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newsとVRに関するefclのブックマーク (1)

  • Introducing Wolvic | Igalia

    "Igalia announces Wolvic, a new browser project with an initial focus of picking up where Firefox Reality leaves off" Feb 3, 2022 Today Igalia announces Wolvic, a new browser project with an initial focus of picking up where Firefox Reality leaves off. XR (eXtended Reality, an umbrella term for Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and similar technologies) systems have advanced quite a bit recently

    Introducing Wolvic | Igalia
    efcl 2022/02/04
    IgaliaがFirefox Realityを引き継ぐ形でXR向けのブラウザであるWolvicを公開予定。 WolvicはOculusやHTC Viveなどで利用できるブラウザ。
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