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Paul Grahamに関するu_1rohのブックマーク (3)

  • See Randomness

    April 2006, rev August 2009 Plato quotes Socrates as saying "the unexamined life is not worth living." Part of what he meant was that the proper role of humans is to think, just as the proper role of anteaters is to poke their noses into anthills. A lot of ancient philosophy had the quality — and I don't mean this in an insulting way — of the kind of conversations freshmen have late at night in co

    u_1roh 2009/08/25
    ”Don't see purpose where there isn't.” ありもしない目的(意図)を見出すな。ありのままの偶然を見よ。
  • Ramen Profitable

    July 2009 Now that the term "ramen profitable" has become widespread, I ought to explain precisely what the idea entails. Ramen profitable means a startup makes just enough to pay the founders' living expenses. This is a different form of profitability than startups have traditionally aimed for. Traditional profitability means a big bet is finally paying off, whereas the main importance of ramen p

    u_1roh 2009/07/28
    ラーメン?(笑)/ 斜め読みした。開始時点から小さく稼ぐ。経営をブートストラップする。コンサルティング業務に走ってしまうのはNG。あくまでプロダクトで稼ぐ。
  • Keep Your Identity Small

    February 2009 I finally realized today why politics and religion yield such uniquely useless discussions. As a rule, any mention of religion on an online forum degenerates into a religious argument. Why? Why does this happen with religion and not with Javascript or baking or other topics people talk about on forums? What's different about religion is that people don't feel they need to have any pa

    u_1roh 2009/02/09
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