
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


figmaとCSSに関するefclのブックマーク (1)

  • The CSS behind Figma

    While learning how to build a Figma plugin, I stumbled upon a few interesting usages of Flexbox and Grid in Figma. When I found them, I just got distracted and couldn’t resist digging more. Flexbox and Grid have been providing us web developers with lots of new capabilities to build new layouts, and what I will show you in this article is just that. To move along with this article, you don’t need

    The CSS behind Figma
    efcl 2022/07/25
    FigmaのアプリそのものにおけるFlexboxとCSS Gridの使い方についてみていく記事。 ボタンの配置や位置合わせアイコンにおけるGridの利用法、レイヤーのツリー構造を表現するFlexboxの利用法について
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