
ReactとVSCodeとToolsに関するefclのブックマーク (1)

  • Million Lint is in public beta | Million.js

    Million Lint is in public betaAiden Bai (opens in a new tab), John Yang (opens in a new tab), Nisarg Patel (opens in a new tab) – February 29, 2024 It’s launch time. After three months and hundreds of commits, we invite you to try out Million Lint. The experience is not finished – there are a few known bugs and several missing features – but we are really happy with how it's shaping up and couldn'

    Million Lint is in public beta | Million.js
    efcl 2024/03/01
    React向けのレンダリングパフォーマンスの分析ツール。 プロファイルを仕込みレンダリング回数や実行時間などを回収し、VSCode拡張を使いコード上に問題を表示する。 問題の改善方法については有料のLint++というサービス
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