
consoleとGUIに関するefclのブックマーク (2)

  • Editor Setup

    Editor SetupNx Console is the UI for Nx. It works for any installed generators or any targets defined in your workspace. Nx Console does not have a specific UI for, say, generating a component. Instead, Nx Console does what the command-line version of Nx does - it analyzes the same meta information to create the needed UI. This means that anything you can do with Nx, you can do with Nx Console. Do

    Editor Setup
    efcl 2018/08/19
    Angular CLIのUIを提供することを目的にしたアプリ。 Angular CLIでできる操作をGUIから行えるようにすることが目的。
  • Xiki

    Sign up for the Xiki beta: Support Xiki and get a t-shirt! Become a Patron!

    efcl 2012/09/13
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