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performanceとPostgreSQLに関するefclのブックマーク (1)

  • Goodbye to sequential integers, hello UUIDv7!

    At Buildkite, we've historically stored our data with two keys. We use sequential primary keys for efficient indexing, and UUID secondary keys for external use. The upcoming UUIDv7 standard offers the best of both worlds; its time-ordered UUID primary keys can be utilized for indexing and external use. This blog post will take you on the journey Buildkite took that led to our eventual adoption of

    Goodbye to sequential integers, hello UUIDv7!
    efcl 2023/10/07
    (Postgres)順序性がないUUIDv4だとPrimary Keyとして使った場合にインデックスの局所性がないためRead/Write時に負荷が発生しやすい。 そのため、timestampを使って順序性のあるUUIDv7を使うことで時間的局所性が良くなってパフォーマ
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