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  • Release astro@3.0.0 · withastro/astro

    Major Changes #8188 d0679a666 Thanks @ematipico! - Remove support for Node 16. The lowest supported version by Astro and all integrations is now v18.14.1. As a reminder, Node 16 will be deprecated on the 11th September 2023. #8188 364d861bd Thanks @ematipico! - Removed automatic flattening of getStaticPaths result. .flatMap and .flat should now be used to ensure that you're returning a flat array.

    Release astro@3.0.0 · withastro/astro
    efcl 2023/08/31
    Astro 3.0.0リリース。 Node.js 16のサポート終了、`~/assets`のimport aliasがデフォルトでは含まれないように変更、`class:list`の挙動を変更、画像の最適化にSharpを使うように変更。 Scoped Styleに`:where`ではなくdata属性を使うように変更
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