
ブックマーク / matthew.wagerfield.com (2)

  • parallax.js

    WOW, that's deep man! parallax.js reacts to the orientation of your smart device, offsetting layers depending on their depth within a scene... Oh, you don't have a smart device? No worries, if no gyroscope or motion detection hardware is available, parallax.js uses the position of your cursor instead. Radical. This project is a collaboration between Matthew Wagerfield & Claudio Guglieri.

    xlune 2013/08/29
  • Flat Surface Shader

    Admit it, 3D is cool. But, you know what's cooler? 2D. I love WebGL, but unfortunately it doesn't work everywhere. This lighting simulation can be configured to use either the 2D context of a canvas element or an array of SVG polygons to draw the triangles. It also utilises native Float32Arrays to store numerical data for highly optimised calculations. This is a collaborative effort between Matthe

    Flat Surface Shader
    xlune 2013/05/29
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