
ブックマーク / miyagawa.co (18)

  • Podcasting Setup 2020

    It’s been a while since the last time I wrote about my podcasting setup (link in Japanese). Although I haven’t changed most of the setup since the stability is one of the most important things, I’d like to note the current setup since it might be interesting to a future podcaster. Beta87A and US2x2 Recording Environment Before getting to the gears, it is important to pick where to record. The most

    dann 2020/04/07
  • Podcasting Guide 2017

    毎年記録しているポッドキャスト収録環境のまとめ。2016年のスナップショットからあまり変更がないので、これから収録する人のレベルにあわせたおすすめのアイテムを項目ごとにまとめてみようと思う。 はじめに この記事に書いてあるのは、自分が Rebuild でこの4年間利用してきたものを中心にしている。すべての人にあてはまるものではもちろんないし、日では手に入りにくい機材なんかも紹介している。また、基的には毎週、何人かの(レギュラーではない)ゲストと遠隔で収録するというスタイルなので、そうでない場合には参考にならないかもしれない。 項目の多さや、使用しているツールの価格など、「ここまでこだわることはないだろう」という印象を受ける人も多いかもしれない。もちろんそれは正しいのだが、言いたいことはむしろ逆である。良い機材やツールを利用すれば、その分、手間をかけずに、より聴きやすいエピソードを効率よ

  • Things I Bought In 2016

    なんか流行ってるみたいなので。 Google Pixel Made by Google It has the highest rated smartphone camera. Ever. A battery that lasts all day. Unlimited storage for all your photos…madeby.google.comいままでの Nexus 端末って、「まぁ Google 使ってて Android 好きってんならいいんじゃないですかね …」って後ろ向きな感じでしかオススメできなかったんだけど、この端末は違う。妥協せずに作った感がだいぶあって、OSとハードがいい具合に融合してるし、何よりカメラが素晴らしい。日での発売、だいぶ音沙汰ないですね。 Lumsing USB-C Powerbank Lumsing USB C External Battery

    dann 2016/12/31
  • Podcasting Setup 2016

    This is an annual post of describing my podcasting setup for Rebuild. See the posts in 2015 and 2014 to see the progress. What’s New tl;dr if you followed my 2015 setup — what’s changed since then: Beta 87A condenser microphone Zoom H5 Acon Digital restoration Fastly to serve audio files Hardware I have two different setup for recording online (Skype) or offline. My Microphone For Skype recording,

  • Joining Fastly

    I’m very excited to tell you that today is my first day at Fastly as a software engineer. As a long time Fastly user myself, I’m thrilled to be part of the fast growing CDN that powers many sites, and am pretty glad to be able to work with so many good friends from Six Apart, Cookpad as well as new and old friends from Perl and Ruby community. I continue to be in San Francisco, and the HQ is a few

    dann 2015/09/24
  • Podcasting Setup 2015 January

    This is an annual post describing my method of making podcasts. For comparison, see the 2014 January post as well. Room I was recording the show from my desk at my loft for a long time, but switched to doing it in my walk-in closet. This helps eliminating the ambient noise from the street, as well as completely shuts off echo because of the clothes in the closet. Hardware Shure BETA 57a ($130) Mac

  • How I Learn Chinese

    I started learning Chinese a couple of months ago now. The motivation was obviously seeing Mark Zuckerberg giving his talk in Chinese in Beijing, and just thought I would be able to do that as well. Plus as a frequent traveler to Taiwan, I always wanted to learn the language, although with enough Kanji knowledge as a regular Japanese I had been able to spend my time without any Chinese knowledge a

    dann 2014/12/31
  • Sacrificial Architecture

    Link: Sacrificial Architecture Martin Fowler’s new gem is Sacrificial Architecture. Not sure if this makes the same buzz as Microservices did, but reading this article makes me nod all the time. Essentially it means accepting now that in a few years time you’ll (hopefully) need to throw away what you’re currently building. This can mean accepting limits to the cross-functional needs of what you’re

    dann 2014/11/20
  • Podcasting Setup for Rebuild.fm (2014 January)

