
ブックマーク / antfu.me (3)

  • Initiative on Sponsorship Forwarding

    [[toc]] It's not a secret that open-source projects are now a critical part of almost every software project. While most open-source projects are maintained by volunteers, the sustainability of these projects becomes a big concern. The recent xz/liblzma vulnerability accident is a great example that shows the importance of open-source projects and how severe the problem could be. There are multipl

    Initiative on Sponsorship Forwarding
    jay-es 2024/04/21
    antfu 氏による、スポンサーシップの試み。集まった全金額を依存先やコントリビューターに再分配し、エコシステムの持続可能性を高める
  • Mental Health in Open Source

    [[toc]] TL;DR: I am doing great and not going anywhere. Having some pressure but still holding up and trying to improve. Thank you and don't worry! This is the 4th year since I have started doing Open Source. To be completely honest, I began to feel things were getting out of my capacity more and more often. I am still not sure if I have ever been through actual burnout or not, but I surely have e

    Mental Health in Open Source
    jay-es 2024/03/16
    antfu 氏の OSS 観。速度、スコープ、品質のうち取れるのは2つだけ。通常は速度と品質を選ぶ
  • Why I don't use Prettier

    [[toc]] 中文 Chinese Version I have started writing this post multiple times but never ended up posting it. I wasn't able to figure out a proper way to express my position about Prettier. But this time, I think I should try harder to explain that for future reference. First of all, I am not against Prettier. Actually, I love it. I Love Prettier Prettier is a great tool, and it saved me a lot of time

    Why I don't use Prettier
    jay-es 2022/10/01
    たしかに、部分的に printwidth だけを ignore したくなること多い(現状だとファイル単位で override するしかない)
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