
ブックマーク / fig.io (1)

  • 🎉 Launching Fig

    Brendan FalkI am excited to announce that, as of today, Fig is generally available to the public for download. With our public launch, I'd like to share a little more about Fig's mission: who we are, what we're doing, and what's to come. The terminal has barely changed since the 1970s and yet is still used every day by tens of millions of developers. Our bet is that the terminal isn't going away a

    🎉 Launching Fig
    efcl 2021/11/18
    FigがPublic Releaseされた。 ターミナルの補完をGUIでやる。iTerm + zshみたいな既存のターミナルともアクセシビリティを使ってうまく統合してる。補完コマンドはTypeScript + Node.jsで作れる。
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