
ブックマーク / biomejs.dev (5)

  • Biome v1.7

    Today we’re excited to announce the release of Biome v1.7! This new version provides an easy path to migrate from ESLint and Prettier. It also introduces experimental machine-readable reports for the formatter and the linter, new linter rules, and many fixes. Update Biome using the following commands:

    Biome v1.7
    efcl 2024/04/16
    Biome v1.7リリース。 ESLint/Prettierの設定からマイグレーションできる`biome migrate eslint`と`biome migrate prettier`コマンドを追加。 GitのStagingファイルをチェックする`biome check --staged`の追加など
  • Biome v1.6

    In this release, we’re happy to provide partial support for Astro, Svelte and Vue files. What does partial support mean? While the team is working on a unified data structure for HTML-ish languages, we discovered that we could provide Biome functionalities to those files with just a few changes, albeit with some limitations. This means that Biome is able to analyze the JavaScript/TypeScript portio

    Biome v1.6
    efcl 2024/03/09
    Biome v1.6リリース。 Astro/Svelte/Vueのファイル内のJS/TS分析をサポート、`biome.jsonc`をサポート。 `atributePosition`オプションの追加、ルールの更新など
  • Biome v1.5

    Along with the Roadmap for 2024, the new logo and homepage, we also published a new version. This version has few features around the CLI and many fixes in our formatter. Our TypeScript, JSX and JavaScript formatting has surpassed the 97% compatibility rate with Prettier. Biome now provides over 190 lint rules. Update Biome using the following commands:

    Biome v1.5
    efcl 2024/01/10
    Biome v1.5リリース。 GitなどのVCSでの変更されたファイルだけを扱う`--changed`フラグの追加、`biome ci`でGitHubのProblem Matcherに合わせた出力をするように。 `biome explain`の追加、Lintルールの追加など
  • Biome formatter wins the Prettier challenge

    With the release of Biome v1.4.0, we claim the bounty of the Prettier challenge! With v1.4.0, you’ll get a better formatter experience, more formatting options, new VSCode features, new sponsors and more! You can upgrade Biome by running the following command: Better formatter Biome formatter has now over 96% in terms of compatibility against Prettier! This score is computed for JavaScript, TypeSc

    Biome formatter wins the Prettier challenge
    efcl 2023/11/28
    Biome v1.4.0リリース。 JS/TS/JSXのフォーマット結果をPrettier互換となるように改善。現時点ではPrettierの結果と96%一致する。いくつかのフォーマットは意図的な差分があることについても書かれている。 フォーマットに関するオ
  • Announcing Biome

    We are happy to announce Biome, toolchain of the web. Biome is the official fork of Rome and it will continue to be Rome’s legacy. Biome is led and maintained by the same people that maintained Rome so far. Follow us: Github organization Official repository Official discord server Official twitter account I want to give you some background and context, which could help you to get why the core team

    Announcing Biome
    efcl 2023/08/30
    RomeはBiomeという名前でプロジェクトをforkすることになった。 会社としてのRome Tools Inc.は解散し連絡も取れないため、RomeのコアチームがBiomeというプロジェクトで新しくやり直すことになった。 これに伴い`rome`パッケージな
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