
ブックマーク / blog.x.com (11)

  • Open Sourcing Twitter Heron

    Last year we announced the introduction of our new distributed stream computation system, Heron. Today we are excited to announce that we are open sourcing Heron under the permissive Apache v2.0 license. Heron is a proven, production-ready, real-time stream processing engine, which has been powering all of Twitter’s real-time analytics for over two years. Prior to Heron, we used Apache Storm, whic

    Open Sourcing Twitter Heron
    kimutansk 2016/05/26
  • Hadoop filesystem at Twitter

    Twitter runs multiple large Hadoop clusters that are among the biggest in the world. Hadoop is at the core of our data platform and provides vast storage for analytics of user actions on Twitter. In this post, we will highlight our contributions to ViewFs, the client-side Hadoop filesystem view, and its versatile usage here. ViewFs makes the interaction with our HDFS infrastructure as simple as a

    Hadoop filesystem at Twitter
    kimutansk 2015/10/05
  • Diffy: Testing services without writing tests

    Today, we’re excited to release Diffy, an open-source tool that automatically catches bugs in Apache Thrift and HTTP-based services. It needs minimal setup and is able to catch bugs without requiring developers to write many tests. Service-oriented architectures like our platform see a large number of services evolve at a very fast pace. As new features are added with each commit, existing code is

    Diffy: Testing services without writing tests
    kimutansk 2015/09/05
  • 日本にエンジニアチームをつくります

    2015年夏、Twitterは日で次のステージに進みます。この動きのひとつが、日エンジニアチームをつくることです。日エンジニアチームについて、このチームの責任を負う、サンフランシスコエンジニア部門のシニアディレクター アカッシュ・ガーグ (@akshgarg) に聞いてみました。 Q:日エンジニアチームをつくる理由 A:日Twitterにとって大きな市場のひとつです。2006年に始まったTwitterが日語化されたのは2年後の2008年。日語は、英語の次に初めてサポートを始めた言語です。2011年の震災直前に始まった日法人は、米国外に初めてつくったオフィスでもあります。おかげさまでずっと好調に日での利用者数を増やすことができていますが、一方で、まだまだ日の皆さんに満足いただけるサービスにはなっていません。そこで、より満足いただけるよう、日エンジニアチーム

    kimutansk 2015/08/01
  • Building a complete Tweet index

    Today, we are pleased to announce that Twitter now indexes every public Tweet since 2006. Since that first simple Tweet over eight years ago, hundreds of billions of Tweets have captured everyday human experiences and major historical events. Our search engine excelled at surfacing breaking news and events in real time, and our search index infrastructure reflected this strong emphasis on recency.

    Building a complete Tweet index
    kimutansk 2014/11/19
  • Using Twitter to measure earthquake impact in almost real time

    Using Twitter to measure earthquake impact in almost real time At Twitter, we know that Tweets can sometimes travel as fast as an earthquake. We were curious to know just how accurate such a correlation might be, so we collaborated with Stanford researchers to model how Tweets can help create more accurate ShakeMaps, which provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity followin

    Using Twitter to measure earthquake impact in almost real time
    kimutansk 2014/05/11
  • Netty 4 at Twitter: Reduced GC Overhead

    At Twitter, Netty (@netty_project) is used in core places requiring networking functionality. For example: Finagle is our protocol agnostic RPC system whose transport layer is built on top of Netty, and it is used to implement most services internally like Search TFE (Twitter Front End) is our proprietary spoon-feeding reverse proxy which serves most of public-facing HTTP and SPDY traffic using Ne

    Netty 4 at Twitter: Reduced GC Overhead
    kimutansk 2013/10/15
  • Observability at Twitter

    As Twitter has moved from a monolithic to a distributed architecture, our scalability has increased dramatically. Because of this, the overall complexity of systems and their interactions has also escalated. This decomposition has led to Twitter managing hundreds of services across our datacenters. Visibility into the health and performance of our diverse service topology has become an important d

    Observability at Twitter
    kimutansk 2013/09/14
  • Streaming MapReduce with Summingbird

    we’re thrilled to open source @summingbird, streaming mapreduce with @scalding and @stormprocessor #hadoop https://t.co/cV3LkCdCot — Twitter Open Source ( @TwitterOSS) September 3, 2013 Summingbird is a library that lets you write streaming MapReduce programs that look like native Scala or Java collection transformations and execute them on a number of well-known distributed MapReduce platforms li

    Streaming MapReduce with Summingbird
    kimutansk 2013/09/06
    バッチモードだとScalding on Hadoop、リアルタイムモードだとStormが自動適用されるリアルタイムMapReduceフレームワーク・・・?
  • New Tweets per second record, and how!

    Recently, something remarkable happened on Twitter: On Saturday, August 3 in Japan, people watched an airing of Castle in the Sky, and at one moment they took to Twitter so much that we hit a one-second peak of 143,199 Tweets per second. (August 2 at 7:21:50 PDT; August 3 at 11:21:50 JST) To give you some context of how that compares to typical numbers, we normally take in more than 500 million Tw

    New Tweets per second record, and how!
    kimutansk 2013/08/18
  • Mesos Graduates from Apache Incubation

    The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has announced the graduation of Apache Mesos, the open source cluster manager that is used and heavily supported by Twitter, from its incubator. Mesos, which was released last year, acts as a layer of abstraction between applications and pools of servers, helping avoid the necessity of creating separate clusters to run individual frameworks and instead making i

    Mesos Graduates from Apache Incubation
    kimutansk 2013/07/25
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