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  • Japanese research is no longer world class — here’s why

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    Japanese research is no longer world class — here’s why
    mbr 2023/10/26
    自分も管理業務に忙殺されがちなので納得感しかない。ちなみに自分が博士取った2010年頃は博士余りが問題視されNatureに「日本は制度の危機」と書かれた https://www.nature.com/articles/472276a ので、常に問題の中を歩んでる感ある
  • Democratic fallacy - Nature

    Japan's effort to make budget allocations by public hearing could be good for the country and for science, but not as currently planned. The Japanese government is attempting something that seems revolutionary, at least in Japan: to let people outside the bureaucracies observe its budgetary decision-making process and, even more radical, to involve the public in that process. In hearings that star

    mbr 2009/11/26
    透明性アップ&国民の声反映はいいが、専門家抜きの短時間議論&余波の吟味は?な今の仕分け方ってどうよ、というツッコミ。"If the public is to evaluate scientists' way of doing things, then scientists should be given a chance to defend themselves."
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