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Reactとproposalとopinionに関するefclのブックマーク (1)

  • Making Sense of React Hooks

    (This article is also available on the DEV community without the paywall.) This week, Sophie Alpert and I presented the “Hooks” proposal at React Conf, followed by a deep dive from Ryan Florence: I strongly recommend to watch this opening keynote to see the problems we’re trying to solve with the Hooks proposal. However, even an hour is a big time investment, so I decided to share a few thoughts o

    Making Sense of React Hooks
    efcl 2018/11/03
    React v16.7.0-alphaで導入された"Hooks"のProposalについて。 Hooksが解決したい問題として巨大コンポーネント、重複ロジック、HOCなどの複雜なパターンをあげている。あわせてHooksの動作原理などについて書かれている。 また、Hooks
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