
ブックマーク / rspec.info (5)

  • RSpec 3.5 がリリースされました!

    Sam Phippen, Myron Marston, Jon Rowe and Yuji NakayamaJul 1, 2016RSpec 3.5 がリリースされました! 私たちは semantic versioning に準拠する方針を掲げているため、 このリリースはすでに RSpec 3 を使っている方にとってなにか対応が必要になるものではありません。 しかし、もし私たちがバグを作り込んでしまっていた場合は教えてください。 できるだけ早く修正をし、パッチ版をリリースします。 RSpec は世界中のコントリビュータと共に、コミュニティ主導のプロジェクトであり続けます。 今回のリリースには、50 人以上のコントリビュータによる 600 以上のコミットと 150 以上の pull request が含まれています! このリリースに向けて力になってくれたみなさん、ありがとう! 主要な変更 C

    RSpec 3.5 がリリースされました!
  • RSpec 2.14 is released!

    Myron MarstonJul 8, 2013We’ve just released RSpec 2.14. It will be the last 2.x feature release and is a recommended upgrade for all users. We’re getting started on RSpec 3. I’ll be blogging about our plans for RSpec 3 next week, so check back soon :). Thanks to all the contributors who helped make this RSpec release happen. Notable New Features Core: Profiler now profiles example groups, too RSpe

    RSpec 2.14 is released!
  • RSpec's New Expectation Syntax

    There are a few things motivating this new syntax, and I wanted to blog about it to spread awareness. Delegation Issues Between method_missing, BasicObject and the standard library’s delegate, ruby has very rich tools for building delegate or proxy objects. Unfortunately, RSpec’s should syntax, as elegantly as it reads, is prone to producing weird, confusing failures when testing delegate/proxy ob

    RSpec's New Expectation Syntax
  • Mixing and Matching Parts of RSpec

    Myron MarstonJul 23, 2012RSpec was split into three subprojects for the last major release (2.0): rspec-core: The test runner and main DSL (describe, it, before, after, let, shared_examples, etc). rspec-expectations: Provides a readable syntax for specifying the expected outcomes of your tests using matchers. rspec-mocks: RSpec’s test-double framework. One of the cool things about this is that it

    Mixing and Matching Parts of RSpec
  • Constant Stubbing in RSpec 2.11

    Myron MarstonJun 29, 2012In the 2.11 release, rspec-mocks is gaining a significant new capability that, as far as I know, isn’t provided by any other ruby mocking library: constant stubbing[^foot_1]. Let’s look at the API, and then talk a bit about some of the use cases for it. The API The main API is stub_const: describe "stub_const" do it "changes the constant value for the duration of the examp

    Constant Stubbing in RSpec 2.11
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