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firefoxとservoとbrowserに関するefclのブックマーク (1)

  • Introduction to WebRender – Part 1 – Browsers today

    WebRender, is a 2D renderer for the web. It started as Servo‘s graphics engine, and we are in the process of integrating it in Firefox. I have been meaning for a while to write about what WebRender is, how it works and how its architecture is different from what Firefox and other browsers currently do. To do that, I first wanted to provide some context and look at what Firefox (and other browser e

    Introduction to WebRender – Part 1 – Browsers today
    efcl 2017/09/25
    (ServoのWebRender)ブラウザのレンダリングの仕組みの解説。 `frame tree`と呼ばれる各要素ツリーのレイアウト結果から、`display list`と呼ばれるフラットな描画コマンドを作成する。その描画結果を`layer`に乗せ、最後に`layer`を`compo
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