pre-pass continued, featuring the high poly hall of shame Motion vectors Roads and decals Main pas

                                                                    • Why is Twitter limiting how many tweets you can see?

                                                                      Most users can now read 1,000 tweets daily - a strange move for a social media firm.

                                                                        Why is Twitter limiting how many tweets you can see?
                                                                      • Why we should embrace aging as an adventure - Abundzu

                                                                        ※物は考えよう 千差万別? かなぁと、おばちゃんは思うのよ。 We need to feel better about aging in order to age better, says writer and activist Carl Honoré. How? In this spirited talk, Honoré offers a set of simple solutions to combat ageism. https://pi.tedcdn.com/r/talkstar-photos.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/fc10230a-715a-4dad-ba40-e2ba92986ef1/CarlHonore_2019T-embed.jpg?quality=89&w=800 www.ted.com 50歳になって考えた 1年前、すごく悲惨なことが起きたん

                                                                          Why we should embrace aging as an adventure - Abundzu
                                                                        • Please Don’t Share Our Links on Mastodon: Here’s Why!

                                                                          So, Mastodon is a nice escape from the big tech social media platforms. Whether it is about ignoring Elon Musk's mood swings on X (or formerly Twitter) or refusing to be a part of Mark Zuckerberg's data points, Mastodon has proved to be an impressive open-source social media platform. While it is privacy-friendly, and lets users take control of their data, the platform is not perfect. Nothing is,

                                                                            Please Don’t Share Our Links on Mastodon: Here’s Why!
                                                                          • Why is Elon Musk attacking Wikipedia? Because its very existence offends him | Zoe Williams

                                                                            Just before the 2017 UK general election, I was introduced to the distinction between the good internet and the bad internet, democratically speaking. First, I had to learn what “civic tech” meant. In the broadest possible terms, it’s using online platforms to do socially useful things, rather than sell things, buy things or whip each other into an unspeakable fury about stuff that we didn’t care

                                                                              Why is Elon Musk attacking Wikipedia? Because its very existence offends him | Zoe Williams
                                                                            • Why the dot (when calling anonymous functions)? - Dashbit Blog

                                                                              In this article, I will explain why Elixir has a dot when calling anonymous functions. I have explained this elsewhere in forums and mailing lists but I guess an article makes it more official. In other words, Elixir has this: some_fun = fn x, y -> x + y end some_fun.(1, 2) #=> 3 Note the dot between the variable and the arguments. The main reason for this choice is because functions in Elixir hav

                                                                              • Why Palestinians throw stones: A reporter's notebook

                                                                                Palestinian protesters take part during clashes with Israeli soldiers at the border fence with Israel east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, Palestine, May 15, 2018. Israeli soldiers killed at least 60 Palestinians and wounded more than 2,700, Gaza Strip, as demonstrations on the Gaza-Israel border coincided with the controversial opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. London -- The dat

                                                                                  Why Palestinians throw stones: A reporter's notebook
                                                                                • The state of HTTP clients, or why you should use httpx · honeyryder

                                                                                  The state of HTTP clients, or why you should use httpx 15 Oct 2023 TL;DR most http clients you’ve been using since the ruby heyday are either broken, unmaintained, or stale, and you should be using httpx nowadays. Every year, a few articles come out with a title similar to “the best ruby http clients of the year of our lord 20xx”. Most of the community dismisses them as clickbait, either because o