    I already blogged about this a couple of times before, but here’s a current snapshot of my podcast production setup at Rebuild.fm Hardware Audio Technica ATR 2100 USB Dynamic Mic with On Stage Foam Blue Yeti Mic (Update: More about Microphones) My regular guest (Naoya Ito) now uses Blue Yeti which I used before. Blue Yeti is a condenser mic and records great audio, while it’s picky to the backgrou

  • Kindle Paperwhite 2013

    Kindle Paperwhite 2013 just got delivered to me and I’ve been using it only about 15 minutes. Here’s a quick review and some pics. 15分ぐらいしか使ってないけどとりあえずファーストインプレッション。 (Paperwhite 2012 left, 2013 right) 2013 has more white closer to “paper” white. 2012 is more like blue/gray white. Also the contrast is a little higher and easier to read, especially when the light turned off. 白の色がちょっと変わって、紙の色に近づいた気がす

    dann 2013/10/03
  • YAPC::Asia 2013

    Last week there was another YAPC::Asia at Keio University Hiyoshi Campus. Here’s a quick review as both recurring speaker and previous organizer of the conference myself. Venue & Organization The home of YAPC::Asia used to be at TITech, but last year it departed from there and relocated to University of Tokyo Hongo campus. While the venue was brand new and clean, there were not many places to sit

  • plenv, alternative for perlbrew

    plenv is to perlbrew what rbenv is to RVM. If you’re satisfied with perlbrew there’s no reason that you must switch to plenv, but i did it earlier this year, and I’m happy with the switch. Benefits plenv is written entirely in bash (except perl-build, the part which downloads perl tarballs from PAUSE and apply patchperl), and provides “shims” in your PATH that locates the right executable of your

    dann 2013/08/16
  • Podcast recording and editing

    Here’s what it looks like when it comes to editing my (semi-badly recorded) Podcast episodes. When I first heard 5by5/Mule’s podcasts, i was really impressed by the audio quality of their shows, since like many of you, i had a feeling that “Podcast is by amateurs and audio is mediocre at best”. I was blown away. So I did a little bit of research before starting my show, because I wanted to make it

    dann 2013/05/19
  • test_requires all the way

    tl;dr Today possibly for the first time ever, CPAN toolchain ecosystem all support test requirements as separate from build requirements. I can’t be happier ever. Little bit of history. Timeline might be not in the correct order. Module::Install always had test_requires() with forward compatibility in mind. However META spec v1.4 didn’t support specifying test requirements separate from build requ

    dann 2013/03/31
  • Introducing cpanm 1.6 (by miyagawa)

    Introducing cpanm 1.6 (by miyagawa)

    dann 2013/02/27
  • miyagawa’s Podcast ep1

    Link: miyagawa’s Podcast ep1 Podcast はじめました。 RSSを購読すると新しいエピソードを自動でダウンロードできます。iOSならApple Podcasts, Android では Podkicker がおすすめ。 → Tatsuhiko Miyagawa’s Podcast ep1 Podcast ep1: 2013/02/12 ゲスト: 伊藤直也さん 第1回は伊藤直也さんをゲストに迎えてポッドキャスト、LTSV、RubyMotion、Perlなどについて話しました。 番組へのフィードバックは Twitter @miyagawa またはハッシュタグ #bulknews にてお寄せください。

    dann 2013/02/13
  • shipit — trial

    ShipIt 0.60 is released, and it now supports — trial option to make a TRIAL release on CPAN. TRIAL release is a (new) way to make a developer release on CPAN, without messing with the $VERSION string to contain “_”. You don’t need to deal with _ at all in the .pm files, Changes or anywhere. If you want to make a new developer release, just bump the version to a normal version (like 1.50), and run

    dann 2013/02/09
  • Exciting Times

    Here’s a quick (big) announcement: I’m parting ways with DotCloud and will join COOKPAD in February. As for DotCloud, It’s been an interesting ride for me at 180 Sansome and I will definitely miss working with them, and wish the best luck at their challenge to be the best platform as a service. My last day at DotCloud is 1/31. On February 1st, I will join COOKPAD, Inc. to work full-time as a senio

    dann 2012/01/30
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